16 - UBCH Anti-Fraud System

16 - UBCH Anti-Fraud System

An automated system that prevents operational risks, and is based on the aggregate data from credit applications of all service participants.

This service allows for the detection of high-risk indications in credit applications, and thus counteract dishonest borrowers.

The service outlines potentially risky applications, on the basis of the following activities:

  • Validation of application data by internal comparison of the data, specified in the current application, with other data;

  • Comparison of new applications data, with all the applications stored in the database, and previously transferred and updated by UBCH Partners.

  • Search for logical discrepancies and matches with other applications.

  • Identifying applicants with confirmed risky events.

The search for matches in the service is performed using a set of configured rules for identifying operational risk.

AFS UBKI scoring model ensures general calculation of data for all the activated rules, applicable to the application being examined. The calculation result for the application can be separated into two zones: a black zone (score >=432) and a gray zone (score of less than 432). The black zone is a prerequisite to automatic making a corresponding decision by the Partner. The gray zone requires additional checks from the Partner’s side.

  1. For each LHS application, the online call (request) automatically activates comparison schemes (data comparison according to the rules and calculation of parameters) for processing LHS and RHS data.

LHS (Left Hand Side) application that is submitted to the input of the system for verification (in respect of which the verification is in progress).

RHS (Right Hand Side) applications against which comparison is performed (historical applications).

LHS application data, as well as the result of rules comparison and parameters calculation, are stored in the data table together with LHS.

2. Online comparison results are collected and directed by a synchronous online response, indicating matches for the application and its attributes. The results part is provided in XML format and includes the following items:

  • matches;

  • rule ID;

  • data of incoming and matching RHS application, their entities;

  • guidelines for verifiers;

  • general score for each activated rule, and general score for all the rules.

3. The next stage suggested is the second online call (request) that involves metadata update. The objective of this request is to provide feedback for the application, and assign confirmed risky event statuses to applications.

2 requests are performed, one by one, for the complete report by this service:

  • The first one is required to transfer the application, and receive the response from UBKI;

  • The second one is needed to update metadata by the Partner

Http Method


Request JSON


"doc": {

"ubki": {

"req_envelope": {

"req_xml": {

"request": {

"i": {

"afsubki": {

"request": [


"mode": "Request type (full, short)",

"dlrolesub": "Subject’s role (code from ref.14). Clarification: Value 3 from the reference book is not used for AFS UBKI",

"inn": "Client’s TIN (for individuals)",

"lname": "Last name",

"fname": "First name",

"mname": "Middle name",

"bdate": "Date of birth",

"mphone": "Mobile phone",

"wphone": "Business phone 1",

"wphone2": "Business Phone 2",

"wphone3": "Business phone 3",

"livphone": "Phone number at the place of residence",

"apnum": "Application No.",

"apdate": "Application date and time"



"mode": "Request type (full, short)",

"dlrolesub": "Subject’s role (code from ref.14). Clarification: Value 3 from the reference book is not used for AFS UBKI",

"inn": "Client’s TIN (for individuals)",

"lname": "Last name",

"fname": "First name",

"mname": "Middle name",

"bdate": "Date of birth",

"dser": "Passport series",

"dnom": "Passport number",

"innsp": "Spouse’s TIN",

"inncp": "Identification number of the contact person in the application",

"wname": "Name of the principal employer",

"wokpo": "EDRPOU of the principal employer",

"ureconom": "Industrial sector of the principal employer’s company (code from ref.36)",

"wstaff": "Number of employees of the principal employer",

"wcountry": "Country where the principal employer is located",

"wstate": "Region where the principal employer is located",

"wcity": "City/town where the principal employer is located",

"wstreet": "Street where the principal employer is located",

"whome": "House where the principal employer is located",

"wflat": "Office where the principal employer is located",

"windex": "Index of the principal employer",

"wothername": "Name of the additional employer",

"wotherokpo": "EDRPOU of the additional employer",

"ureconomother": "Industrial sector of the additional employer’s company (code from ref.36)",

