33 - Information from the State Register of Real Rights
A service for obtaining information on the existence of property rights to real estate for the client, as well as detailed information on property rights and the object.
The report contains the following components:
Http Method | POST |
Request URL | https://secure.ubki.ua/b2_api_xml/ubki/xml |
Request JSON{ "doc": { "ubki": { "req_envelope": { "req_xml": { "request": { "i": { "ident": { "okpo": "Tax/Taxpayer Identification Number (INN-RNUKPN)/EDRPOU" }, "rrp": { "value": "Encumbrance number by subject" }, "reqlng": "Search criteria language (code from ref.23)", "text": "**" }, "version": "1.0", "reqtype": "Template code (code from ref.49): 'Information from the State Register of Real Rights ' – 33", "reqreason": "Request objective (code from ref.24)" }, "descr": "Request object" }, "descr": "Request envelope" }, "sessid": "Session key (obtained from the authorization API)" } } } |
Response JSON{ "ubkidata": { "tech": { "trace": { "step": { "name": "Step name", "stm": "Step start stamp date", "ftm": "Step finish stamp date" } }, "error": { "errtype": "Error code (code from ref.0)", "errtext": "Error text (value from ref.0)" }, "reqinfo": { "reqid": "Outgoing request ID generated by UBKI" }, "billing": { "balance": { "value": "Total assets", "date": "Date", "time": "Time" }, "billdetails": { "freemon": "Sign of free of charge according to the request type "Monitoring the client of the organization" (reqreason=1), code (0 - No, 1 - Yes)", "freemonref": "Sign of free of charge according to the request type "Monitoring the client of the organization" (reqreason=1), value (0 - No, 1 - Yes)" } } }, "comp": [ { "rrp": { "found": "0/1 – numerical designation of existing objects, by the subject", "foundref": "Text designation of existing objects, by the subject", "okpo": "TIN/EDRPOU" }, "immovables": { "id": "Object number", "description": "Object description (address/cadastral number)" }, "id": "42", "descr": "Presence of information in the immovable property rights register" }, { "rrp": { "found": "0/1 (0 – no registered property,1 – there is registered property)", "foundref": "The client has immovable property rights/The client has no immovable property rights", "okpo": "TIN/EDRPOU", "response": "Information about the object in the json format" }, "id": "43", "descr": "Information about the object from the immovable property rights register" } ] } } |
Request XML<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <doc> <ubki sessid="Session key (obtained from the authorization API)"> <req_envelope descr="Request envelope"> <req_xml descr="Request object"> <!-- Request parameters --> <request version="1.0" reqtype="Template code (code from ref.49): 'Information from the State Register of Real Rights ' – 33" reqreason="Request objective (code from ref.24)"> <!-- Parameters describing search criteria--> <i reqlng="Search criteria language (code from ref.23)"> <!-- Subject identification parameters--> <ident okpo="Tax/Taxpayer Identification Number (INN-RNUKPN)/EDRPOU" /> <!-- Request parameters by the encumbrance number --> <rrp value="Encumbrance number by subject" />** </i> </request> </req_xml> </req_envelope> </ubki> </doc> |
Response XML<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ubkidata> <!-- System information part --> <tech> <trace> <step name="Step name" stm="Step start stamp date" ftm="Step finish stamp date"> <!-- The trace part contains timing metrics of components generation steps --> </step> </trace> <error errtype="Error code (code from ref.0)" errtext="Error text (value from ref.0)"> </error> <reqinfo reqid="Outgoing request ID generated by UBKI"> </reqinfo> <!-- Information about the current status of the prepaid account part--> <billing> <balance value="Total assets" date="Date" time="Time" /> <billdetails freemon="Sign of free of charge according to the request type "Monitoring the client of the organization" (reqreason=1), code (0 - No, 1 - Yes)" freemonref="Sign of free of charge according to the request type "Monitoring the client of the organization" (reqreason=1), value (0 - No, 1 - Yes)"/> </billing> </tech> <!-- Presence of information in the immovable property rights register --> <comp id="42" descr="Presence of information in the immovable property rights register"> <rrp found="0/1 – numerical designation of existing objects, by the subject" foundref="Text designation of existing objects, by the subject" okpo="TIN/EDRPOU" /> <immovables id="Object number" description="Object description (address/cadastral number)" /> <!-- This part must contain 0..* items--> </comp> <!-- Information about the object from the immovable property rights register --> <comp id="43" descr="Information about the object from the immovable property rights register"> <rrp found="0/1 (0 – no registered property,1 – there is registered property)" foundref="The client has immovable property rights/The client has no immovable property rights" okpo="TIN/EDRPOU" response="Information about the object in the json format" /> </comp> </ubkidata> |
An example of obtaining a list of burdens according to TIN/EDRPOU |
Request JSON | {
"doc": {
"ubki": {
"req_envelope": {
"req_xml": {
"request": {
"i": {
"ident": {
"okpo": "97867562"
"reqlng": "4"
"version": "1.0",
"reqtype": "33",
"reqreason": "2"
"sessid": "EDF4309796114D6D9B8365370DA2DEE9"
} |
Response JSON | {
"ubkidata": {
"tech": {
"trace": {
"step": {
"name": "build report",
"stm": "2022-08-29 10:28:30.898",
"ftm": "2022-08-29 10:28:30.932"
"reqinfo": {
"reqid": "req2#000002461378"
"comp": {
"rrp": {
"immovables": [
"id": "5000033771997-2194694",
"description": "Харківська обл., м. Харків, вулиця Зернова, будинок 7, квартира 77"
"id": "5000033771997-2194697",
"description": "Чернівецька обл., Хотинський р., м. Хотин, вулиця Гоголя, будинок 27, квартира 3"
"id": "5000033771997-2194700",
"description": "Львівська обл., м. Львів, вулиця Шевченка Т., будинок 91, квартира 6"
"id": "5000033771997-2194702",
"description": "Тернопільська обл., м. Тернопіль, вулиця Вишнева, будинок 5, квартира 45"
"id": "5000033771997-2194705",
"description": "Вінницька обл., м. Вінниця, вулиця Келецька, будинок 4, квартира 131"
"id": "5000033771997-2194708",
"description": "Харківська обл., м. Харків, провулок Пілотів, будинок 7-А, квартира 51"
"found": "1",
"foundref": "There are registered property",
"okpo": "97867562"
"id": "42",
"descr": "Availability of information in the register of property rights to real estate (RPR)"
} |
Request XML | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ubki sessid="EDF4309796114D6D9B8365370DA2DEE9">