10 - Credit report of an individual
Information on past and current loans of individuals and the history of their repayment.
The report contains the following components:
4 – Block register of the requests and decisions on crediting
5 – Checking according to the databases of the invalid documents
11 – Debt for communal services (Will be updated on 03/24/2025)
41 - Information from the Public Register of Politically Exposed Persons of Ukraine (Will be decommissioned on 05/30/2025)
72 - Search by full name + inn if more than 1 person is found
81 - Information about politically significant persons of Ukraine
Http Method | POST |
Request URL | https://secure.ubki.ua/b2_api_xml/ubki/xml |
Request JSON |
Response JSON{ "ubkidata": { "tech": { "trace": { "step": { "name": "Step name", "stm": "Step start stamp date", "ftm": "Step finish stamp date" } }, "error": { "errtype": "Error code (code from ref.0)", "errtext": "Error text (value from ref.0)" }, "reqinfo": { "reqid": "Outgoing request ID generated by UBKI" }, "billing": { "balance": { "value": "Total assets", "date": "Date", "time": "Time" }, "billdetails": { "freemon": "Sign of free of charge according to the request type 'Monitoring the client of the organization' (reqreason=1), code (0 - No, 1 - Yes)", "freemonref": "Sign of free of charge according to the request type 'Monitoring the client of the organization' (reqreason=1), value (0 - No, 1 - Yes)" } } }, "comp": [ { "cki": { "ident": { "donor": "Source of information (code from ref. 54)", "vdate": "Date of the information from this part", "lng": "Part presentation language (code from ref.23)", "lngref": "Part presentation language (value from ref.23)", "inn": "TIN of the credit history subject", "lname": "Last name", "fname": "First name", "mname": "Middle name", "bdate": "Date of birth", "csex": "Sex (code from ref.1)", "csexref": "Sex (value from ref.1)", "family": "Marital status (code from ref.2)", "familyref": "Marital status (value from ref.2)", "ceduc": "Education (code from ref.3)", "ceducref": "Education (value from ref.3)", "cgrag": "Citizenship (code from ref.4)", "cgragref": "Citizenship (value from ref.4)", "spd": "Presence of the business entity’s registration (code from ref.5)", "spdref": "Presence of the business entity’s registration (value from ref.5)", "sstate": "Social status (code from ref.6)", "sstateref": "Social status (value from ref.6)", "cchild": "Number of children" }, "work": { "wdonor": "Source of information (code from ref. 54)", "vdate": "Date of the information from this part", "lng": "Part presentation language (code from ref.23)", "lngref": "Part presentation language (value from ref.23)", "cdolgn": "Official position (code from ref.8)", "cdolgnref": "Official position (value from ref.8)", "wokpo": "EDRPOU of the employer", "wname": "Name of the employer in the base language", "wstag": "Length of service, years completed", "wdohod": "Client’s monthly income" }, "doc": { "ddonor": "Source of information (code from ref. 54)", "vdate": "Date of the information from this part", "lng": "Part presentation language (code from ref.23)", "lngref": "Part presentation language (value from ref.23)", "dtype": "Document type (code from ref.7)", "dtyperef": "Document type (value from ref.7)", "dser": "Document series", "dnom": "Document number", "dterm": "Expiration date", "dwho": "Document issuer", "dwdt": "Document issue date", "eddr_number": "Unique record number in the Unified State Demographic Register" }, "addr": { "addonor": "Source of information (code from ref. 54)", "vdate": "Date of the information from this part", "lng": "Part presentation language (code from ref.23)", "lngref": "Part presentation language (value from ref.23)", "adtype": "Address type (code from ref.9)", "adtyperef": "Address type (value from ref.9)", "adcountry": "Country (two-character code from ISO 3166 reference book)", "adindex": "Postal code", "adstate": "Region", "adarea": "District", "adcity": "Locality", "adcitytype": "Locality type (code from ref.22)", "adcitytyperef": "Locality type (value from ref.22)", "adstreet": "Street", "adhome": "House", "adcorp": "Block", "adflat": "Flat", "addrdirt": "Address in one row (will not be used in subsequent API versions, the field is deemed invalid starting from 13.11.2019)" }, "inn": "TIN of the credit history subject/EDRPOU of the legal entity", "lname": "Last name/Name of the legal entity", "fname": "First name", "mname": "Middle name", "reqlng": "Search language (while searching)/Identification language (during transfer) (code from ref.23)", "reqlngref": "Search language (while searching)/Identification language (during transfer) (value from ref.23)", "bdate": "Date of birth" }, "identdocmvds": { "identdocmvd": { "foundsource": { "name": "Data source for verification (Code from ref.63)", "found": "0/1 - digital indication of the presence of an invalid passport (Code from ref.27)", "foundref": "Text indication of the presence of an invalid passport (Value from ref.27)", "sourcedate": "The date of updating the information in the database or receiving a response from the API of the original source" }, "found": "Found? (Code from ref.27)", "foundref": "Found? (Value from ref.27)", "foundtitle": "Search result description", "pser": "Series of the required passport", "pnom": "Number of required passport or ID-card number", "dtype": "Document type (Code from ref.7)", "dtyperef": "Document type (Meaning from ref.7)" } }, "id": "1", "descr": "Names of components" }, { "donorsData": { "donorTypeDealCount": { "type": "Source/donor of information (code from ref. 54)", "typeref": "Source/donor of information (value from ref. 54)", "count": "The number of deals" }, "totalCount": "Total number of unique creditors", "activeCount": "Number of unique creditors under current agreements" }, "crdeal": { "deallife": { "dlref": "Transaction identifier", "dlmonth": "Data period (month)", "dlyear": "Data period (year)", "dlds": "Date of the transaction beginning", "dldpf": "Date of the transaction ending by the agreement", "dldff": "Actual date of the transaction ending", "dlflstat": "Transaction Status at the current period (Code from ref.16)", "dlflstatref": "Transaction status at the current period (Meaning from ref.16)", "dlamtlim": "Current transaction limit (for revolving transactions, credit cards)", "dlamtpaym": "The amount of the obligatory payment in the current period", "dlamtcur": "The sum of the current debt", "dlamtexp": "The sum of the current outstanding debt", "dldayexp": "Current number of days in arrears", "dlflpay": "The sign of payment execution in the current period (the code from ref.13)", "dlflpayref": "The sign of payment execution in the current period (Meaning from ref.13)", "dlflbrk": "The sign of the existence of an outstanding payment in the current period (the code from ref.13)", "dlflbrkref": "The sign of the existence of an outstanding payment in the current period (Meaning from ref.13)", "dlfluse": "Characteristics of a credit tranche in the current period (code from ref.13)", "dlfluseref": "Characteristics of a credit tranche in the current period (Meaning from ref.13)", "dldateclc": "Calculation Date" }, "dlref": "Transaction identifier", "lng": "Block representation language (Code from ref.23)", "lngref": "Block representation language (Meaning from ref.23)", "inn": "INN SKI / EGRPOU of the legal entity", "lname": "Surname/Name of the legal entity", "fname": "Name", "mname": "Father’s name", "bdate": "Date of Birth", "dlcelcred": "Transaction type (Code from ref.17)", "dlcelcredref": "Transaction type (Meaning from ref.17)", "dlvidobes": "Type of collateral (Code from