15 - Credit report of a legal entity
A credit report of a legal entity will be useful, in case of registration of a loan contract, execution of the contract with a new partner, as wells as when the verification of the existing contractors is required. The report allows you to verify the existence, location of the founders, as well as dept obligations of a legal entity.
The report contains the following components:
4 – Block-register of the requests and decisions on crediting
41 - Information from the Public Register of Politically Exposed Persons of Ukraine (Will be decommissioned on 05/30/2025)
Http Method | POST |
Request URL | https://secure.ubki.ua/b2_api_xml/ubki/xml |
Request JSON{ "doc": { "ubki": { "req_envelope": { "req_xml": { "request": { "i": { "ident": { "okpo": "EGRPOU (for legal entities)" }, "reqlng": "Search criteria language (Code from ref.23)" }, "version": "1.0", "reqtype": "Template code (Code from the ref.49): 'Credit report of a legal entity ' - 15", "reqreason": "Purpose of the request (Code from the ref.24)" }, "descr": "Request object" }, "descr": "Request envelope" }, "sessid": "Session key (we receive it from the API authorization)" } } } |
Response JSON{ "ubkidata": { "tech": { "trace": { "step": { "name": "Step name", "stm": "Date-stamp of the step start", "ftm": "Date-stamp of the step end" } }, "error": { "errtype": "Error code (code from ref.0)", "errtext": "Error text (value from ref.0)" }, "reqinfo": { "reqid": "The outgoing ID request, generated by the Ukrainian Bureau of the Credit History" }, "billing": { "balance": { "value": "Balance amount", "date": "Date", "time": "Time" }, "billdetails": { "freemon": "Sign of free of charge according to the request type "Monitoring the client of the organization" (reqreason=1), code (0 - No, 1 - Yes)", "freemonref": "Sign of free of charge according to the request type "Monitoring the client of the organization" (reqreason=1), value (0 - No, 1 - Yes)" } } }, "comp": [ { "cki": { "urident": { "donor": "A source of information (code from ref.54)", "vdate": "Date of this block information", "lng": "Block representation language (Code from ref.23)", "lngref": "Block representation language (Meaning from ref.23)", "okpo": "EGRPOU of the legal entity", "urname": "Name of the legal entity", "urfrms": "Form of ownership (Code from ref.38)", "urfrmsref": "Form of ownership (Meaning from ref.38)", "ureconom": "Branch of economy (Section KVED2010) (Code from ref.36)", "ureconomref": "Branch of economy (Section KVED2010) (Meaning from ref.36)", "urvide": "Business activity (KVED2010) (Code from ref.37)", "urvideref": "Business activity (KVED2010) (Code from ref.37)", "urdatreg": "Date of registration in the Unified State Register", "urdatregnal": "Date of registration in the tax inspectorate" }, "linked": { "ldonor": "A source of information (code from ref.54)", "okpo2": "INN/EGRPOU of the related person", "okpo2_name": "Full name/Name of the related person", "linkrole": "Type of connection (Code from ref.39)", "linkroleref": "Type of connection (Meaning from ref.39)", "rdate": "Connection updated date" }, "doc": { "ddonor": "Source of information (code from ref. 54)", "vdate": "Date of the information from this part", "lng": "Part presentation language (code from ref.23)", "lngref": "Part presentation language (value from ref.23)", "dtype": "Document type (code from ref.7)", "dtyperef": "Document type (value from ref.7)", "dser": "Document series", "dnom": "Document number", "dterm": "Expiration date", "dwho": "Document issuer", "dwdt": "Document issue date", "eddr_number": "Unique record number in the Unified State Demographic Register" }, "addr": { "addonor": "Source of information (code from ref.54)", "vdate": "Date of the information from this part", "lng": "Part presentation language (code from ref.23)", "lngref": "Part presentation language (value from ref.23)", "adtype": "Address type (code from ref.9)", "adtyperef": "Address type (value from ref.9)", "adcountry": "Country (two-character code from ISO 3166 reference book)", "adindex": "Postal code", "adstate": "Region", "adarea": "District", "adcity": "Locality", "adcitytype": "Locality type (code from ref.22)", "adcitytyperef": "Locality type (value from ref.22)", "adstreet": "Street", "adhome": "House", "adcorp": "Block", "adflat": "Flat", "addrdirt": "Address in one row (will not be used in subsequent API versions, the field is deemed invalid starting from 13.11.2019)" }, "inn": "EGPROU of the legal entity", "lname": "Name of the legal entity", "reqlng": "Search language (during search)/Identification language (during transmission) (Code from ref.23)", "reqlngref": "Search language (during search)/Identification language (during transmission) (Meaning from ref.23)" }, "id": "1", "descr": "Components name" }, { "donorsData": { "donorTypeDealCount": { "type": "Source/donor of information (code from ref. 54)", "typeref": "Source/donor of information (value from ref. 54)", "count": "The number of deals" }, "totalCount": "Total number of unique creditors", "activeCount": "Number of unique creditors under current agreements" }, "crdeal": { "deallife": { "dlref": "Transaction identifier", "dlmonth": "Data period (month)", "dlyear": "Data period (year)", "dlds": "Date of the transaction beginning", "dldpf": "Date of the transaction ending by the agreement", "dldff": "Actual date of the transaction ending", "dlflstat": "Transaction Status at the current period (Code from ref.16)", "dlflstatref": "Transaction status at the current period (Meaning from ref.16)", "dlamtlim": "Current transaction limit (for revolving transactions, credit cards)", "dlamtpaym": "The amount of the obligatory payment in the current period", "dlamtcur": "The sum of the current debt", "dlamtexp": "The sum of the current outstanding debt", "dldayexp": "Current number of days in arrears", "dlflpay": "The sign of payment execution in the current period (the code from ref.13)", "dlflpayref": "The sign of payment execution in the current period (Meaning from ref.13)", "dlflbrk": "The sign of the existence of an outstanding payment in the current period (the code from ref.13)", "dlflbrkref": "The sign of the existence of an outstanding payment in the current period (Meaning from ref.13)", "dlfluse": "Characteristics of a credit tranche in the current period (code from ref.13)", "dlfluseref": "Characteristics of a credit tranche in the current period (Meaning from ref.13)", "dldateclc": "Calculation Date" }, "dlref": "Transaction identifier", "lng": "Block representation language (Code from ref.23)", "lngref": "Block representation language (Meaning from ref.23)", "inn": "INN SKI / EGRPOU of the legal entity", "lname": "Surname/Name of the legal entity", "fname": "Name", "mname": "Father’s name", "bdate": "Date of Birth", "dlcelcred": "Transaction type (Code from ref.17)", "dlcelcredref": "Transaction type (Meaning from ref.17)", "dlvidobes": "Type of collateral (Code from ref.15)", "dlvidobesref": "Type of collateral (Meaning from ref.15)", "dlporpog": "Repayment procedure (Code from ref.18)", "dlporpogref": "Repayment procedure (Meaning from ref.18)", "dlcurr": "Transaction currency (Code from ref.12)", "dlcurrref": "Transaction currency (Meaning from ref.12)", "dlamt": "Transaction sum (initial)", "dldonor": "Information donor (code from ref.54)", "dldonornum": "Information on the unique number of the creditor", "primarydebt": "Code of the CHS type under the main agreement (1 - individual, 2 - legal entity) for the roles of “guarantor” and “pledger” (dlrolesub=2,3) (code from ref. 74)", "primarydebtref": "Value of the CHS type under the main agreement (1 - individual, 2 - legal entity) for the roles of “guarantor” and “pledger” (dlrolesub=2,3) (value from ref. 74)", "dlrolesub": "Role of the subject (Code from ref.14)", "dlrolesubref": "Role of the subject (Meaning from ref.14)", "dlamtobes": "Cost of collateral in the base currency" }, "id": "2", "descr": "Components name" }, { "penaltiesCount": { "totalCount": "The total number of enforcement proceedings for all time", "activeCount": "Number of active enforcement proceedings" }, "susd": { "changes": { "voteid": "Enforcement Number", "inn": "TIN of the debtor", "votedate": "Enforcement start date", "votesudname": "Executor", "vdate": "Record Date", "credname": "Name of creditor", "credokpo": "Creditor`s code", "vpstate": "Status of proceedings" }, "votesudname": "Executor", "votetype": "Enforcement type", "votedate": "Enforcement start date", "inn": "TIN of the debtor", "voteid": "Enforcement Number", "votedonor": "Source of information", "votesudphone": "Executor’s phone", "votesudemail": "Executor’s email", "vdate": "Record update date", "credname": "Creditor name", "credokpo": "Creditor`s code", "vpstate": "Status of proceedings" }, "id": "3", "descr": "Information on the enforcement proceedings of SKI" }, { "credres": { "redate": "Date of decision", "retime": "Time of decision", "inn": "INN", "reqid": "Request identifier in the Bureau", "result": "Report result (Code from ref.19)", "resultref": "Report result (Meaning from ref.19)", "reqreason": "Reason for the request in to the bureau (Code from ref.24)", "reqreasonref": "Reason for the request in to the bureau (Meaning from ref.24)", "org": "Initiating agency (code from ref.54)", "typereport": "The type of report provided (Code from ref.71)", "typereportref": "The type of report provided (Meaning from ref.71)" }, "reestrtime": { "hr": "Number of requests per hour", "da": "Number of requests per day", "wk": "Number of requests per week", "mn": "Number of requests per month", "qw": "Number of requests per quarter", "ye": "Number of requests per year", "yu": "Number of requests per over a year" }, "id": "4", "descr": "Components name" }, { "moncredres": { "org": "Initiating organization (code from ref.54)", "resultref": "Monitoring result (value from ref.19)", "result": "Monitoring result (Code from ref.19)", "monid": "Unique Monitoring Identifier", "inn": "TIN", "startdate": "Monitoring start date", "enddate": "Date of last monitoring" }, "id": "6", "descr": "Components name" }, { "regdata": { "contact": { "type": "Type of contact, code (1 - Phone, 2 - Email)", "typeref": "Type of contact (1 - Phone, 2 - Email)", "value": "Contact value" }, "found": "Found? (Code from ref.27)", "foundref": "Value from the directory Found? (Value from ref.27)", "state": "Numerical determination of registration status (Code from ref.64)", "stateref": "Text definition of