"wotherstaff": "Number of employees of the additional employer’s organization",

"wothercountry": "Country where the additional employer is located",

"wotherstate": "Region where the additional employer is located",

"wothercity": "City/town where the additional employer is located",

"wotherstreet": "Street where the additional employer is located",

"wotherhome": "House where the additional employer is located",

"wotherflat": "Office where the additional employer is located",

"wotherindex": "Index of the additional employer’s location",

"mphone": "Mobile phone",

"wphone": "Business phone 1",

"wphone2": "Business Phone 2",

"wphone3": "Business phone 3",

"regphone": "Phone number at the place of registration",

"livphone": "Phone number at the place of residence",

"contphone": "Phone number of the contact person 1",

"contphone2": "Phone number of the contact person 2",

"regindex": "Index at the place of registration",

"regstate": "Region at the place of registration",

"regcity": "Registration city",

"regstreet": "Street name",

"reghome": "House number",

"regflat": "Flat number",

"adindex": "Index at the place of residence",

"adstate": "Region at the place of residence",

"adcity": "City/town of residence",

"adstreet": "Street name",

"adhome": "House number",

"adflat": "Flat number",

"apnum": "Application No.",

"apdate": "Date",

"dlcelcred": "Transaction type (code from ref.17). Clarification: For AFS UBKI the following values are used: '5', '6', '7', '8', '31'",

"dlchanel": "Application’s sales channel. (Code from ref.44)",

"dlaask": "Credit amount requested in UAH.",

"dlamt": "Amount issued in UAH.",

"wofdohod": "Monthly income (official) specified by the applicant in UAH.",

"waddohod": "Monthly income (additional) specified by the applicant in UAH.",

"appregion": "Region where the application is submitted (code from ref.34). Clarification: Values in the reference book starting from 28 are not used for AFS UBKI",

"appdepart": "Name of the department where the application is submitted",

"appcredman": "Credit expert",

"wtotstag": "General length of service (months)",

"wcurstag": "Current length of service (months)",

"foto": "base64(Photo)"



"update": {

"uid": "ID if the application obtained upon the first request",

"inn": "Client’s identification number (for individuals)",

"personfs": "Risk status of the client (code from ref.43)",

"passportfs": "Risk status of the passport (code from ref.43)",

"spousefs": "Risk status of the spouse (code from ref.43)",

"cpfs": "Risk status of the credit line (Code from the ref.43)",

"wfs": "Risk status of the principal employer. (Code from the ref.43)",

"waddfs": "Risk status of the principal employer’s address. (Code from the ref.43)",

"wotherfs": "Risk status of the additional employer. (Code from the ref.43)",

"wotheraddfs": "Risk status of the additional employer’s address. (Code from the ref.43)",

"mphonefs": "Risk status of the mobile phone. (Code from the ref.43)",

"wphonefs": "Risk status of the business phone. (Code from the ref.43)",

"wphone2fs": "Risk status of the business phone 2. (Code from the ref.43)",

"wphone3fs": "Risk status of the business phone 3. (Code from the ref.43)",

"regphonefs": "Risk status of the phone at the place of registration. (Code from the ref.43)",

"livphonefs": "Risk status of the phone at the place of residence. (Code from the ref.43)",

"contphonefs": "Risk status of the contact person 1. (Code from the ref.43)",

"contphone2fs": "Risk status of the contact person 2 (code from ref.43)",

"regfs": "Risk status of the address at the place of registration. (Code from the ref.43)",

"adfs": "Risk status of the address at the place of residence. (Code from the ref.43)",

"apstatus": "Loan application status. (Code from ref.45)",

"apdecisdate": "Date",

"appfs": "Risk status of the application. (Code from the ref.43)",

"dlamt": "Amount issued in UAH."