ref.15)", "dlvidobesref": "Type of collateral (Meaning from ref.15)", "dlporpog": "Repayment procedure (Code from ref.18)", "dlporpogref": "Repayment procedure (Meaning from ref.18)", "dlcurr": "Transaction currency (Code from ref.12)", "dlcurrref": "Transaction currency (Meaning from ref.12)", "dlamt": "Transaction sum (initial)", "dldonor": "Information donor (code from ref.54)", "dldonornum": "Information on the unique number of the creditor", "primarydebt": "Code of the CHS type under the main agreement (1 - individual, 2 - legal entity) for the roles of “guarantor” and “pledger” (dlrolesub=2,3) (code from ref. 74)", "primarydebtref": "Value of the CHS type under the main agreement (1 - individual, 2 - legal entity) for the roles of “guarantor” and “pledger” (dlrolesub=2,3) (value from ref. 74)", "dlrolesub": "Role of the subject (Code from ref.14)", "dlrolesubref": "Role of the subject (Meaning from ref.14)", "dlamtobes": "Cost of collateral in the base currency" }, "id": "2", "descr": "Components name" }, { "penaltiesCount": { "totalCount": "The total number of enforcement proceedings for all time", "activeCount": "Number of active enforcement proceedings" }, "susd": { "changes": { "voteid": "Enforcement Number", "inn": "TIN of the debtor", "votedate": "Enforcement start date", "votesudname": "Executor", "vdate": "Record Date", "credname": "Name of creditor", "credokpo": "Creditor`s code", "vpstate": "Status of proceedings" }, "votesudname": "Executor", "votetype": "Enforcement type", "votedate": "Enforcement start date", "inn": "TIN of the debtor", "voteid": "Enforcement Number", "votedonor": "Source of information", "votesudphone": "Executor’s phone", "votesudemail": "Executor’s email", "vdate": "Record update date", "credname": "Creditor name", "credokpo": "Creditor`s code", "vpstate": "Status of proceedings" }, "id": "3", "descr": "Information on the enforcement proceedings of SKI" }, { "credres": { "redate": "Date of decision", "retime": "Time of decision", "inn": "INN", "reqid": "Request identifier in the Bureau", "result": "Report result (Code from ref.19)", "resultref": "Report result (Meaning from ref.19)", "reqreason": "Reason for the request in to the bureau (Code from ref.24)", "reqreasonref": "Reason for the request in to the bureau (Meaning from ref.24)", "org": "Initiating agency (code from ref.54)", "typereport": "The type of report provided (Code from ref.71)", "typereportref": "The type of report provided (Meaning from ref.71)" }, "reestrtime": { "hr": "Number of requests per hour", "da": "Number of requests per day", "wk": "Number of requests per week", "mn": "Number of requests per month", "qw": "Number of requests per quarter", "ye": "Number of requests per year", "yu": "Number of requests per over a year" }, "id": "4", "descr": "Components name" }, { "mvd": { "foundsource": { "name": "Data source for verification (Code from ref. 63)", "found": "0/1 - digital indication of the presence of an invalid passport (Code from ref.27)", "foundref": "Text indication of the presence of an invalid passport (Value from ref.27)", "sourcedate": "The date of updating the information in the database or receiving a response from the API of the original source" }, "found": "Is it found? (The code from ref.27)", "foundref": "Is it found? (Meaning from ref.27)", "foundtitle": "Description of the search result", "pser": "Series of the required passport", "pnom": "Number of the required passport or number of ID-card", "plname": "Surname of the required passport", "pfname": "Name of the required passport", "pmname": "Father’s name of the required passport", "pbdate": "Date of birth of the required passport", "status": "Reason for cancellation (Only for data from DATA.GOV.UA)", "stdate": "Cancellation Date (Only for data from DATA.GOV.UA)" }, "id": "5", "descr": "Components name" }, { "moncredres": { "org": "Initiating organization (code from ref.54)", "resultref": "Monitoring result (value from ref.19)", "result": "Monitoring result (Code from ref.19)", "monid": "Unique Monitoring Identifier", "inn": "TIN", "startdate": "Monitoring start date", "enddate": "Date of last monitoring " }, "id": "6", "descr": "Components name" }, { "cont": { "inn": "TIN of the credit history subject/EDRPOU of the legal entity", "cdonor": "Source of information", "vdate": "Date of the information from this part", "ctype": "Contact type (code from ref.10)", "ctyperef": "Contact type (value from ref.10)", "cval": "Contact value" }, "id": "10", "descr": "Names of components" }, { "utilitiesdebt": { "utldebt": { "debtDate": "Date of calculation of arrears for payment of communal services", "totalDebt": "Current arrears for the payment of utility services, taking into account overdue arrears on bills for the previous period and the last bill issued", "expDebt": "Overdue arrears for the payment of utility services on bills for the previous period, without the last issued bill" }, "inn": "TIN code of the utility payer", "branch": "Center of operational activity or utility service region", "account": "Personal account", "accountDate": "The date of opening a personal account", "utltypetype": "Type of utility service (code)", "utltypetyperef": "Type of utility service (name)", "isDebtState": "The fact of open overdue debt for the payment of communal services", "dbDate": "Data update date in the Bureau", "debtMonthNumber":"Number of months of debt for utility services (0-36, 99 - more than 3 years or an indefinite term)" }, "id": "11", "descr": "Debt for communal services" }, { "spd": { "found": "Status in EGR (Code from ref.27)", "inn": "INN of a business entity", "name": "Name of business entity", "state": "The current status of the subject", "statetxt": "Additional subject status comment", "regdate": "Registration Date of SPD", "kindcode": "Code of the main type of activity on KVED", "kindname": "Name of the main type of economic activity", "termnumber": "Number of the record of state registration of the termination of business activities", "termcause": "The basis for making a record of the state registration of the termination of business activities", "termdate": "Record date of state registration of termination of business activities", "tel": "List of phones SPD", "fax": "SPD fax number", "email": "SPD email address", "adress": "Residential address", "regrecordnumber": "Record number in the Unified State Register", "vdate": "Date of information update" }, "registration": { "name": "Name of registration authority", "code": "EDRPOU registration authority code", "type": "Registration Authority Type", "description": "Description", "startdate": "Date of registration with the authority", "startnum": "Registration number with the authority", "enddate": "Date of the deregistration entry in the authority", "endnum": "Deregistration record number" }, "id": "14", "descr": "Components name" }, { "wantedmvs": { "found": "-2-to check the wanted persons database, make a request by full name and date of birth, 0-not found, 1-found", "foundref": "not found/found", "bdate": "Date of Birth", "lng": "Block representation language (Code from ref.23)", "lngref": "Block representation language (Meaning from ref.23)", "lname": "Surname", "fname": "Name", "mname": "Father’s name", "url": "A reference to the Ministry of Internal Affairs form", "category": "Category", "articlecrim": "Article of accusation", "restraint": "Preventive measure" }, "id": "17", "descr": "Components name" }, { "pret": { "pretension": { "inn": "INN (for natural persons)/OKPO (for legal entities)", "crdeal": "Transaction identifier (reference)", "source": "Disputing type (Code from ref.48)", "sourceref": "Disputing type (Value from ref.48)", "claim" : "Subject of dispute (Code from ref. 69)", "claimref": "Subject of dispute (Value from ref. 69)", "vdate": "Date of the request creation" }, "commentcki": { "comment": "Commentary of the subject of credit history", "vdate": "Date of a comment creation" }, "plost": { "pser": "Passport series claimed by the client as lost (theft)", "pnom": "Passport number declared by the client as lost (theft)", "crdate": "ДDate of creation of an application for the loss/theft of a client's passport in UBCH", "ldate": "The date of loss / theft of the client's passport indicated in the application in UBCH" }, "changedeal": { "crdeal": "Transaction identifier (reference)", "changecode": "Code for the reason of correction/deletion of data (Code from ref.62)", "changeref": "Text of the reason for correcting/deleting data (Value from ref.62)", "vdate": "Date of data correction/deletion" }, "freezedate": "FREEZE option connection date", "nonewdealcomment": "Comment", "nonewdeal": "Sign of reluctance to draw up new loan products, connection status of the FREEZE option: 0 - not enabled, 1 - enabled", "nonewdealref": "The value of the sign of unwillingness to draw up new credit products, the connection status of the FREEZE option is 0-no (the option is not connected), 1-yes (the option is connected)", "inn": "INN (for natural persons)/OKPO (for legal entities)" }, "fcert": { "inn": "TIN", "cert": "Availability of a certificate from the UBCH (code from ref. 56) - 0 - no (no registered certificate), 1 - yes (registered certificate) ", "certref": "Availability of a certificate from the UBCH (value from ref. 56)", "certid": "Certificate number", "certurl": "Link to the certificate" }, "maybegone": { "inn": "TIN", "vdate": "Application creation date", "dldonor": "Information provider (code from ref. 54)" }, "id": "18", "descr": "Components name" }, { "sanctions": { "sanctionsData": { "countryCode": "Country code", "country": "The name of the country", "sanction": "Presence of sanctions imposed by the country (Code from ref. 68)", "date": "Date of entry into the list", "url": "Link to the document – confirmation" }, "found": "Availability of information (Code from ref. 27)", "foundRef": "Text interpretation of available information (Code from ref. 27)", "subName": "Subject’s name", "bDate": "Subject’s date of birth", "position": "Position", "reason": "Grounds for imposing sanctions", "endDate": "Expiration date of restrictions", "sanctionsTerm": "The term of imposing the sanction", "sanctionsNo": "Type of imposed restrictions, numbers", "sanctions ": "The type of constraints imposed is Expanded", "address": "Location", "typeSearch": "Search type (Code from ref. 67)", "typeSearchText": "Text interpretation of the type of search (Code from ref. 67)" }, "id": "40", "descr": "Information from sanctions lists" }, { "pep": { "found": "0 – not located, 1 – located ", "foundref": "not located/located", "subname": "Subject’s name", "bdate": "Subject’s date of birth", "category": "Category of the politically exposed person", "lastpost": "Last position", "dateofrelease": "Date of leaving of the last position", "isur": "Indication of legal entity", "state": "Status of legal entity", "url": "Link to the document – confirmation" }, "id": "41", "descr": "Information from the Public Register of Politically Exposed Persons of Ukraine" }, { "contact": { "cval": "Contact value", "ctype": "Contact type (code from ref.10)", "ctyperef": "Contact type in text format (ref.10)", "cstate": "Contact’s status (code from ref.57)", "cstateref": "Contact’s status (text value from ref.57)", "vdatestart": "First actualization date", "vdate": "Last actualization date" }, "id": "46", "descr": "Names of components" }, { "bankruptcyinfo": { "bankruptcy": { "subname": "Subject’s name", "subcode": "TIN/EDRPOU", "eventtype": "Event type", "eventclaimer": "Initiator of the event", "eventcourtcase": "Case number", "eventdate": "Date of event" }, "found": "Availability of information about bankruptcy, numerical designation 0-1", "foundref": " Availability of information about bankruptcy, textual meaning 0-not found / 1-found" }, "id": "54", "descr": "Bankruptcy information" }, { "person": { "bdate": "Date of birth", "lngref": "Search/transfer language (ref. 23)", "lng": "Part presentation language, value (ref. 23)", "mname": "Middle name", "fname": "First name", "lname": "Last name", "inn ": "TIN of the credit history subject" }, "id": "72", "descr": "Search by full name + inn if more than 1 person is found (The presence of the component is determined by searching for more than 1 person in the case of searching by full name + inn)" }, { "ludomans":{ "found": "Numerical indication of whether a person is found in the register - 0/1", "foundref": "Textual definition of whether a person is found in the register: Not found (0)/Found (1)", "information": { "searchType": "Search type - 0/1/2/3", "searchTypeRef": "Text definition of search type: No matches found (0)/Found by TIN (1)/Found by name and date of birth (2)/Found by last name, first name and date of birth (3)", "lastName": "Last name", "firstName": "Name", "middleName": "Middle name", "dateOfBirth": "Date of birth", "inn": "TIN", "documentSeries": "Document series", "documentNumber": "Document number", "documentIssuedDate": "Document issue date", "documentIssuedBy": "Issuer", "documentOtherData": "Other information about the document", "passport": "Passport", "gender": "Sex", "address": "Address", "communication": "Contacts", "stateCode": "Country code", "rDateFrom": "Period start date", "rDateTill": "Period end date", "reason": "Reason" } }, "id": "76", "descr": "Information from the Register of persons who have restricted access to gambling establishments and/or participation in gambling (using credit funds)" }, { "creditSummary": { "surety": { "totalSuretyCreditAmount": "The total amount of loans in which SKI acts as a surety", "totalSuretyCurDebt": "The amount of total current debt", "totalSuretyExpNow": "The amount of current overdue debt" }, "pledgor": { "totalPledgorCreditAmount": "The total amount of loans in which SKI acts as a pledgor", "totalPledgorCurDebt": "The amount of total current debt", "totalPledgorExpNow": "The amount of current overdue debt" }, "totalDeals": "Total credit agreements", "totalOpenDeals": "Total open credit agreements", "totalClosedDeals": "Total closed loan agreements", "newDealsMonth": "The number of new transactions in the last month", "dealsExpPay": "The number of credit agreements with a violation of the payment schedule", "dealsExpNow": "The number of loan agreements with current overdue", "dealsClosedEarl": "The number of credit agreements closed early", "dealsExpYear": "The number of credit agreements with an existing default over the past year", "totalCreditAmount": "The total amount of loans", "totalOpenLimits": "Total amount of open limits", "totalOblPay": "The total amount of mandatory payments at the current moment", "totalExpNow": "The amount of current overdue debt", "totalCurDebt": "The amount of total current debt" }, "id": "78", "descr": "Consolidated credit history analytics" }, "pepinfo": { "pepdata": [ { "subName": "Name of the subject", "source": "Data source pep.org.ua or declaration", "bDate": "Subject's date of birth", "category": "Category of public figure (related person/public figure)", "workPost": "Position", "workPlace": "Place of work", "postType": "Type of position", "lastPost": "Last position", "dateOfRelease": "Date of dismissal from the last position", "url": "Link to the confirmation document", "dateOfDoc": "Document creation date" } ], "found": "Availability of information (code from ref.27)", "foundRef": "Text interpretation of the availability of information (value from ref.27)", "typeSearch": "Type search (code from ref.75)", "typeSearchText": "Text interpretation of the type search (value from ref.75)" }, "id": "81", "descr": "Information about politically significant persons of Ukraine" } ] } } |