registration state (Value from ref.64)", "code": "USREOU", "name": "Name of the organization", "regDate": "Date of registration", "authorisedCapital": "Authorized capital", "kindname": "Name of KVED", "kindcode": "Code of KVED", "legalAddress": "Legal Address", "vdate": "Update date" }, "id": "13", "descr": "Components name" }, { "pret": { "pretension": { "inn": "INN (for natural persons)/OKPO (for legal entities)", "crdeal": "Transaction identifier (reference)", "source": "Disputing type (Code from ref.48)", "sourceref": "Disputing type (Value from ref.48)", "claim" : "Subject of dispute (Code from ref. 69)", "claimref": "Subject of dispute (Value from ref. 69)", "vdate": "Date of the request creation" }, "commentcki": { "comment": "Commentary of the subject of credit history", "vdate": "Date of a comment creation" }, "changedeal": { "crdeal": "Transaction identifier (reference)", "changecode": "Code for the reason of correction/deletion of data (Code from ref.62)", "changeref": "Text of the reason for correcting/deleting data (Value from ref.62)", "vdate": "Date of data correction/deletion" } }, "id": "18", "descr": "Components name" }, { "sanctions": { "sanctionsData": { "countryCode": "Country code", "country": "The name of the country", "sanction": "Presence of sanctions imposed by the country (Code from ref. 68)", "date": "Date of entry into the list", "url": "Link to the document – confirmation" }, "found": "Availability of information (Code from ref. 27)", "foundRef": "Text interpretation of available information (Code from ref. 27)", "subName": "Subject’s name", "bDate": "Subject’s date of birth", "position": "Position", "reason": "Grounds for imposing sanctions", "endDate": "Expiration date of restrictions", "sanctionsTerm": "The term of imposing the sanction", "sanctionsNo": "Type of imposed restrictions, numbers", "sanctions ": "The type of constraints imposed is Expanded", "address": "Location", "typeSearch": "Search type (Code from ref. 67)", "typeSearchText": "Text interpretation of the type of search (Code from ref. 67)" }, "id": "40", "descr": "Information from sanctions lists" }, { "pep": { "found": "0 – not located, 1 – located ", "foundref": "not located/located", "subname": "Subject’s name", "bdate": "Subject’s date of birth", "category": "Category of the politically exposed person", "lastpost": "Last position", "dateofrelease": "Date of leaving of the last position", "isur": "Indication of legal entity", "state": "Status of legal entity", "url": "Link to the document – confirmation" }, "id": "41", "descr": "Information from the Public Register of Politically Exposed Persons of Ukraine" }, { "bankruptcyinfo": { "bankruptcy": { "subname": "Subject’s name", "subcode": "TIN/EDRPOU", "eventtype": "Event type", "eventclaimer": "Initiator of the event", "eventcourtcase": "Case number", "eventdate": "Date of event" }, "found": "Availability of information about bankruptcy, numerical designation 0-1", "foundref": " Availability of information about bankruptcy, textual meaning 0-not found / 1-found" }, "id": "54", "descr": "Bankruptcy information" }, { "creditSummary": { "surety": { "totalSuretyCreditAmount": "The total amount of loans in which SKI acts as a surety", "totalSuretyCurDebt": "The amount of total current debt", "totalSuretyExpNow": "The amount of current overdue debt" }, "pledgor": { "totalPledgorCreditAmount": "The total amount of loans in which SKI acts as a pledgor", "totalPledgorCurDebt": "The amount of total current debt", "totalPledgorExpNow": "The amount of current overdue debt" }, "creditSummary": { "totalDeals": "Total credit agreements", "totalOpenDeals": "Total open credit agreements", "totalClosedDeals": "Total closed loan agreements", "newDealsMonth": "The number of new transactions in the last month", "dealsExpPay": "The number of credit agreements with a violation of the payment schedule", "dealsExpNow": "The number of loan agreements with current overdue", "dealsClosedEarl": "The number of credit agreements closed early", "dealsExpYear": "The number of credit agreements with an existing default over the past year", "totalCreditAmount": "The total amount of loans", "totalOpenLimits": "Total amount of open limits", "totalOblPay": "The total amount of mandatory payments at the current moment", "totalExpNow": "The amount of current overdue debt", "totalCurDebt": "The amount of total current debt" }, "id": "78", "descr": "Consolidated credit history analytics" } ] } } |
Request XML<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <doc> <ubki sessid="Session key (we receive it from the API authorization)"> <req_envelope descr="Request envelope"> <req_xml descr="Request object"> <!-- Request Parameters --> <request version="1.0" reqtype="Template code (Code from the ref.49): 'Credit report of a legal entity ' - 15" reqreason="Purpose of the request (Code from the ref.24)"> <!-- Parameters, which describe the search criteria--> <i reqlng="Search criteria language (Code from ref.23)"> <!-- Identification parameters of the subject--> <ident okpo="EGRPOU (for legal entities)" /> </i> </request> </req_xml> </req_envelope> </ubki> </doc> |
