Specification UBCH


To automate the interaction with UBCH, there is a web service that accepts requests, processes and issues a response, depending on the type of request. In order to automatically receive / transmit information from the UBCH database, it is necessary to develop specialized software that will build and send a request to the UBCH web service according to the current specification, then receive the data and present it in the form necessary for your task.

Introductive requirements

  • Transport security - HTTP protocol;

  • Method - POST;

  • Headers - Content-Type: application/xml and Accept: application/xml or Content-Type: application/json and Accept: application/json, as well as an additional header, when transferring data, when using base64 - Content-Type: application/xml+base64 must be specified in the package header, when using gzip format - Content-Encoding: gzip;

  • Security Schemes - valid session key obtained through the authorization service;

  • Encoding - UTF-8;

  • Performance - recommended time interval between requests – 5 seconds, time-out (response) – 60 seconds;

  • Request & response parameters - all values ​​of tags and attributes should be screened and filtered in order to avoid the appearance of special characters in the texts leading to the destruction of the xml-document and the error of processing by the web service (for example, php htmlspecialchars () function). Attribute values ​​must be surrounded by double quotes and not allowed to appear in the text.

Request formation

The request for the main web-service is of two types: 

  • request to find and receive a report 

  • request for data transfer. 

The specification of the request for the main web-service is optional (unified), which allows implementing both modes of operation (receipt / transmission). The mode of operation of the web service is determined automatically by the presence of tags responsible for one or another mode of operation.


Receiving information

Providing information

Service "Monitoring subjects"

Testing environment


Change log


If you have any questions, please contact support@ubki.ua.