"reqlng": "Search criteria language (code from ref.23)"


"version": "1.0",

"reqtype": "Template code (code from ref.49): 'UBCH Anti-Fraud System ' – 16",

"reqreason": "Request objective (code from ref.24)"


"descr": "Request object"


"descr": "Request envelope"


"sessid": "Session key (obtained from the authorization API)"




Response JSON


"ubkidata": {

"tech": {

"trace": {

"step": {

"name": "Step name",

"stm": "Step start stamp date",

"ftm": "Step finish stamp date"



"error": {

"errtype": "Error code (code from ref.0)",

"errtext": "Error text (value from ref.0)"


"reqinfo": {

"reqid": "Outgoing request ID generated by UBKI"


"billing": {

"balance": {

"value": "Total assets",

"date": "Date",

"time": "Time"


"billdetails": {

"freemon": "Sign of free of charge according to the request type "Monitoring the client of the organization" (reqreason=1), code (0 - No, 1 - Yes)",

"freemonref": "Sign of free of charge according to the request type "Monitoring the client of the organization" (reqreason=1), value (0 - No, 1 - Yes)"




"comp": [


"afsubki": {

"resprequest": {

"rule": {

"lhs": "Variable attributes list, depending on the activated rule. Outgoing attributes of the rule are described here: Structure of AFS UBCH application fields",

"rhs": "Variable attributes list, depending on the activated rule. Outgoing attributes of the rule are described here: Structure of AFS UBCH application fields",

"name": "Activated rule code",

"recom": "Rule guidelines",

"description": "Rule description"


"uid": "Application ID generated by UBKI",

"score": "Score of the LHS application for all the activated rules"


"inn": "Client’s TIN (for individuals)"


"id": "15",

"descr": "Names of components"



"afsubki": {

"resprequest": {

"consolidated": [


"name": "CR1 rule set, part 1",

"inn": "Client’s identification number (for individuals)",

"recountappday": "Number of applications for the TIN per day, for all the partners together with the partner who made the request",

"countappdayownno": "Number of applications for this TIN per day, for all the partners, except the partner who made the request",

"countappweek": "Number of applications for the TIN per week, for all the partners together with the requesting partner",

"countappweekownno": "Number of applications for this TIN per week for all the partners, except the partner who made the request",

"countclientdecl": "Number of clients of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose requests have been declined, and over the last 90 days",

"countclientdeclownno": " Number of clients of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose requests have been declined, and over the last 90 days",

"proportionclientdecl": "Ratio of clients of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, to all the clients of all the partners whose applications have been approved, with the same phone numbers, and over the last 90 days",

"proportionclientdeclownno": " Ratio of clients of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, to all the clients of all the partners whose applications have been approved, with the same phone numbers, and over the last 90 days"



"name": "CR2 rule set, part 2",

"livphone": "Phone number at the place of residence",

"countclient": "Number of clients who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field in the applications of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, and over the last 180 days.",

"countclientownno": "Number of clients who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field in the applications of all the partners, except the requesting partner, and over the last 180 days",

"countapp": "Number of applications of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, and over the last 90 days",

"countappownno": "Number of applications of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, and over the last 90 days",

"proportionapp": "Ratio of applications of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, to all the agreed applications with the same phone numbers, and over the last 90 days",

"proportionappownno": "Ratio of applications of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, to all the approved applications with the same phone numbers, and over the last 90 days",

"countclientdecl": "Number of clients of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose requests have been declined, and over the last 90 days",

"countclientdeclownno": " Number of clients of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose requests have been declined, and over the last 90 days",

"proportionclientdecl": "Ratio of clients of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, to all the clients of all the partners whose applications have been approved, with the same phone numbers, and over the last 90 days",

"proportionclientdeclownno": "Ratio of clients of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, to all the clients of all the partners whose applications have been approved, with the same phone numbers, and over the last 90 days"



"name": "CR3 rule set, part 3",

"mphone": "Mobile phone",

"countclient": "Number of clients who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field in the applications of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, and over the last 180 days",

"countclientownno": "Number of clients who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field in the applications of all the partners, except the requesting partner, and over the last 180 days",

"countapp": "Number of applications of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, and over the last 90 days",

"countappownno": "Number of applications of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, and over the last 90 days",

"proportionapp": "Ratio of applications of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, to all the agreed applications with the same phone numbers, and over the last 90 days",

"proportionappownno": "Ratio of applications of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, to all the approved applications with the same phone numbers, and over the last 90 days"