Response XML<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ubkidata> <!-- System information block --> <tech> <trace> <step name="Step name" stm="Date-stamp of the step start" ftm="Date-stamp of the step end"> <!-- The trace block contains the timing metrics of the components formation steps --> </step> </trace> <error errtype="Error code (Code from ref.0)" errtext="Error text (Meaning from ref.0)"> </error> <reqinfo reqid="The outgoing ID request, generated by the Ukrainian Bureau of the Credit History"> </reqinfo> <!-- Block of information on the current state of the prepaid account--> <billing> <balance value="Balance amount" date="Date" time="Time" /> <billdetails freemon="Sign of free of charge according to the request type "Monitoring the client of the organization" (reqreason=1), code (0 - No, 1 - Yes)" freemonref="Sign of free of charge according to the request type "Monitoring the client of the organization" (reqreason=1), value (0 - No, 1 - Yes)"/> </billing> </tech> <!-- Identification block --> <comp id="1" descr="Components name"> <cki inn="EGPROU of the legal entity" lname="Name of the legal entity" reqlng="Search language (during search)/Identification language (during transmission) (Code from ref.23)" reqlngref="Search language (during search)/Identification language (during transmission) (Meaning from ref.23)"> <!-- Block of the legal entity identification history--> <urident donor="A source of information (code from ref.54)" vdate="Date of this block information" lng="Block representation language (Code from ref.23)" lngref="Block representation language (Meaning from ref.23)" okpo="EGRPOU of the legal entity" urname="Name of the legal entity" urfrms="Form of ownership (Code from ref.38)" urfrmsref="Form of ownership (Meaning from ref.38)" ureconom="Branch of economy (Section KVED2010) (Code from ref.36)" ureconomref="Branch of economy (Section KVED2010) (Meaning from ref.36)" urvide="Business activity (KVED2010) (Code from ref.37)" urvideref="Business activity (KVED2010) (Code from ref.37)" urdatreg="Date of registration in the Unified State Register" urdatregnal="Date of registration in the tax inspectorate"> <!--This block can and has to consist of 1 .. * elements--> </urident> <!-- Block of the related persons for the legal entities (Director, accountant ...)--> <linked donor="A source of information (code from ref.54)" okpo2="INN/EGRPOU of the related person" okpo2_name="Full name/Name of the related person" linkrole="Type of connection (Code from ref.39)" linkroleref="Type of connection (Meaning from ref.39)" rdate="Connection updated date"> <!--This block can and has to consist of 1 .. * elements--> </linked> <!-- History of the Information about Documents part --> <doc ddonor="Source of information (code from ref. 54)" vdate="Date of the information from this part" lng="Part presentation language (code from ref.23)" lngref="Part presentation language (value from ref.23)" dtype="Document type (code from ref.7)" dtyperef="Document type (value from ref.7)" dser="Document series" dnom="Document number" dterm="Expiration date" dwho="Document issuer" dwdt="Document issue date" eddr_number="Unique record number in the Unified State Demographic Register"> <!--This part must contain 1..* units and at least one document--> </doc> <!-- Block of the Information History of addresses --> <addr addonor="Source of information (code from ref.54)" vdate="Date of the information from this part" lng="Part presentation language (code from ref.23)" lngref="Part presentation language (value from ref.23)" adtype="Address type (code from ref.9)" adtyperef="Address type (value from ref.9)" adcountry="Country (two-character code from ISO 3166 reference book)" adindex="Postal code" adstate="Region" adarea="District" adcity="Locality" adcitytype="Locality type (code from ref.22)" adcitytyperef="Locality type (value from ref.22)" adstreet="Street" adhome="House" adcorp="Block" adflat="Flat" addrdirt="Address in one row (will not be used in subsequent API versions, the field is deemed invalid starting from 13.11.2019)"> <!--This block has to consist of 1 .. * elements and has to be filled, at least, with one address--> </addr> </cki> </comp> <!-- Block of information on credit transactions --> <comp id="2" descr="Components name"> <donorsData totalCount="Total number of unique creditors" activeCount="Number of unique creditors under current agreements"> <donorTypeDealCount type="Source/donor of information (code from ref. 54)" typeref="Source/donor of information (value from ref. 54)" count="The number of deals"/> </donorsData> <crdeal dlref="Transaction identifier" lng="Block representation language (Code from ref.23)" lngref="Block representation language (Meaning from ref.23)" inn="INN SKI / EGRPOU of the legal entity" lname="Surname/Name of the legal entity" fname="Name" mname="Father’s name" bdate="Date of Birth" dlcelcred="Transaction type (Code from ref.17)" dlcelcredref="Transaction type (Meaning from ref.17)" dlvidobes="Type of collateral (Code from ref.15)" dlvidobesref="Type of collateral (Meaning from ref.15)" dlporpog="Repayment procedure (Code from ref.18)" dlporpogref="Repayment procedure (Meaning from ref.18)" dlcurr="Transaction currency (Code from ref.12)" dlcurrref="Transaction currency (Meaning from ref.12)" dlamt="Transaction sum (initial)" dldonor="Information donor (code from ref.54)" dldonornum="Information on the unique number of the creditor" primarydebt="Code of the CHS type under the main agreement (1 - individual, 2 - legal entity) for the roles of “guarantor” and “pledger” (dlrolesub=2,3) (code from ref. 74)" primarydebtref="Value of the CHS type under the main agreement (1 - individual, 2 - legal entity) for the roles of “guarantor” and “pledger” (dlrolesub=2,3) (value from ref. 74)" dlrolesub="Role of the subject (Code from ref.14)" dlrolesubref="Role of the subject (Meaning from ref.14)" dlamtobes="Cost of collateral in the base currency"> <!