Request XML |
Response XML<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ubkidata> <!-- System information part --> <tech> <trace> <step name="Step name" stm="Step start stamp date" ftm="Step finish stamp date"> <!-- The trace part contains timing metrics of components generation steps --> </step> </trace> <error errtype="Error code (code from ref.0)" errtext="Error text (value from ref.0)"> </error> <reqinfo reqid="Outgoing request ID generated by UBKI"> </reqinfo> <!-- Information about the current status of the prepaid account part--> <billing> <balance value="Total assets" date="Date" time="Time" /> <billdetails freemon="Sign of free of charge according to the request type "Monitoring the client of the organization" (reqreason=1), code (0 - No, 1 - Yes)" freemonref="Sign of free of charge according to the request type "Monitoring the client of the organization" (reqreason=1), value (0 - No, 1 - Yes)"/> </billing> </tech> <!-- Identification part --> <comp id="1" descr="Names of components"> <cki inn="TIN of the credit history subject/EDRPOU of the legal entity" lname="Last name/Name of the legal entity" fname="First name" mname="Middle name" reqlng="Search language (while searching)/Identification language (during transfer) (code from ref.23)" reqlngref="Search language (while searching)/Identification language (during transfer) (value from ref.23)" bdate="Date of birth"> <ident donor="Source of information (code from ref. 54)" vdate="Date of the information from this part" lng="Part presentation language (code from ref.23)" lngref="Part presentation language (value from ref.23)" inn="TIN of the credit history subject" lname="Last name" fname="First name" mname="Middle name" bdate="Date of birth" csex="Sex (code from ref.1)" csexref="Sex (value from ref.1)" family="Marital status (code from ref.2)" familyref="Marital status (value from ref.2)" ceduc="Education (code from ref.3)" ceducref="Education (value from ref.3)" cgrag="Citizenship (code from ref.4)" cgragref="Citizenship (value from ref.4)" spd="Presence of the business entity’s registration (code from ref.5)" spdref="Presence of the business entity’s registration (value from ref.5)" sstate="Social status (code from ref.6)" sstateref="Social status (value from ref.6)" cchild="Number of children"> <!--This part can and must contain 1..* items--> </ident> <!-- History of the Information about Employer part --> <work wdonor="Source of information (code from ref.54)" vdate="Date of the information from this part" lng="Part presentation language (code from ref.23)" lngref="Part presentation language (value from ref.23)" cdolgn="Official position (code from ref.8)" cdolgnref="Official position (value from ref.8)" wokpo="EDRPOU of the employer" wname="Name of the employer in the base language" wstag="Length of service, years completed" wdohod="Client’s monthly income"> <!--This part can contain 0..*--> </work> <!-- History of the Information about Documents part --> <doc ddonor="Source of information (code from ref.54)" vdate="Date of the information from this part" lng="Part presentation language (code from ref.23)" lngref="Part presentation language (value from ref.23)" dtype="Document type (code from ref.7)" dtyperef="Document type (value from ref.7)" dser="Document series" dnom="Document number" dterm="Expiration date" dwho="Document issuer" dwdt="Document issue date" eddr_number="Unique record number in the Unified State Demographic Register"> <!--This part must contain 1..* units and at least one document--> </doc> <!-- History of the Information about Addresses part --> <addr addonor="Source of information (code from ref.54)" vdate="Date of the information from this part" lng="Part presentation language (code from ref.23)" lngref="Part presentation language (value from ref.23)" adtype="Address type (code from ref.9)" adtyperef="Address type (value from ref.9)" adcountry="Country (two-character code from ISO 3166 reference book)" adindex="Postal code" adstate="Region" adarea="District" adcity="Locality" adcitytype="Locality type (code from ref.22)" adcitytyperef="Locality type (value from ref.22)" adstreet="Street" adhome="House" adcorp="Block" adflat="Flat" addrdirt="Address in one row (will not be used in subsequent API versions, the field is deemed invalid starting from 13.11.2019)"> <!--This part must contain 1..* units and at least one address--> </addr> </cki> <!-- Block for converting documents for validity --> <identdocmvds> <identdocmvd found="Found? (Code from ref.27)" foundref="Found? (Value from ref.27)" foundtitle="Search result description" pser="Series of the required passport" pnom="Number of required passport or ID-card number" dtype="Document type (Code from ref.7)" dtyperef="Document type (Meaning from ref.7)"> <foundsource name="Data source for verification (Code from ref.63)" found="0/1 - digital indication of the presence of an invalid passport (Code from ref.27)" foundref="Text indication of the presence of an invalid passport (Value from ref.27)" sourcedate="The date of updating the information in the database or receiving a response from the API of the original source" /> <!--This part must contain 1..* units and at least one document --> </identdocmvd> </identdocmvds> </comp> <!-- Block of information on credit transactions --> <comp id="2" descr="Components name"> <donorsData totalCount="Total number of unique creditors" activeCount="Number of unique creditors under current agreements"> <donorTypeDealCount type="Source/donor of information (code from ref. 54)" typeref="Source/donor of information (value from ref. 54)" count="The number of deals"/> </donorsData> <crdeal dlref="Transaction identifier" lng="Block representation language (Code from ref.23)" lngref="Block representation language (Meaning from ref.23)" inn="INN SKI / EGRPOU of the legal entity" lname="Surname/Name of the legal entity" fname="Name" mname="Father’s name" bdate="Date of Birth" dlcelcred="Transaction type (Code from ref.17)" dlcelcredref="Transaction type (Meaning from ref.17)" dlvidobes="Type of collateral (Code from ref.15)" dlvidobesref="Type of collateral (Meaning from ref.15)" dlporpog="Repayment procedure (Code from ref.18)" dlporpogref="Repayment procedure (Meaning from ref.18)" dlcurr="Transaction currency (Code from ref.12)" dlcurrref="Transaction currency (Meaning from ref.12)" dlamt="Transaction sum (initial)" dldonor="Information donor (code from ref.54)" dldonornum="Information on the unique number of the creditor" primarydebt="Code of the CHS type under the main agreement (1 - individual, 2 - legal entity) for the roles of “guarantor” and “pledger” (dlrolesub=2,3) (code from ref. 74)" primarydebtref="Value of the CHS type under the main agreement (1 - individual, 2 - legal entity) for the roles of “guarantor” and “pledger” (dlrolesub=2,3) (value from ref. 74)" dlrolesub="Role of the subject (Code from ref.14)" dlrolesubref="Role of the subject (Meaning from ref.14)" dlamtobes="Cost of collateral in the base currency"> <!