"name": "CR4 rule set, part 4",

"countapp": "Number of applications of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified these phone numbers in 'Business home' fields, but work for different employers, and over the last 180 days",

"countappownno": "Number of applications of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified these phone numbers in 'Business home' fields, but work for different employers, and over the last 180 days",

"wphone": "Business phone 1",

"wphone2": "Business Phone 2",

"wphone3": "Business phone 3"



"name": "CR5 rule set, part 5",

"inn": "Client’s identification number (for individuals)",

"countappdenied": "Number of applications with the 'Declined for the TIN' status for all the partners, together with the requesting partner",

"countappdeniedownno": "Number of applications with the 'Declined for the TIN' status for all the partners, except the requesting partner"



"uid": "Application ID generated by UBKI"


"inn": "Client’s identification number (for individuals)"


"id": "15",

"descr": "Names of components"



"afsubki": {

"respupdate": {

"uid": "Application ID generated by UBKI"


"inn": "Subject’s TIN"


"id": "15"



"pret": {

"pretension": {

"inn": "INN (for natural persons)/OKPO (for legal entities)",

"crdeal": "Transaction identifier (reference)",

"source": "Disputing type (Code from ref.48)",

"sourceref": "Disputing type (Value from ref.48)",

"claim" : "Subject of dispute (Code from ref. 69)",

                         "claimref": "Subject of dispute (Value from ref. 69)",

"vdate": "Date of the request creation"


"commentcki": {

"comment": "Commentary of the subject of credit history",

"vdate": "Date of a comment creation"


"plost": {

"pser": "Passport series claimed by the client as lost (theft)",

"pnom": "Passport number declared by the client as lost (theft)",

"crdate": "ДDate of creation of an application for the loss/theft of a client's passport in UBCH",

"ldate": "The date of loss / theft of the client's passport indicated in the application in UBCH"


"changedeal": {

"crdeal": "Transaction identifier (reference)",

"changecode": "Code for the reason of correction/deletion of data (Code from ref.62)",

"changeref": "Text of the reason for correcting/deleting data (Value from ref.62)",

"vdate": "Date of data correction/deletion"


"freezedate": "FREEZE option connection date",

"nonewdealcomment": "Comment",

"nonewdeal": "Sign of reluctance to draw up new loan products, connection status of the FREEZE option: 0 - not enabled, 1 - enabled",

"nonewdealref": "The value of the sign of unwillingness to draw up new credit products, the connection status of the FREEZE option is 0-no (the option is not connected), 1-yes (the option is connected)",

"inn": "INN (for natural persons)/OKPO (for legal entities)"


"fcert": {

"inn": "TIN",

"cert": "Availability of a certificate from the UBCH (code from ref. 56) - 0 - no (no registered certificate), 1 - yes (registered certificate) ",

"certref": "Availability of a certificate from the UBCH (value from ref. 56)",

"certid": "Certificate number",

"certurl": "Link to the certificate"


"maybegone": {

"inn": "TIN",

"vdate": "Application creation date",

"dldonor": "Information provider (code from ref. 54)"


"id": "18",

"descr": "Components name"



"person": {

"bdate": "Date of birth",

"lngref": "Search/transfer language (ref. 23)",

"lng": "Part presentation language, value (ref. 23)",

"mname": "Middle name",

"fname": "First name",

"lname": "Last name",

"inn ": "TIN of the credit history subject",


"id": "72",

"descr": "Search by full name + inn if more than 1 person is found (The presence of the component is determined by searching for more than 1 person in the case of searching by full name + inn)"





Request XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<ubki sessid="Session key (obtained from the authorization API)">

<req_envelope descr="Request envelope">

<req_xml descr="Request object">

<!-- Request parameters -->

<request version="1.0" reqtype="Template code (code from ref.49): 'UBCH Anti-Fraud System ' – 16" reqreason="Request objective (code from ref.24)">