-- Block of variable values of a credit history --> <deallife dlref="Transaction identifier" dlmonth="Data period (month)" dlyear="Data period (year)" dlds="Date of the transaction beginning" dldpf="Date of the transaction ending by the agreement" dldff="Actual date of the transaction ending" dlflstat="Transaction Status at the current period (Code from ref.16)" dlflstatref="Transaction status at the current period (Meaning from ref.16)" dlamtlim="Current transaction limit (for revolving transactions, credit cards)" dlamtpaym="The amount of the obligatory payment in the current period" dlamtcur="The sum of the current debt" dlamtexp="The sum of the current outstanding debt" dldayexp="Current number of days in arrears" dlflpay="The sign of payment execution in the current period (the code from ref.13)" dlflpayref="The sign of payment execution in the current period (Meaning from ref.13)" dlflbrk="The sign of the existence of an outstanding payment in the current period (the code from ref.13)" dlflbrkref="The sign of the existence of an outstanding payment in the current period (Meaning from ref.13)" dlfluse="Characteristics of a credit tranche in the current period (code from ref.13)" dlfluseref="Characteristics of a credit tranche in the current period (Meaning from ref.13)" dldateclc="Calculation Date"> <!--This block has to consist of 1 .. * elements--> </deallife> </crdeal> </comp> <!-- Information about Enforcement Proceedings of the Credit History Subject part --> <comp id="3" descr="Information on the enforcement proceedings of SKI"> <penaltiesCount totalCount="The total number of enforcement proceedings for all time" activeCount="Number of active enforcement proceedings" /> <susd votesudname="Executor" votetype="Enforcement type" votedate="Enforcement start date" inn="TIN of the debtor" voteid="Enforcement Number" votedonor="Source of information" votesudphone="Executor’s phone" votesudemail="Executor’s email" vdate="Record update date" credname="Creditor name" credokpo="Creditor`s code" vpstate="Status of proceedings"> <changes voteid="Enforcement Number" inn="TIN of the debtor" votedate="Enforcement start date" votesudname="Executor" vdate="Record Date" credname="Name of creditor" credokpo="Creditor`s code" vpstate="Status of proceedings" /> <!-- This block should consist of 0 .. * elements --> </susd> </comp> <!-- Block – a register of requests --> <comp id="4" descr="Components name"> <credres redate="Date of decision" retime="Time of decision" inn="INN" reqid="Request identifier in the Bureau" result="Report result (Code from ref.19)" resultref="Report result (Meaning from ref.19)" reqreason="Reason for the request in to the bureau (Code from ref.24)" reqreasonref="Reason for the request in to the bureau (Meaning from ref.24)" org="Initiating agency (code from ref.54)" typereport="The type of report provided (Code from ref.71)" typereportref="The type of report provided (Meaning from ref.71)"> <!--This block has to consist of 1 .. * elements --> </credres> <reestrtime hr="Number of requests per hour" da="Number of requests per day" wk="Number of requests per week" mn="Number of requests per month" qw="Number of requests per quarter" ye="Number of requests per year" yu="Number of requests per over a year"> <!--This block has to consist of the 1st element--> </reestrtime> </comp> <!-- Block – Monitoring --> <comp id="6" descr="Components name"> <moncredres org="Initiating organization (code from ref.54)" resultref="Monitoring result (value from ref.19)" result="Monitoring result (Code from ref.19)" monid="Unique Monitoring Identifier" inn="TIN" startdate="Monitoring start date" enddate="Date of last monitoring " /> <!-- This part can contain 0..* items --> </comp> <!-- Registration data → <comp id="13" descr="Registration data"> <regdata found="Found? (code from ref. 27)" foundref="Values from the directory Found? (value from ref. 27)" state="Registration status (code from ref. 64)" stateref="Text definition of registration status (value from ref. 64)" code="USREOU" name="Name of the organization" regDate="Date of registration" authorisedCapital="Authorized capital" kindname="Name of KVED" kindcode="KVED code" legalAddress="Legal address" vdate="Update date in the database"> <contact type="Type of contact (1 - Phone, 2 - Email)" typeref ="Type of contact, text (1 - Phone, 2 - Email)" value="The meaning of the contact"/> </regdata> </comp> <!