-- Block of variable values of a credit history --> <deallife dlref="Transaction identifier" dlmonth="Data period (month)" dlyear="Data period (year)" dlds="Date of the transaction beginning" dldpf="Date of the transaction ending by the agreement" dldff="Actual date of the transaction ending" dlflstat="Transaction Status at the current period (Code from ref.16)" dlflstatref="Transaction status at the current period (Meaning from ref.16)" dlamtlim="Current transaction limit (for revolving transactions, credit cards)" dlamtpaym="The amount of the obligatory payment in the current period" dlamtcur="The sum of the current debt" dlamtexp="The sum of the current outstanding debt" dldayexp="Current number of days in arrears" dlflpay="The sign of payment execution in the current period (the code from ref.13)" dlflpayref="The sign of payment execution in the current period (Meaning from ref.13)" dlflbrk="The sign of the existence of an outstanding payment in the current period (the code from ref.13)" dlflbrkref="The sign of the existence of an outstanding payment in the current period (Meaning from ref.13)" dlfluse="Characteristics of a credit tranche in the current period (code from ref.13)" dlfluseref="Characteristics of a credit tranche in the current period (Meaning from ref.13)" dldateclc="Calculation Date"> <!--This block has to consist of 1 .. * elements--> </deallife> </crdeal> </comp> <!-- Information block on enforcement proceedings SKI --> <comp id="3" descr="Information on the enforcement proceedings of SKI"> <penaltiesCount totalCount="The total number of enforcement proceedings for all time" activeCount="Number of active enforcement proceedings" /> <susd votesudname="Executor" votetype="Enforcement type" votedate="Enforcement start date" inn="TIN of the debtor" voteid="Enforcement Number" votedonor="Source of information" votesudphone="Executor’s phone" votesudemail="Executor’s email" vdate="Record update date" credname="Creditor name" credokpo="Creditor`s code" vpstate="Status of proceedings"> <changes voteid="Enforcement Number" inn="TIN of the debtor" votedate="Enforcement start date" votesudname="Executor" vdate="Record Date" credname="Name of creditor" credokpo="Creditor`s code" vpstate="Status of proceedings" /> <!-- This block should consist of 0 .. * elements --> </susd> </comp> <!-- Block – a register of requests --> <comp id="4" descr="Components name"> <credres redate="Date of decision" retime="Time of decision" inn="INN" reqid="Request identifier in the Bureau" result="Report result (Code from ref.19)" resultref="Report result (Meaning from ref.19)" reqreason="Reason for the request in to the bureau (Code from ref.24)" reqreasonref="Reason for the request in to the bureau (Meaning from ref.24)" org="Initiating agency (code from ref.54)" typereport="The type of report provided (Code from ref.71)" typereportref="The type of report provided (Meaning from ref.71)"> <!--This block has to consist of 1 .. * elements --> </credres> <reestrtime hr="Number of requests per hour" da="Number of requests per day" wk="Number of requests per week" mn="Number of requests per month" qw="Number of requests per quarter" ye="Number of requests per year" yu="Number of requests per over a year"> <!--This block has to consist of the 1st element--> </reestrtime> </comp> <!-- Checking according to the databases of the invalid documents --> <comp id="5" descr="Components name"> <mvd found="Is it found? (The code from ref.27)" foundref="Is it found? (Meaning from ref.27)" foundtitle="Description of the search result" pser="Series of the required passport" pnom="Number of the required passport or number of ID-card" plname="Surname of the required passport" pfname="Name of the required passport" pmname="Father’s name of the required passport" pbdate="Date of birth of the required passport" status="Reason for cancellation (Only for data from DATA.GOV.UA)" stdate="Cancellation Date (Only for data from DATA.GOV.UA)"> <foundsource name="Data source for verification (Code from ref. 63)" found="0/1 - digital indication of the presence of an invalid passport (Code from ref.27)" foundref="Text indication of the presence of an invalid passport (Value from ref.27)" sourcedate="The date of updating the information in the database or receiving a response from the API of the original source" /> <!--This part must contain 1..* units and at least one document--> </mvd> </comp> <!-- Block – Monitoring --> <comp id="6" descr="Components name"> <moncredres org="Initiating organization (code from ref.54)" resultref="Monitoring result (value from ref.19)" result="Monitoring result (Code from дов.19)" monid="Unique Monitoring Identifier" inn="TIN" startdate="Monitoring start date" enddate="Date of last monitoring " /> <!-- This part can contain 0..* items --> </comp> <!-- Block of the Information History on the contacts --> <comp id="10" descr="Names of components"> <cont inn="TIN of the credit history subject/EDRPOU of the legal entity" cdonor="Source of information" vdate="Date of the information from this part" ctype="Contact type (code from ref.10)" ctyperef="Contact type (value from ref.10)" cval="Contact value"> <!--This part must contain 1..* units and at least one contact--> </cont> </comp> <!-- Block Debt for communal services--> <comp id="11" descr="Debt for communal services"> <utilitiesdebt inn="TIN code of the utility payer" branch="Center of operational activity or utility service region" account="Personal account" accountDate="The date of opening a personal account" utltypetype="Type of utility service (code)" utltypetyperef="Type of utility service (name)" isDebtState="The fact of open overdue debt for the payment of communal services" dbDate="Data update date in the Bureau"> <utldebt debtDate="Date of calculation of arrears for payment of communal services" totalDebt="Current arrears for the payment of utility services, taking into account overdue arrears on bills for the previous period and the last bill issued" expDebt="Overdue arrears for the payment of utility services on bills for the previous period, without the last issued bill" debtMonthNumber="Number of months of debt for utility services (0-36, 99 - more than 3 years or an indefinite term)"/> </utilitiesdebt> </comp> <!-- Block SPD --> <comp id="14" descr="Components name"> <spd found="Status in EGR (Code from ref.27)" inn="INN of a business entity" name="Name of business entity" state="The current status of the subject" statetxt="Additional subject status comment" regdate="Registration Date of SPD" kindcode="Code of the main type of activity on KVED" kindname="Name of the main type of economic activity" termnumber="Number of the record of state registration of the termination of business activities" termcause="The basis for making a record of the state registration of the termination of business activities" termdate="Record date of state registration of termination of business activities" tel="List of phones SPD" fax="SPD fax number" email="SPD email address" adress="Residential address" regrecordnumber="Record number in the Unified State Register" vdate="Date of information update" /> <registration name="Name of registration authority" code="EDRPOU registration authority code" type="Registration Authority Type" description="Description" startdate="Date of registration with the authority" startnum="Registration number with the authority" enddate="Date of the deregistration entry in the authority" endnum="Deregistration record number" /> </comp> <!-- Block - Search for wanted persons in the Ministry of Internal Affairs database --> <comp id="17" descr="Components name"> <wantedmvs found="-2-to check the wanted persons database, make a request by full name and date of birth, 0-not found, 1-found" foundref="not found/found" bdate="Date of Birth" lng="Block representation language (Code from ref.23)" lngref="Block representation language (Meaning from ref.23)" lname="Surname" fname="Name" mname="Father’s name" url="A reference to the Ministry of Internal Affairs form" category="Category" articlecrim="Article of accusation" restraint="Preventive measure" /> </comp> <!