<!-- Parameters describing search criteria-->

<i reqlng="Search criteria language (code from ref.23)">

<!-- AFS UBKI-->


<!-- The first request is short, mode="short" -->

<request mode="Request type (full, short)"

dlrolesub="Subject’s role (code from ref.14). Clarification: Value 3 from the reference book is not used for AFS UBKI"

inn="Client’s TIN (for individuals)"

lname="Last name"

fname="First name"

mname="Middle name"

bdate="Date of birth"

mphone="Mobile phone"

wphone="Business phone 1"

wphone2="Business Phone 2"

wphone3="Business phone 3"

livphone="Phone number at the place of residence"

apnum="Application No."

apdate="Application date and time" />

<!-- The first request is full, mode="full" -->

<request mode="Request type (full, short)"

dlrolesub="Subject’s role (code from ref.14). Clarification: Value 3 from the reference book is not used for AFS UBKI"

inn="Client’s TIN (for individuals)"

lname="Last name"

fname="First name"

mname="Middle name"

bdate="Date of birth"

dser="Passport series"

dnom="Passport number"

innsp="Spouse’s TIN"

inncp="Identification number of the contact person in the application"

wname="Name of the principal employer"

wokpo="EDRPOU of the principal employer"

ureconom="Industrial sector of the principal employer’s company (code from ref.36)"

wstaff="Number of employees of the principal employer"

wcountry="Country where the principal employer is located"

wstate="Region where the principal employer is located"

wcity="City/town where the principal employer is located"

wstreet="Street where the principal employer is located"

whome="House where the principal employer is located"

wflat="Office where the principal employer is located"

windex="Index of the principal employer"

wothername="Name of the additional employer"

wotherokpo="EDRPOU of the additional employer"

ureconomother="Industrial sector of the additional employer’s company (code from ref.36)"

wotherstaff="Number of employees of the additional employer’s organization"

wothercountry="Country where the additional employer is located"

wotherstate="Region where the additional employer is located"

wothercity="City/town where the additional employer is located"

wotherstreet="Street where the additional employer is located"

wotherhome="House where the additional employer is located"

wotherflat="Office where the additional employer is located"

wotherindex="Index of the additional employer’s location"

mphone="Mobile phone"

wphone="Business phone 1"

wphone2="Business Phone 2"

wphone3="Business phone 3"

regphone="Phone number at the place of registration"

livphone="Phone number at the place of residence"

contphone="Phone number of the contact person 1"

contphone2="Phone number of the contact person 2"

regindex="Index at the place of registration"

regstate="Region at the place of registration"

regcity="Registration city"

regstreet="Street name"

reghome="House number"

regflat="Flat number"

adindex="Index at the place of residence"

adstate="Region at the place of residence"

adcity="City/town of residence"

adstreet="Street name"

adhome="House number"

adflat="Flat number"

apnum="Application No."


dlcelcred="Transaction type (code from ref.17). Clarification: For AFS UBKI the following values are used: '5', '6', '7', '8', '31'"

dlchanel="Application’s sales channel. (Code from ref.44)"

dlaask="Credit amount requested in UAH."

dlamt="Amount issued in UAH."

wofdohod="Monthly income (official) specified by the applicant in UAH."

waddohod="Monthly income (additional) specified by the applicant in UAH."

appregion="Region where the application is submitted (code from ref.34). Clarification: Values in the reference book starting from 28 are not used for AFS UBKI"

appdepart="Name of the department where the application is submitted"

appcredman="Credit expert"

wtotstag="General length of service (months)"

wcurstag="Current length of service (months)"

foto="base64(Photo)" />

<!-- The second request is intended only for the first full request-->

<update uid="ID if the application obtained upon the first request"

inn="Client’s identification number (for individuals)"

personfs="Risk status of the client (code from ref.43)"

passportfs="Risk status of the passport (code from ref.43)"

spousefs="Risk status of the spouse (code from ref.43)"

cpfs="Risk status of the credit line (Code from the ref.43)"

wfs="Risk status of the principal employer. (Code from the ref.43)"

waddfs="Risk status of the principal employer’s address. (Code from the ref.43)"

wotherfs="Risk status of the additional employer. (Code from the ref.43)"