-- Alert --> <comp id="18" descr="Components name"> <pret> <pretension inn="INN (for natural persons)/OKPO (for legal entities)" crdeal="Transaction identifier (reference)" source="Disputing type (Code from ref.48)" sourceref="Disputing type (Value from ref.48)" claim="Subject of dispute (Code from ref. 69)" claimref="Subject of dispute (Value from ref. 69)" vdate="Date of the request creation" /> <commentcki comment="Commentary of the subject of credit history" vdate="Date of a comment creation" /> <changedeal crdeal="Transaction identifier (reference)" changecode="Code for the reason of correction/deletion of data (Code from ref.62)" changeref="Text of the reason for correcting/deleting data (Value from ref.62)" vdate="Date of data correction/deletion" /> </pret> </comp> <!-- Block of information from the list of sanctions --> <comp id="40" descr="Information from sanctions lists"> <sanctions found="Availability of information (Code from ref. 27)" foundRef="Text interpretation of available information (Code from ref. 27)" subName="Subject’s name" bDate="Subject’s date of birth" position="Position" reason="Grounds for imposing sanctions" endDate = "Expiration date of restrictions" sanctionsTerm = "The term of imposing the sanction" sanctionsNo = "Type of imposed restrictions, numbers" sanctions = "The type of constraints imposed is Expanded" address = "Location" typeSearch="Search type (Code from ref. 67)" typeSearchText="Text interpretation of the type of search (Code from ref. 67)"> <sanctionsData countryCode="Country code" country="The name of the country" sanction="Presence of sanctions imposed by the country (Code from ref. 68)" date="Date of entry into the list" url="Link to the document – confirmation" /> </sanctions> <!--This block has to consist of 1 .. * elements --> </comp> <!-- "Information from the Public Register of Politically Exposed Persons of Ukraine" part--> <comp id="41" descr="Information from the Public Register of Politically Exposed Persons of Ukraine"> <pep found="0 – not located, 1 – located " foundref="not located/located" subname="Subject’s name" bdate="Subject’s date of birth" category="Category of the politically exposed person" lastpost="Last position" dateofrelease="Date of leaving of the last position" isur="Indication of legal entity" state="Status of legal entity" url="Link to the document – confirmation" /> <!--This part can contain 1..* items --> </comp> <!-- Bankruptcy information--> <comp id="54" descr="Bankruptcy information"> <bankruptcyinfo found="Availability of information about bankruptcy, numerical designation 0-1" foundref=" Availability of information about bankruptcy, textual meaning 0-not found / 1-found"> <bankruptcy subname="Subject’s name" subcode="TIN/EDRPOU" eventtype="Event type" eventclaimer="Initiator of the event" eventcourtcase="Case number" eventdate="Date of event" /> </bankruptcyinfo> </comp> <!-- Consolidated credit history analytics --> <comp id="78" descr="The name of the component"> <creditSummary totalDeals = "Total credit agreements" totalOpenDeals = "Total open credit agreements" totalClosedDeals = "Total closed loan agreements" newDealsMonth = "The number of new transactions in the last month" dealsExpPay = "The number of credit agreements with a violation of the payment schedule" dealsExpNow = "The number of loan agreements with current overdue" dealsClosedEarl = "The number of credit agreements closed early" dealsExpYear = "The number of credit agreements with an existing default over the past year" totalCreditAmount = "The total amount of loans" totalOpenLimits = "Total amount of open limits" totalOblPay = "The total amount of mandatory payments at the current moment" totalExpNow = "The amount of current overdue debt" totalCurDebt = "The amount of total current debt" > <!-- Information about loans in which SKI acts as a surety--> <surety totalSuretyCreditAmount="The total amount of loans" totalSuretyCurDebt="The amount of total current debt" totalSuretyExpNow="The amount of current overdue debt"/> <!-- Information about loans in which SKI acts as a pledgor--> <pledgor totalPledgorCreditAmount="The total amount of loans" totalPledgorCurDebt="The amount of total current debt" totalPledgorExpNow="The amount of current overdue debt"/> </creditSummary> </comp> </ubkidata> |
Example |
Request JSON | {
"doc": {
"ubki": {
"req_envelope": {
"req_xml": {
"request": {
"i": {
"ident": {
"okpo": "12345610"
"reqlng": "4"
"version": "1.0",
"reqtype": "15",
"reqreason": "2"
"sessid": "776DF1F9A72A4749B6AF76BEFA111111"
} |
Response JSON | {
"ubkidata": {
"tech": {
"trace": {
"step": [
"name": "build report",
"stm": "2024-08-23 16:29:45.226",
"ftm": "2024-08-23 16:29:45.424"
"error": [],
"reqinfo": {
"reqid": "req2#000003241995"
"comp": [
"id": "1",
"descr": "Identification of the Credit History Subject (CHS)",
"cki": [
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"reqlng": "2",
"lname": "ТОВ 'АМІРАН'",
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"ident": [],
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"urfrmsref": "",
"ureconom": "",
"ureconomref": "",
"urvide": "",
"urvideref": "",
"urdatreg": "2005-06-27",
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"linked": [
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"doc": [
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"dterm": "",
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"dser": "null",
"dtyperef": "Certificate of state registration",