-- Alert --> <comp id="18" descr="Components name"> <pret nonewdeal="Sign of reluctance to draw up new loan products, connection status of the FREEZE option: 0 - not enabled, 1 - enabled" nonewdealref="The value of the sign of unwillingness to draw up new credit products, the connection status of the FREEZE option is 0-no (the option is not connected), 1-yes (the option is connected)" freezedate="FREEZE option connection date" nonewdealcomment="Comment" inn="INN (for natural persons)/OKPO (for legal entities)"> <pretension inn="INN (for natural persons)/OKPO (for legal entities)" crdeal="Transaction identifier (reference)" source="Disputing type (Code from ref.48)" sourceref="Disputing type (Value from ref.48)" claim="Subject of dispute (Code from ref. 69)" claimref="Subject of dispute (Value from ref. 69)" vdate="Date of the request creation" /> <commentcki comment="Commentary of the subject of credit history" vdate="Date of a comment creation" /> <plost pser="Passport series claimed by the client as lost (theft)" pnom="Passport number declared by the client as lost (theft)" crdate="ДDate of creation of an application for the loss/theft of a client's passport in UBCH" ldate="The date of loss / theft of the client's passport indicated in the application in UBCH" /> <changedeal crdeal="Transaction identifier (reference)" changecode="Code for the reason of correction/deletion of data (Code from ref.62)" changeref="Text of the reason for correcting/deleting data (Value from ref.62)" vdate="Date of data correction/deletion" /> </pret> <fcert inn="TIN" cert="Availability of a certificate from the UBCH (code from ref. 56) - 0 - no (no registered certificate), 1 - yes (registered certificate) " certref="Availability of a certificate from the UBCH (value from ref. 56)" certid="Certificate number" certurl="Link to the certificate" /> <maybegone inn="TIN" vdate="Application creation date" dldonor="Information provider (code from ref. 54)"/> </comp> <!-- Block of information from the list of sanctions --> <comp id="40" descr="Information from sanctions lists"> <sanctions found="Availability of information (Code from ref. 27)" foundRef="Text interpretation of available information (Code from ref. 27)" subName="Subject’s name" bDate="Subject’s date of birth" position="Position" reason="Grounds for imposing sanctions" endDate = "Expiration date of restrictions" sanctionsTerm = "The term of imposing the sanction" sanctionsNo = "Type of imposed restrictions, numbers" sanctions = "The type of constraints imposed is Expanded" address = "Location" typeSearch="Search type (Code from ref. 67)" typeSearchText="Text interpretation of the type of search (Code from ref. 67)"> <sanctionsData countryCode="Country code" country="The name of the country" sanction="Presence of sanctions imposed by the country (Code from ref. 68)" date="Date of entry into the list" url="Link to the document – confirmation" /> </sanctions> <!--This block has to consist of 1 .. * elements --> </comp> <!-- "Information from the Public Register of Politically Exposed Persons of Ukraine" part--> <comp id="41" descr="Information from the Public Register of Politically Exposed Persons of Ukraine"> <pep found="0 – not located, 1 – located " foundref="not located/located" subname="Subject’s name" bdate="Subject’s date of birth" category="Category of the politically exposed person" lastpost="Last position" dateofrelease="Date of leaving of the last position" isur="Indication of legal entity" state="Status of legal entity" url="Link to the document – confirmation" /> <!--This block has to consist of 1 .. * elements--> </comp> <!-- Confirmation of the credit history subject’s contacts part --> <comp id="46" descr="Names of components"> <contact cval="Contact value" ctype="Contact type (code from ref.10)" ctyperef="Contact type in text format (ref.10)" cstate="Contact’s status (code from ref.57)" cstateref="Contact’s status (text value from ref.57)" vdatestart="First actualization date" vdate="Last actualization date" /> <!--This part can contain 0..* items --> </comp> <!-- Bankruptcy information--> <comp id="54" descr="Bankruptcy information"> <bankruptcyinfo found="Availability of information about bankruptcy, numerical designation 0-1" foundref=" Availability of information about bankruptcy, textual meaning 0-not found / 1-found"> <bankruptcy subname="Subject’s name" subcode="TIN/EDRPOU" eventtype="Event type" eventclaimer="Initiator of the event" eventcourtcase="Case number" eventdate="Date of event" /> </bankruptcyinfo> </comp> <!-- Search by full name + inn if more than 1 person is found (The presence of the component is determined by searching for more than 1 person in the case of searching by full name + inn)--> <comp id="72" descr="Search by full name + inn if more than 1 person is found"> <person bdate="Date of birth" lngref="Search/transfer language (ref. 23)" lng="Part presentation language, value (ref. 23)" mname="Middle name" fname="First name" lname="Last name" inn="TIN of the credit history subject" /> </comp> <!-- Information from the Register of persons who have restricted access to gambling establishments and/or participation in gambling (using credit funds) --> <comp id="76" descr="The name of the component"> <ludomans found="Numerical indication of whether a person is found in the register - 0/1" foundref="Textual definition of whether a person is found in the register:Not found (0)/Found (1)" > <information searchType="Search type - 0/1/2/3" searchTypeRef="Text definition of search type: No matches found (0)/Found by TIN (1)/Found by name and date of birth (2)/Found by last name, first name and date of birth (3)" lastName="Last name" firstName="Name" middleName="Middle name" dateOfBirth="Date of birth" inn="TIN" documentSeries="Document series" documentNumber="Document number" documentIssuedDate="Document issue date" documentIssuedBy="Issuer" documentOtherData="Other information about the document" passport="Passport" gender="Sex" address="Address" communication="Contacts" stateCode="Country code" rDateFrom="Period start date" rDateTill="Period end date" reason="Reason" /> <!--This block must consist of 0 .. * elements--> </ludomans> </comp> <!-- Consolidated credit history analytics --> <comp id="78" descr="The name of the component"> <creditSummary totalDeals = "Total credit agreements" totalOpenDeals = "Total open credit agreements" totalClosedDeals = "Total closed loan agreements" newDealsMonth = "The number of new transactions in the last month" dealsExpPay = "The number of credit agreements with a violation of the payment schedule" dealsExpNow = "The number of loan agreements with current overdue" dealsClosedEarl = "The number of credit agreements closed early" dealsExpYear = "The number of credit agreements with an existing default over the past year" totalCreditAmount = "The total amount of loans" totalOpenLimits = "Total amount of open limits" totalOblPay = "The total amount of mandatory payments at the current moment" totalExpNow = "The amount of current overdue debt" totalCurDebt = "The amount of total current debt" > <!-- Information about loans in which SKI acts as a surety--> <surety totalSuretyCreditAmount="The total amount of loans" totalSuretyCurDebt="The amount of total current debt" totalSuretyExpNow="The amount of current overdue debt"/> <!-- Information about loans in which SKI acts as a pledgor--> <pledgor totalPledgorCreditAmount="The total amount of loans" totalPledgorCurDebt="The amount of total current debt" totalPledgorExpNow="The amount of current overdue debt"/> </creditSummary> </comp> <!-- Information about politically significant persons of Ukraine --> <comp id="81" descr="The name of the component"> <pepinfo found="Availability of information (code from ref.27)" foundRef="Text interpretation of the availability of information (value from ref.27)" typeSearch="Type search (code from ref.75)" typeSearchText="Text interpretation of the type search (value from ref.75)"> <pepdata subName="Name of the subject" source="Data source http://pep.org.ua or declaration " bDate="Subject's date of birth" category="Category of public figure (related person/public figure)" workPost="Position" workPlace="Place of work" postType="Type of position" lastPost="Last position" dateOfRelease="Date of dismissal from the last position" url="Link to the confirmation document" dateOfDoc="Document creation date"/> </pepinfo> </comp> </ubkidata> |