wotheraddfs="Risk status of the additional employer’s address. (Code from the ref.43)"

mphonefs="Risk status of the mobile phone. (Code from the ref.43)"

wphonefs="Risk status of the business phone. (Code from the ref.43)"

wphone2fs="Risk status of the business phone 2. (Code from the ref.43)"

wphone3fs="Risk status of the business phone 3. (Code from the ref.43)"

regphonefs="Risk status of the phone at the place of registration. (Code from the ref.43)"

livphonefs="Risk status of the phone at the place of residence. (Code from the ref.43)"

contphonefs="Risk status of the contact person 1. (Code from the ref.43)"

contphone2fs="Risk status of the contact person 2 (code from ref.43)"

regfs="Risk status of the address at the place of registration. (Code from the ref.43)"

adfs="Risk status of the address at the place of residence. (Code from the ref.43)"

apstatus="Loan application status. (Code from ref.45)"


appfs="Risk status of the application. (Code from the ref.43)"

dlamt="Amount issued in UAH." />








Response XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



<!-- System information part -->


<step name="Step name" stm="Step start stamp date" ftm="Step finish stamp date">

<!-- The trace part contains timing metrics of components generation steps -->



<error errtype="Error code (code from ref.0)" errtext="Error text (value from ref.0)">


<reqinfo reqid="Outgoing request ID generated by UBKI">



<!-- Information about the current status of the prepaid account part-->

<balance value="Total assets" date="Date" time="Time" />

<billdetails freemon="Sign of free of charge according to the request type "Monitoring the client of the organization" (reqreason=1), code (0 - No, 1 - Yes)"

freemonref="Sign of free of charge according to the request type "Monitoring the client of the organization" (reqreason=1), value (0 - No, 1 - Yes)"/>



<!-- Response for the first full request-->

<!-- AFS UBKI Response part -->

<comp id="15" descr="Names of components">

<afsubki inn="Client’s TIN (for individuals)">


uid="Application ID generated by UBKI"

score="Score of the LHS application for all the activated rules" >


name="Activated rule code"

recom="Rule guidelines"

description="Rule description" >

<!-- LHS application fields for the activated rule-->


<!-- Variable attributes list, depending on the activated rule. Outgoing attributes of the rule are described here: Structure of AFS UBCH application fields -->


<!-- RHS application fields for the activated rule -->


<!-- Variable attributes list, depending on the activated rule. Outgoing attributes of the rule are described here: Structure of AFS UBCH application fields -->






<!-- Response for the first short request-->

<comp id="15" descr="Names of components">

<!-- AFS UBKI Response part -->

<afsubki inn="Client’s identification number (for individuals)">

<resprequest uid="Application ID generated by UBKI">


name="CR1 rule set, part 1"

inn="Client’s identification number (for individuals)"

recountappday="Number of applications for the TIN per day, for all the partners together with the partner who made the request"

countappdayownno="Number of applications for this TIN per day, for all the partners, except the partner who made the request"

countappweek="Number of applications for the TIN per week, for all the partners together with the requesting partner"

countappweekownno="Number of applications for this TIN per week for all the partners, except the partner who made the request"

countclientdecl="Number of clients of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose requests have been declined, and over the last 90 days"

countclientdeclownno=" Number of clients of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose requests have been declined, and over the last 90 days"

proportionclientdecl="Ratio of clients of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, to all the clients of all the partners whose applications have been approved, with the same phone numbers, and over the last 90 days"

proportionclientdeclownno=" Ratio of clients of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, to all the clients of all the partners whose applications have been approved, with the same phone numbers, and over the last 90 days"/>

<consolidated name="CR2 rule set, part 2"

livphone="Phone number at the place of residence"

countclient="Number of clients who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field in the applications of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, and over the last 180 days."