"dtype": "11",
"lngref": "Russian",
"lng": "2",
"vdate": "2021-11-10",
"eddr_number": "",
"ddonor": "BNK"
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"vdate": "2022-02-07",
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"adcitytype": "",
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"vdate": "2021-10-12",
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"foto": []
"id": "2",
"descr": "Financial liabilities of CHS",
"donorsData": {
"totalCount": 1,
"activeCount": 0,
"donorTypeDealCount": [
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"typeref": "Bank",
"count": 1
"crdeal": [
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"dlrolesubref": "Borrower",
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"dldonor": "BNK",
"dldonornum": "BNK1",
"dlamt": "0.00",
"dlcurrref": "Ukrainian hryvnia",
"dlcurr": "980",
"dlporpogref": "Credit with the personalized amortization schedule",
"dlporpog": "7",
"dlvidobesref": "",
"dlvidobes": "",
"dlcelcredref": "Credit contract for replenishment of working capital",
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"dldpf": "2900-12-31",
"dlds": "2022-12-01",
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"dlds": "2022-12-01",
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"dlamtexp": "0.00",
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"dlamtpaym": "0.00",
"dlamtlim": "0.00",
"dlflstatref": "Close",
"dlflstat": "2",
"dldff": "2023-05-11",
"dldpf": "2900-12-31",
"dlds": "2022-12-01",
"dlyear": "2023",
"dlmonth": "5",
"dlref": "2075701"
"id": "3",
"descr": "Information about enforcement proceedings of CHS",
"penaltiesCount": {
"totalCount": 0,
"activeCount": 0
"susd": []
"id": "4",
"descr": "Inquiries registry",
"credres": [
"org": "OWN",
"reqreasonref": "Credit request",
"reqreason": "2",
"resultref": "Report provided successfully",
"result": "1",
"reqid": "req2#000003241964",
"inn": "12345610",
"redate": "2024-08-23",
"retime": "16:19:16",
"typereport": "2",
"typereportref": "Credit history"
"org": "BNK",
"reqreasonref": "Credit request",
"reqreason": "2",
"resultref": "Report provided successfully",
"result": "1",
"reqid": "req2#000003241071",
"inn": "12345610",
"redate": "2024-08-23",
"retime": "01:20:39",
"typereport": "2",
"typereportref": "Credit history"
"org": "OWN",
"reqreasonref": "Credit request",
"reqreason": "2",
"resultref": "Report provided successfully",
"result": "1",
"reqid": "req2#000003240491",
"inn": "12345610",
"redate": "2024-08-22",
"retime": "14:05:47",
"typereport": "2",
"typereportref": "Credit history"
"org": "BNK",
"reqreasonref": "Credit request",
"reqreason": "2",
"resultref": "Report provided successfully",
"result": "1",
"reqid": "req2#000003239933",
"inn": "12345610",
"redate": "2024-08-22",
"retime": "01:20:43",
"typereport": "2",
"typereportref": "Credit history"
"org": "BNK",
"reqreasonref": "Credit request",
"reqreason": "2",
"resultref": "Report provided successfully",
"result": "1",
"reqid": "req2#000003238920",
"inn": "12345610",
"redate": "2024-08-21",
"retime": "01:20:41",
"typereport": "2",
"typereportref": "Credit history"
"org": "BNK",
"reqreasonref": "Credit request",
"reqreason": "2",
"resultref": "Report provided successfully",
"result": "1",
"reqid": "req2#000003237860",
"inn": "12345610",
"redate": "2024-08-20",
"retime": "01:20:38",
"typereport": "2",
"typereportref": "Credit history"
"org": "BNK",
"reqreasonref": "Credit request",
"reqreason": "2",
"resultref": "Report provided successfully",
"result": "1",
"reqid": "req2#000003236778",
"inn": "12345610",
"redate": "2024-08-19",
"retime": "08:37:10",
"typereport": "2",
"typereportref": "Credit history"
"org": "BNK",
"reqreasonref": "Credit request",
"reqreason": "2",
"resultref": "Report provided successfully",
"result": "1",
"reqid": "req2#000003236667",
"inn": "12345610",
"redate": "2024-08-18",
"retime": "01:20:39",
"typereport": "2",
"typereportref": "Credit history"
"org": "BNK",
"reqreasonref": "Credit request",
"reqreason": "2",
"resultref": "Report provided successfully",
"result": "1",
"reqid": "req2#000003236601",
"inn": "12345610",
"redate": "2024-08-17",
"retime": "01:21:39",
"typereport": "2",
"typereportref": "Credit history"
"org": "BNK",
"reqreasonref": "Credit request",
"reqreason": "2",
"resultref": "Report provided successfully",
"result": "1",
"reqid": "req2#000003235392",
"inn": "12345610",
"redate": "2024-08-16",
"retime": "01:21:37",
"typereport": "2",
"typereportref": "Credit history"
"reestrtime": {
"hr": 1,
"da": 1,
"wk": 7,
"mn": 1,
"qw": 0,
"ye": 0,
"yu": 0
"id": "6",
"descr": "Monitoring (does not affect credit rating)",
"moncredres": [
"org": "BNK",
"resultref": "Report provided successfully",
"result": "1",
"monid": "M31AB2F151E7A60A",
"inn": "12345610",
"startdate": "2023-08-07",
"enddate": "2024-08-01"
"id": "13",
"descr": "Registration data",
"regdata": {
"found": "1",
"foundref": "Found",
"state": "1",
"stateref": "Registered",
"code": "12345610",
"regDate": "2001-02-19",
"authorisedCapital": "0.00",
"kindname": "Оптова торгівля металами та металевими рудами",
"kindcode": "46.72",
"legalAddress": "Україна, 01004, місто Київ, ВУЛИЦЯ ЧЕРВОНОАРМІЙСЬКА",
"vdate": "2024-08-22",
"contact": [
"type": "1",
"typeref": "Phone",
"value": "2795276"