Example |
Request JSON | {
"doc": {
"ubki": {
"req_envelope": {
"req_xml": {
"request": {
"i": {
"ident": {
"bdate": "1989-10-05",
"mname": "VASYLIVNA",
"fname": "IRINA",
"lname": "HARNA",
"okpo": "3278508288"
"docs": {
"doc": {
"dtype": "1",
"dser": "АМ",
"dnom": "578072"
"contacts": {
"cont": {
"cval": "+380962134234",
"ctype": "3"
"reqlng": "4"
"version": "1.0",
"reqtype": "10",
"reqreason": "2"
"sessid": "7AC5104A93364D8FB7A9DBF50C963CE3"
} |
Response JSON | {
"ubkidata": {
"tech": {
"trace": {
"step": [
"name": "build report",
"stm": "2024-07-18 09:14:13.182",
"ftm": "2024-07-18 09:14:14.161"
"error": [],
"reqinfo": {
"reqid": "req2#000003211978"
"comp": [
"id": "1",
"descr": "Identification of the Credit History Subject (CHS)",
"cki": [
"bdate": "1989-10-05",
"reqlngref": "Ukrainian",
"reqlng": "1",
"mname": "ВАСИЛІВНА",
"fname": "ІРІНА",
"lname": "ГАРНА",
"inn": "3278508288",
"ident": [
"cchild": "",
"sstateref": "",
"sstate": "",
"spdref": "natural person",
"spd": "1",
"cgragref": "Ukraine",
"cgrag": "804",
"ceducref": "",
"ceduc": "",
"familyref": "",
"family": "",
"csexref": "woman",
"csex": "2",
"bdate": "1989-10-05",
"mname": "ВАСИЛІВНА",
"fname": "ІРІНА",
"lname": "ГАРНА",
"inn": "3278508288",
"lngref": "Ukrainian",
"lng": "1",
"vdate": "2024-01-25",
"donor": "BNK"
"cchild": "",
"sstateref": "",
"sstate": "",
"spdref": "natural person",
"spd": "1",
"cgragref": "",
"cgrag": "802",
"ceducref": "",
"ceduc": "",
"familyref": "",
"family": "",
"csexref": "woman",
"csex": "2",
"bdate": "1989-10-05",
"mname": "ВАСИЛІВНА",
"fname": "ІРИНА",
"lname": "ГАРНА",
"inn": "3278508288",
"lngref": "Ukrainian",
"lng": "1",
"vdate": "2009-07-04",
"donor": "BNK"
"urident": [],
"linked": [],
"work": [],
"doc": [
"dwdt": "2002-08-01",
"dterm": "",
"dnom": "578072",
"dser": "АМ",
"dtyperef": "Ukrainian citizen passport",
"dtype": "1",
"lngref": "Ukrainian",
"lng": "1",
"vdate": "2024-01-10",
"eddr_number": "19891005-00022",
"ddonor": "BNK"
"dwdt": "2018-10-23",
"dwho": "8089",
"dterm": "",
"dnom": "975520",
"dser": "FS",
"dtyperef": "Passport of the citizen of Ukraine for travelling abroad",
"dtype": "3",
"lngref": "Ukrainian",
"lng": "1",
"vdate": "2024-01-10",
"eddr_number": "",
"ddonor": "BNK"
"addr": [
"adflat": "",
"adcorp": "",
"adhome": "7",
"adstreet": "ТИХА",
"adcitytyperef": "",
"adcitytype": "",
"adcity": "JВDКВJ",
"adarea": "ІВАНГОРОДСКИЙ",
"adindex": "23201",
"adcountry": "UA",
"adtyperef": "Address of registration",
"adtype": "2",
"lngref": "Ukrainian",
"lng": "1",
"vdate": "2024-01-25",
"addonor": "BNK"
"foto": []
"identdocmvds": {
"identdocmvd": [
"found": "1",
"foundref": "Found",
"foundtitle": "Passport АМ-578072 is found in the list of invalid passports.",
"pser": "АМ",
"pnom": "578072",
"dtype": "1",
"dtyperef": "Ukrainian citizen passport",
"foundsource": [
"name": "DMS",
"found": "0",
"foundref": "Not found",
"sourcedate": "2024-07-18"
"name": "MVS",
"found": "1",
"foundref": "Found",
"sourcedate": "2024-07-18"
"name": "UBKI",
"found": "0",
"foundref": "Not found",
"sourcedate": "2024-07-18"
"found": "0",
"foundref": "Not found",
"foundtitle": "Passport FS-975520 is not found in the list of invalid passports.",
"pser": "FS",
"pnom": "975520",
"dtype": "3",
"dtyperef": "Passport of the citizen of Ukraine for travelling abroad",
"foundsource": [
"name": "DMS",
"found": "0",
"foundref": "Not found",
"sourcedate": "2024-07-18"
"name": "MVS",
"found": "0",
"foundref": "Not found",
"sourcedate": "2024-07-18"
"name": "UBKI",
"found": "0",
"foundref": "Not found",
"sourcedate": "2024-07-18"
"id": "2",
"descr": "Financial liabilities of CHS",
"donorsData": {
"totalCount": 1,
"activeCount": 0,
"donorTypeDealCount": [
"type": "BNK",
"typeref": "Bank",
"count": 2
"crdeal": [
"dlamtobes": "",
"dlrolesubref": "Borrower",
"dlrolesub": "1",
"dldonor": "BNK",
"dldonornum": "BNK1",
"dlamt": "0.00",
"dlcurrref": "Ukrainian hryvnia",
"dlcurr": "980",
"dlporpogref": "Credit with the personalized amortization schedule",
"dlporpog": "7",
"dlvidobesref": "",
"dlvidobes": "",
"dlcelcredref": "Credit card",
"dlcelcred": "31",
"bdate": "1989-10-05",
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"fname": "ІРІНА",
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"dlfluse": "0",
"dlflbrkref": "No",
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"dlfluseref": "No",
"dlfluse": "0",
"dlflbrkref": "No",
"dlflbrk": "0",
"dlflpayref": "Yes",
"dlflpay": "1",
"dldayexp": "0",
"dlamtexp": "0.00",
"dlamtcur": "0.00",
"dlamtpaym": "0.00",
"dlamtlim": "0.00",
"dlflstatref": "Close",
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"descr": "Information about enforcement proceedings of CHS",
"penaltiesCount": {
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"votetype": "стягнення заборгованості з оплати комунальних послуг",
"votedate": "2019-09-09",
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"vdate": "2020-05-18",
"credokpo": "34003114",
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"inn": "3278508288",
"votedate": "2019-09-09",
"votesudname": "Деснянський районний відділ державної виконавчої служби у місті Києві Центрального міжрегіонального управління Міністерства юстиції (м. Київ)",
"vdate": "2020-01-20",
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"votetype": "стягнення у справах про адміністративні правопорушення (крім безпеки дорожнього руху)",
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"votesudemail": "yu.dolia@gov.ua",
"vdate": "2019-12-11",
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"credokpo": "34003114",
"vpstate": "Примусове виконання",
"changes": []
"id": "4",
"descr": "Inquiries registry",
"credres": [
"org": "BNK",
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"redate": "2024-07-17",
"retime": "01:21:19",
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"redate": "2024-07-16",
"retime": "19:41:33",
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"result": "1",
"reqid": "req2#000003210085",
"inn": "3278508288",
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"redate": "2024-07-15",
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"retime": "16:16:44",
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"retime": "19:23:31",
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"redate": "2024-07-12",
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"reqreasonref": "Credit request",
"reqreason": "2",
"resultref": "Report provided successfully",
"result": "1",
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"inn": "3278508288",
"redate": "2024-07-12",
"retime": "01:21:13",
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"id": "5",
"descr": "Checking according to the databases of the invalid documents",
"mvd": [