countclientownno="Number of clients who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field in the applications of all the partners, except the requesting partner, and over the last 180 days"

countapp="Number of applications of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, and over the last 90 days"

countappownno="Number of applications of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, and over the last 90 days"

proportionapp="Ratio of applications of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, to all the agreed applications with the same phone numbers, and over the last 90 days"

proportionappownno="Ratio of applications of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, to all the approved applications with the same phone numbers, and over the last 90 days"

countclientdecl="Number of clients of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose requests have been declined, and over the last 90 days"

countclientdeclownno=" Number of clients of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose requests have been declined, and over the last 90 days"

proportionclientdecl="Ratio of clients of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, to all the clients of all the partners whose applications have been approved, with the same phone numbers, and over the last 90 days"

proportionclientdeclownno="Ratio of clients of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, to all the clients of all the partners whose applications have been approved, with the same phone numbers, and over the last 90 days" />

<consolidated name="CR3 rule set, part 3"

mphone="Mobile phone"

countclient="Number of clients who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field in the applications of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, and over the last 180 days"

countclientownno="Number of clients who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field in the applications of all the partners, except the requesting partner, and over the last 180 days"

countapp="Number of applications of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, and over the last 90 days"

countappownno="Number of applications of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, and over the last 90 days"

proportionapp="Ratio of applications of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, to all the agreed applications with the same phone numbers, and over the last 90 days"

proportionappownno="Ratio of applications of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, to all the approved applications with the same phone numbers, and over the last 90 days" />

<consolidated name="CR4 rule set, part 4"

countapp="Number of applications of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified these phone numbers in 'Business home' fields, but work for different employers, and over the last 180 days"

countappownno="Number of applications of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified these phone numbers in 'Business home' fields, but work for different employers, and over the last 180 days"

wphone="Business phone 1"

wphone2="Business Phone 2"

wphone3="Business phone 3" />

<consolidated name="CR5 rule set, part 5"

inn="Client’s identification number (for individuals)"

countappdenied="Number of applications with the 'Declined for the TIN' status for all the partners, together with the requesting partner"

countappdeniedownno="Number of applications with the 'Declined for the TIN' status for all the partners, except the requesting partner" />




<!-- Response to the second request -->

<comp id="15">

<afsubki inn="Subject’s TIN">

<respupdate uid="Application ID generated by UBKI"/>



<!-- Alert -->

<comp id="18" descr="Components name">

<pret nonewdeal="Sign of reluctance to draw up new loan products, connection status of the FREEZE option: 0 - not enabled, 1 - enabled"

nonewdealref="The value of the sign of unwillingness to draw up new credit products, the connection status of the FREEZE option is 0-no (the option is not connected), 1-yes (the option is connected)"

freezedate="FREEZE option connection date"


inn="INN (for natural persons)/OKPO (for legal entities)">

<pretension inn="INN (for natural persons)/OKPO (for legal entities)"

crdeal="Transaction identifier (reference)"

source="Disputing type (Code from ref.48)"

sourceref="Disputing type (Value from ref.48)"

claim="Subject of dispute (Code from ref. 69)"

                         claimref="Subject of dispute (Value from ref. 69)"

vdate="Date of the request creation" />

<commentcki comment="Commentary of the subject of credit history"

vdate="Date of a comment creation" />

<plost pser="Passport series claimed by the client as lost (theft)"

pnom="Passport number declared by the client as lost (theft)"

crdate="ДDate of creation of an application for the loss/theft of a client's passport in UBCH"

ldate="The date of loss / theft of the client's passport indicated in the application in UBCH" />

<changedeal crdeal="Transaction identifier (reference)"

changecode="Code for the reason of correction/deletion of data (Code from ref.62)"

changeref="Text of the reason for correcting/deleting data (Value from ref.62)"

vdate="Date of data correction/deletion" />


<fcert inn="TIN"

cert="Availability of a certificate from the UBCH (code from ref. 56) - 0 - no (no registered certificate), 1 - yes (registered certificate) "

certref="Availability of a certificate from the UBCH (value from ref. 56)"

certid="Certificate number"

certurl="Link to the certificate" />

<maybegone inn="TIN"

vdate="Application creation date"

dldonor="Information provider (code from ref. 54)"/>


<!-- Search by full name + inn if more than 1 person is found (The presence of the component is determined by searching for more than 1 person in the case of searching by full name + inn)-->

