40 - SME score

Assessment of the probability of default of a SME based on its credit history and data from open sources.

Http Method


Request JSON


"doc": {

"ubki": {

"req_envelope": {

"req_xml": {

"request": {

"i": {

"ident": {

"okpo": "EDRPOU (for legal entities)"


"additionaldata": {

"datescore": "Scoring date. Not filled in if the scoring is currently calculated"


"reqlng": "Search criteria language (code from ref.23)"


"version": "1.0",

"reqtype": "Template code (code from ref.49): 'Information on registration of the taxpayer' - 36",

"reqreason": "Request objective (code from ref.24)"


"descr": "Request object"


"descr": "Request envelope"


"sessid": "Session key (obtained from the authorization API)"




Response JSON


"ubkidata": {

"tech": {

"trace": {

"step": {

"name": "Step name",

"stm": "Date-stamp of the step start",

"ftm": "Date-stamp of the step end"



"error": {

"errtype": "Error code (code from ref.0)",

"errtext": "Error text (value from ref.0)"


"reqinfo": {

"reqid": "The outgoing ID request, generated by the Ukrainian Bureau of the Credit History"


"billing": {

"balance": {

"value": "Balance amount",

"date": "Date",

"time": "Time"


"billdetails": {

"freemon": "Sign of free of charge according to the request type "Monitoring the client of the organization" (reqreason=1), code (0 - No, 1 - Yes)",

"freemonref": "Sign of free of charge according to the request type "Monitoring the client of the organization" (reqreason=1), value (0 - No, 1 - Yes)"




"comp": [


"cki": {

"urident": {

"donor": "A source of information (code from ref.54)",

"vdate": "Date of this block information",

"lng": "Block representation language (Code from ref.23)",

"lngref": "Block representation language (Meaning from ref.23)",

"okpo": "EGRPOU of the legal entity",

"urname": "Name of the legal entity",

"urfrms": "Form of ownership (Code from ref.38)",

"urfrmsref": "Form of ownership (Meaning from ref.38)",

"ureconom": "Branch of economy (Section KVED2010) (Code from ref.36)",

"ureconomref": "Branch of economy (Section KVED2010) (Meaning from ref.36)",

"urvide": "Business activity (KVED2010) (Code from ref.37)",

"urvideref": "Business activity (KVED2010) (Code from ref.37)",

"urdatreg": "Date of registration in the Unified State Register",

"urdatregnal": "Date of registration in the tax inspectorate"


"linked": {

"donor": "A source of information (code from ref.54)",

"okpo2": "INN/EGRPOU of the related person",

"okpo2_name": "Full name/Name of the related person",

"linkrole": "Type of connection (Code from ref.39)",

"linkroleref": "Type of connection (Meaning from ref.39)",

"rdate": "Connection updated date"


"doc": {

"ddonor": "Source of information (code from ref. 54)",

"vdate": "Date of the information from this part",

"lng": "Part presentation language (code from ref.23)",

"lngref": "Part presentation language (value from ref.23)",

"dtype": "Document type (code from ref.7)",

"dtyperef": "Document type (value from ref.7)",

"dser": "Document series",

"dnom": "Document number",

"dterm": "Expiration date",

"dwho": "Document issuer",

"dwdt": "Document issue date",

"eddr_number": "Unique record number in the Unified State Demographic Register"


"addr": {

"addonor": "Source of information (code from ref.54)",

"vdate": "Date of the information from this part",

"lng": "Part presentation language (code from ref.23)",

"lngref": "Part presentation language (value from ref.23)",

"adtype": "Address type (code from ref.9)",

"adtyperef": "Address type (value from ref.9)",

"adcountry": "Country (two-character code from ISO 3166 reference book)",

"adindex": "Postal code",

"adstate": "Region",

"adarea": "District",

"adcity": "Locality",

"adcitytype": "Locality type (code from ref.22)",

"adcitytyperef": "Locality type (value from ref.22)",

"adstreet": "Street",

"adhome": "House",

"adcorp": "Block",

"adflat": "Flat",

"addrdirt": "Address in one row (will not be used in subsequent API versions, the field is deemed invalid starting from 13.11.2019)"