"found": "1",
"foundref": "Found",
"foundtitle": "Passport АМ-578072 is found in the list of invalid passports, 2024-07-18, invalid.",
"pser": "АМ",
"pnom": "578072",
"plname": "ГАРНА",
"pfname": "ІРІНА",
"pmname": "ВАСИЛІВНА",
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"foundsource": [
"name": "UBKI",
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"sourcedate": "2024-07-18"
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"sourcedate": "2024-07-18"
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"startdate": "2022-03-16",
"enddate": "2024-01-31"
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"inn": "3278508288",
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"enddate": "2023-08-01"
"org": "FIN",
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"result": "1",
"monid": "M7550A09354641E30",
"inn": "3278508288",
"startdate": "2022-01-25",
"enddate": "2022-01-25"
"org": "OWN",
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"result": "1",
"monid": "M934094A15099735E",
"inn": "3278508288",
"startdate": "2023-01-23",
"enddate": "2023-09-19"
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"vdate": "2023-07-28",
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"id": "11",
"descr": "Debt for communal services",
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"utltyperef": "Electricity",
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"id": "14",
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"descr": "Information from sanctions lists",
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"found": "1",
"foundRef": "Found information",
"bDate": "1989-10-05",
"position": "Народний депутат Верховної Ради IX скликання («Опозиційна платформа — за життя»)",
"reason": "Дестабілізація ситуації в Україні",
"typeSearch": "0",
"typeSearchText": "Found by name and date of birth",
"endDate": "2032-09-07",
"sanctionsTerm": "Десять років",
"sanctionsNo": "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 14, 19, 24, 24-1",
"sanctions": "1 - блокування активів - тимчасове позбавлення права користуватися та розпоряджатися активами, що належать фізичній або юридичній особі, а також активами, щодо яких така особа може прямо чи опосередковано (через інших фізичних або юридичних осіб) вчиняти дії, тотожні за змістом здійсненню права розпорядження ними; 2 - обмеження торговельних операцій; 3 - обмеження, часткове чи повне припинення транзиту ресурсів, польотів та перевезень територією України; 4 - запобігання виведенню капіталів за межі України; 5 - зупинення виконання економічних та фінансових зобов’язань; 6 - анулювання або зупинення ліцензій та інших дозволів, одержання (наявність) яких є умовою для здійснення певного виду діяльності, зокрема, анулювання чи зупинення дії спеціальних дозволів на користування надрами; 7 - заборона участі у приватизації, оренді державного майна резидентами іноземної держави та особами, які прямо чи опосередковано контролюються резидентами іноземної держави або діють в їх інтересах; 11 - заборона або обмеження заходження іноземних невійськових суден та військових кораблів до територіального моря України, її внутрішніх вод, портів та повітряних суден до повітряного простору України або здійснення посадки на території України; 13 - заборона видачі дозволів, ліцензій Національного банку України на здійснення інвестицій в іноземну державу, розміщення валютних цінностей на рахунках і вкладах на території іноземної держави; 14 - припинення видачі дозволів, ліцензій на ввезення в Україну з іноземної держави чи вивезення з України валютних цінностей та обмеження видачі готівки за платіжними картками, емітованими резидентами іноземної держави; 19 - заборона передання технологій, прав на об’єкти права інтелектуальної власності; 24 - позбавлення державних нагород України, інших форм відзначення; 24-1 - заборона на набуття у власність земельних ділянок",
"address": "",
"sanctionsData": [
"countryCode": "EU",
"sanction": "0",
"date": "",
"url": ""
"countryCode": "AU",
"country": "АВСТРАЛІЯ",
"sanction": "1",
"date": "2022-05-18",
"url": "https://www.dfat.gov.au/international-relations/security/sanctions/consolidated-list"
"countryCode": "CH",
"country": "ШВЕЙЦАРІЯ",
"sanction": "0",
"date": "",
"url": ""
"countryCode": "JP",
"country": "ЯПОНІЯ",
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"url": ""
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"sanction": "0",
"date": "",
"url": ""
"countryCode": "UA",
"country": "УКРАЇНА",
"sanction": "1",
"date": "2021-02-02",
"url": "https://www.president.gov.ua/documents/432021-36441"
"countryCode": "NZ",
"country": "НОВА ЗЕЛАНДІЯ",
"sanction": "1",
"date": "2022-05-03",
"url": "https://www.mfat.govt.nz/en/countries-and-regions/europe/ukraine/russian-invasion-of-ukraine/sanctions"
"countryCode": "PL",
"country": "ПОЛЬЩА",
"sanction": "0",
"date": "",
"url": ""
"countryCode": "US",
"sanction": "1",
"date": "2022-01-20",
"url": "https://home.treasury.gov/policy-issues/financial-sanctions/recent-actions/20220120"
"countryCode": "CA",
"country": "КАНАДА",
"sanction": "1",
"date": "2022-02-24",
"url": "https://gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p2/2022/2022-03-16/html/sor-dors30-eng.html"
"id": "41",
"descr": "Information from the public register of politically exposed persons of Ukraine",
"pep": {
"found": "0",
"foundref": "No information found",
"bdate": "1989-10-05",
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"dateofrelease": "",
"isur": "",
"state": "",
"url": "",
"typesearch": "-1",
"typesearchtext": "The subject does not belong to public persons, as of February 24, 2022."
"id": "46",
"descr": "Сontacts confirmation of the subject of the credit history",
"contact": [
"ctype": "4",
"ctyperef": "email",
"cstate": "2",
"cstateref": "Deactualization",
"vdatestart": "2024-05-07",
"vdate": "2024-05-09"
"cval": "+380662134234",
"ctype": "3",
"ctyperef": "mobile phone",
"cstate": "1",
"cstateref": "Actualization",
"vdatestart": "2020-09-03",
"vdate": "2020-09-08"
"cval": "+380111111111",
"ctype": "3",
"ctyperef": "mobile phone",
"cstate": "2",
"cstateref": "Deactualization",
"vdatestart": "2020-06-12",
"vdate": "2020-08-30"
"id": "54",
"descr": "Bankruptcy information",
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"found": "1",
"foundref": "Знайдена інформація про банкрутство",
"bankruptcy": [
"subcode": "3278508288",
"eventtype": "Інформація про поновлення справи про банкрутство",
"eventclaimer": "Вищий господарський суд України (vgsu.arbitr.gov.ua)",
"eventcourtcase": "910/3551/21",
"eventdate": "2021-04-14"
"subcode": "3278508288",
"eventtype": "Інформація про порушення справи про банкрутство",
"eventclaimer": "Вищий господарський суд України (vgsu.arbitr.gov.ua)",
"eventcourtcase": "910/3551/21",
"eventdate": "2021-10-06"
"id": "76",
"descr": "Information from the Register of persons who have restricted access to gambling establishments and/or participation in gambling (using credit funds)",
"ludomans": {
"found": "0",
"foundref": "Not found in the registry of ludomaniacs",
"information": []
"id": "78",
"descr": "Consolidated credit history analytics",
"creditSummary": {
"totalDeals": 2,
"totalOpenDeals": 0,
"totalClosedDeals": 2,
"newDealsMonth": 0,
"dealsExpPay": 0,
"dealsExpNow": 0,
"dealsClosedEarl": 1,
"dealsExpYear": 0,
"totalCreditAmount": 0.00,
"totalCurDebt": 0.00,
"totalExpNow": 0.00,
"totalOblPay": 0.00,
"totalOpenLimits": 0.00
"id": "81",
"descr": "Information about politically exposed persons of Ukraine",
"pepinfo": {
"found": "0",
"foundRef": "не знайдений",
"typeSearch": "0",
"typeSearchText": "Не знайдено",
"pepdata": []
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