<comp id="72" descr="Search by full name + inn if more than 1 person is found">

<person bdate="Date of birth"

lngref="Search/transfer language (ref. 23)"

lng="Part presentation language, value (ref. 23)"

mname="Middle name"

fname="First name"

lname="Last name"

inn="TIN of the credit history subject" />





Request JSON

{ "doc": { "ubki": { "req_envelope": { "req_xml": { "request": { "i": { "afsubki": { "request": { "mode": "short", "dlrolesub": "1", "inn": "0123443211", "lname": "UBKOV", "fname": "IVAN", "mname": "IVANOVICH", "bdate": "1999-09-09", "mphone": "+380990000009", "wphone": "", "wphone2": "", "wphone3": "", "livphone": "", "apnum": "269fc68c.f0a0da", "apdate": "2019-01-17 11:29:25" } }, "reqlng": "4" }, "version": "1.0", "reqtype": "16", "reqreason": "2" } } }, "sessid": "7D6CDE893ADD439AB4ABBF1B0242D847" } } }

Response JSON

{ "ubkidata": { "tech": { "trace": { "step": { "name": "build report", "stm": "2019-01-17 10:31:34.889", "ftm": "2019-01-17 10:31:35.781" } }, "reqinfo": { "reqid": "req2#000000562528" } }, "comp": [ { "afsubki": { "resprequest": { "consolidated": [ { "name": "CR1", "inn": "0123443211", "countappday": "0", "countappdayownno": "0", "countappweek": "0", "countappweekownno": "0" }, { "name": "CR2", "livphone": "", "countclient": "0", "countclientownno": "0", "countclientdecl": "0", "countclientdeclownno": "0", "proportionclientdecl": "", "proportionclientdeclownno": "" }, { "name": "CR3", "mphone": "+380990000009", "countclient": "0", "countclientownno": "0", "countclientdecl": "0", "countclientdeclownno": "0", "proportionclientdecl": "", "proportionclientdeclownno": "" }, { "name": "CR4", "countapp": "0", "countappownno": "0", "wphone": "", "wphone2": "", "wphone3": "" }, { "name": "CR5", "inn": "0123443211", "countappdenied": "0", "countappdeniedownno": "0" } ], "uid": "416250b6-bcdf-4692-ac19-13736ac50f7d" }, "inn": "0123443211" }, "id": "15", "descr": "AFS УБКІ" }, { "pret": { "inn": "0123443211", "nonewdeal": "0", "nonewdealref": "No", "nonewdealcomment": "", "freezedate":"" }, "fcert": { "inn": "0123443211", "cert": "0", "certref": "No", "certid": "", "certurl": "" }, "id": "18", "descr": "Alert" } ] } }

Request XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <doc> <ubki sessid="7D6CDE893ADD439AB4ABBF1B0242D847"> <req_envelope> <req_xml> <request version="1.0" reqtype="16" reqreason="2"> <i reqlng="4"> <afsubki> <!-- The first request is short, mode="short" --> <request mode="short" dlrolesub="1" inn="0123443211" lname="UBKOV" fname="IVAN" mname="IVANOVICH" bdate="1999-09-09" mphone="+380990000009" wphone="" wphone2="" wphone3="" livphone="" apnum="269fc68c.f0a0da" apdate="2019-01-17 11:29:25" /> </afsubki> </i> </request> </req_xml> </req_envelope> </ubki> </doc>

Response XML

Test URL

Test data

  1. inn="3189121467", dser="КМ", dnom="161908", mphone="+380671082183"

  2. inn="1949917504", dser="МО", dnom="540502", mphone="+380507120614"

  3. inn="1715901052", dser="ЕО", dnom="853614", mphone="+380681148693"

  4. inn="3282609739", dser="КО", dnom="643408", mphone="+380993593186"

  5. inn="3496806854", dser="НМ", dnom="412881", mphone="+380665288093"


<comp id="72" descr="Search by full name + inn if more than 1 person is found">

  • bdate="1985-03-20" mname="НИКИФОРОВНА" fname="АННА" lname="ЯРЦЕВА"


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