"inn": "EGPROU of the legal entity",

"lname": "Name of the legal entity",

"reqlng": "Search language (during search)/Identification language (during transmission) (Code from ref.23)",

"reqlngref": "Search language (during search)/Identification language (during transmission) (Meaning from ref.23)"


"id": "1",

"descr": "Components name"



"credres": {

"redate": "Date of decision",

"retime": "Time of decision",

"inn": "INN",

"reqid": "Request identifier in the Bureau",

"result": "Report result (Code from ref.19)",

"resultref": "Report result (Meaning from ref.19)",

"reqreason": "Reason for the request in to the bureau (Code from ref.24)",

"reqreasonref": "Reason for the request in to the bureau (Meaning from ref.24)",

"org": "Initiating agency (code from ref.54)",

"typereport": "The type of report provided (Code from ref.71)",

"typereportref": "The type of report provided (Meaning from ref.71)"


"reestrtime": {

"hr": "Number of requests per hour",

"da": "Number of requests per day",

"wk": "Number of requests per week",

"mn": "Number of requests per month",

"qw": "Number of requests per quarter",

"ye": "Number of requests per year",

"yu": "Number of requests per over a year"


"id": "4",

"descr": "Components name"



"moncredres": {

"org": "Initiating organization (code from ref.54)",

"resultref": "Monitoring result (value from ref.19)",

"result": "Monitoring result (Code from ref.19)",

"monid": "Unique Monitoring Identifier",

"inn": "TIN",

"startdate": "Monitoring start date",

"enddate": "Date of last monitoring"


"id": "6",

"descr": "Components name"



"pret": {

"pretension": {

"inn": "INN (for natural persons)/OKPO (for legal entities)",

"crdeal": "Transaction identifier (reference)",

"source": "Disputing type (Code from ref.48)",

"sourceref": "Disputing type (Value from ref.48)",

"claim" : "Subject of dispute (Code from ref. 69)",

                         "claimref": "Subject of dispute (Value from ref. 69)",

"vdate": "Date of the request creation"


"commentcki": {

"comment": "Commentary of the subject of credit history",

"vdate": "Date of a comment creation"


"changedeal": {

"crdeal": "Transaction identifier (reference)",

"changecode": "Code for the reason of correction/deletion of data (Code from ref.62)",

"changeref": "Text of the reason for correcting/deleting data (Value from ref.62)",

"vdate": "Date of data correction/deletion"



"id": "18",

"descr": "Components name"



"bankruptcyinfo": {

"bankruptcy": {

"subname": "Subject’s name",

"subcode": "TIN/EDRPOU",

"eventtype": "Event type",

"eventclaimer": "Initiator of the event",

"eventcourtcase": "Case number",

"eventdate": "Date of event"


"found": "Availability of information about bankruptcy, numerical designation 0-1",

"foundref": " Availability of information about bankruptcy, textual meaning 0-not found / 1-found"


"id": "54",

"descr": "Bankruptcy information"



"scoremsb": {

"msbch": {

"modelversion": "Version of model",

"score": "Score",

"scoredate": "Date of score"


"features": {

"name": "Name of predictor",

"value": "Value of predictor"


"msbod": {

"features": {

"name": "Name of predictor",

"value": "Value of predictor"


"modelversion": "Version of model",

"score": "Score",

"scoredate": "Date of score"



"id": "58",

"descr": "Components name"





Request XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<ubki sessid="Session key (obtained from the authorization API)">

<req_envelope descr="Request envelope">

<req_xml descr="Request object">

<!-- Request parameters -->

<request version="1.0" reqtype="Template code (code from ref.49): 'Information on registration of the taxpayer' - 36" reqreason="Request objective (code from ref.24)">

<!-- Parameters describing search criteria-->

<i reqlng="Search criteria language (code from ref.23)">

<!-- Subject identification parameters-->

<ident okpo="EDRPOU (for legal entities)">


<additionaldata datescore="Scoring date. Not filled in if the scoring is currently calculated" />







Response XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<!-- System information block -->