"id": "18",
"descr": "Alert",
"pret": []
"id": "40",
"descr": "Information from sanctions lists",
"sanctions": {
"found": "1",
"foundRef": "Found information",
"bDate": "",
"position": "",
"reason": "Запровадження санкцій проти провідних фінансових установ Росії серйозно підриває здатність Росії залучати капітал, необхідний для її загарбницьких дій. Санкції застосовуються до дочірніх компаній",
"endDate": "2026-12-28",
"sanctionsTerm": "П'ять років",
"sanctionsNo": "1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 21",
"sanctions": "1 - блокування активів - тимчасове обмеження права особи користуватися та розпоряджатися належним їй майном; 2 - обмеження торговельних операцій; 4 - запобігання виведенню капіталів за межі України; 5 - зупинення виконання економічних та фінансових зобов’язань; 6 - анулювання або зупинення ліцензій та інших дозволів, одержання (наявність) яких є умовою для здійснення певного виду діяльності, зокрема, анулювання чи зупинення дії спеціальних дозволів на користування надрами; 7 - заборона участі у приватизації, оренді державного майна резидентами іноземної держави та особами, які прямо чи опосередковано контролюються резидентами іноземної держави або діють в їх інтересах; 8 - заборона користування радіочастотним ресурсом України; 9 - обмеження або припинення надання телекомунікаційних послуг та використання телекомунікаційних мереж загального користування; 12 - повна або часткова заборона вчинення правочинів щодо цінних паперів, емітентами яких є особи, до яких застосовано санкції згідно з цим Законом; 13 - заборона видачі дозволів, ліцензій Національного банку України на здійснення інвестицій в іноземну державу, розміщення валютних цінностей на рахунках і вкладах на території іноземної держави; 16 - заборона збільшення розміру статутного капіталу господарських товариств, підприємств, у яких резидент іноземної держави, іноземна держава, юридична особа, учасником якої є нерезидент або іноземна держава, володіє 10 і більше відсотками статутного капіталу або має вплив на управління юридичною особою чи її діяльність; 19 - заборона передання технологій, прав на об’єкти права інтелектуальної власності; 20 - припинення культурних обмінів, наукового співробітництва, освітніх та спортивних контактів, розважальних програм з іноземними державами та іноземними юридичними особами; 21 - відмова в наданні та скасування віз резидентам іноземних держав, застосування інших заборон в’їзду на територію України",
"address": "",
"typeSearch": "0",
"typeSearchText": "The search was conducted according to the TIN",
"sanctionsData": [
"countryCode": "EU",
"sanction": "0",
"date": "",
"url": ""
"countryCode": "AU",
"country": "АВСТРАЛІЯ",
"sanction": "0",
"date": "",
"url": ""
"countryCode": "CH",
"country": "ШВЕЙЦАРІЯ",
"sanction": "1",
"date": "2014-08-27",
"url": ""
"countryCode": "JP",
"country": "ЯПОНІЯ",
"sanction": "0",
"date": "",
"url": ""
"countryCode": "GB",
"sanction": "0",
"date": "",
"url": ""
"countryCode": "UA",
"country": "УКРАЇНА",
"sanction": "1",
"date": "2021-03-19",
"url": "https://www.president.gov.ua/documents/1072021-37425"
"countryCode": "NZ",
"country": "НОВА ЗЕЛАНДІЯ",
"sanction": "0",
"date": "",
"url": ""
"countryCode": "PL",
"country": "ПОЛЬЩА",
"sanction": "0",
"date": "",
"url": ""
"countryCode": "US",
"sanction": "1",
"date": "2015-12-22",
"url": "https://home.treasury.gov/policy-issues/financial-sanctions/recent-actions/20151222 https://home.treasury.gov/policy-issues/financial-sanctions/recent-actions/20220224"
"countryCode": "CA",
"country": "КАНАДА",
"sanction": "0",
"date": "",
"url": ""
"id": "41",
"descr": "Information from the public register of politically exposed persons of Ukraine",
"pep": {
"found": "0",
"foundref": "No information found",
"subname": "",
"bdate": "",
"category": "",
"lastpost": "",
"dateofrelease": "",
"isur": "",
"state": "",
"url": "",
"typesearch": "-1",
"typesearchtext": "The subject does not belong to public figures, as of February 24, 2022."
"id": "54",
"descr": "Bankruptcy information",
"bankruptcyinfo": {
"found": "1",
"foundref": "Знайдена інформація про банкрутство",
"bankruptcy": [
"subname": "ТОВ \"Аміран\"",
"subcode": "12345610",
"eventtype": "Повідомлення про постановлення судового рішення щодо порушення провадження у справі про банкрутство юридичної особи",
"eventclaimer": "Бюлетень Державної Реєстрації",
"eventcourtcase": "",
"eventdate": "2013-11-28"
"id": "78",
"descr": "Consolidated credit history analytics",
"creditSummary": {
"totalDeals": 1,
"totalOpenDeals": 0,
"totalClosedDeals": 1,
"newDealsMonth": 0,
"dealsExpPay": 0,
"dealsExpNow": 0,
"dealsClosedEarl": 1,
"dealsExpYear": 0,
"totalCreditAmount": 0.00,
"totalCurDebt": 0.00,
"totalExpNow": 0.00,
"totalOblPay": 0.00,
"totalOpenLimits": 0.00
} |
Request XML | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ubki sessid="776DF1F9A72A4749B6AF76BEFA111111">
<request version="1.0" reqtype="15" reqreason="2">
<i reqlng="4">
<ident okpo="12345610" />
</doc> |
Response XML |
XSD Schema request | |
XSD Schema response | https://secure.ubki.ua/b2/js/xsd/response15.xsd |
Test URL | |
Test data |
<comp id="18" descr="Alert"> tag <changedeal>
<comp id="40" descr="Information from sanctions lists">, <comp id="54" descr="Bankruptcy information">