Legal entity
Звіт містить такі компоненти:
Http Method | POST |
Request URL | |
Request JSON (headers: "SessId: Session key (obtained from the authorization API)", "Content-Type: application/json"){ "reqtype": "Information processing mode (code from ref.50)", "reqidout": "Organization request ID", "reqreason": "Request objective (code from ref.24): Data transfer – 0", "delreason": "The reason for deleting data, in mode d(code from ref.62)", "data": { "ur_cki": { "inn": "EDRPOU of the legal entity", "cgrag": "Resident country (ref.4) (Numeric code from ISO 3166), by default 804 (Ukraine)", "urname": "Name of the legal entity", "reqlng": "Part presentation language (code from ref.23)", "uridents": [ { "vdate": "Date of the information from this part", "lng": "Part presentation language (code from ref.23)", "okpo": "EDRPOU of the legal entity", "urname": "Name of the legal entity", "urfrms": "Ownership type (code from ref.38)", "ureconom": "Industry (2010 Classifier of economic activities section) (code from ref.36) ", "urvide": "Activity type (2010 Classifier of economic activities) (code from ref.37) ", "urdatreg": "Date of registration in EDR (Unified State Register)", "urdatregnal": "Date of registration in tax agency" } ], "linked": [ { "okpo2": "TIN/EDRPOU code of the associated person", "okpo2_name": "Full name/Name of the associated person", "linkrole": "Association type (code from ref.39)", "linkroleref": "Association type (value from ref.39)", "rdate": "Association actualization date" } ], "docs": [ { "vdate": "Date of the information from this part", "lng": "Part presentation language (code from ref.23)", "dtype": "Document type (code from ref.7)", "dser": "Document series", "dnom": "Document number", "dterm": "Expiration date", "dwho": "Document issuer", "dwdt": "Document issue date" } ], "addrs": [ { "vdate": "Date of the information from this part", "lng": "Part presentation language (code from ref.23)", "adtype": "Address type (code from ref.9)", "adcountry": "Country (Digital code from ISO 3166)", "adindex": "Postal code", "adstate": "Region", "adarea": "District", "adcity": "Locality", "adcitytype": "Locality type (code from ref.22)", "adstreet": "Street", "adhome": "House", "adcorp": "Block", "adflat": "Flat", "addrdirt": "Address in one row (will not be used in subsequent API versions, the field is deemed invalid starting from 13.11.2019)" } ], "deals": [ { "dlref": "Transaction ID", "dlds": "Transaction commencement date", "dlcelcred": "Transaction type (code from ref.17)", "dlvidobes": "Type of collateral (code from ref.15)", "dlporpog": "Redemption plan (code from ref.18)", "dlcurr": "Transaction currency (code from ref.12)", "dlamt": "Transaction amount (initial)", "dlrolesub": "Subject’s role (code from ref.14)", "dlamtobes": "Collateral value in base currency", "deallife": [ { "dlmonth": "Data period (month)", "dlyear": "Data period (year)", "dlflstat": "Transaction status in the current period (code from ref.16)", "dldpf": "Transaction closing date under the contract", "dldff": "Actual transaction end date", "dlkontragent": "OKPO of a new lender/old lender (mandatory if the transaction status is sold / bought)", "dlsale_date": "Date of sale (required for sale from 15.03.2021)", "dlsale_name": "Full name of the legal entity (mandatory when selling / buying a contract to a legal entity from 15.03.2021)", "dlsale_addr": "Location of a legal entity (mandatory when selling / buying a contract to a legal entity from 15.03.2021)", "dlsale_email": "E-mail address (mandatory when selling / buying a contract to a legal entity from 15.03.2021)", "dlsale_phone": "Phone number (mandatory when selling / buying a contract to a legal entity from 15.03.2021)", "dlamtlim": "Current transaction limit (for renewable transactions, credit cards)", "dlamtpaym": "Planned compulsory payment amount in the current period", "dlamtcur": "Current debt amount", "dlamtexp": "Current debt overdue amount", "dldayexp": "Current number of days overdue", "dlflpay": "Indication of payment made in the current period (code from ref.13)", "dlflbrk": "Indication of arrears present in the current period (code from ref.13)", "dlfluse": "Indication of the credit tranche in the current period (code from ref.13)", "dldateclc": "Calculation date" } ] } ], "contacts": [ { "vdate": "Date of the information from this part", "ctype": "Contact type (code from ref.10)", "cval": "Contact value" } ] } } } |
Response JSON{ "reqinfo": { "reqid": "Outgoing request ID generated by UBKI", "reqidout": "Outgoing request ID generated by the company" }, "http_status": "http response code", "sentdatainfo": { "state": "Batch status (sy – system error in UBKI services, ok – success, er – error, nt – success with a remark)", "main_errcode": "The most critical error code of all package validations", "inn": "TIN of the creditor", "sy": "system error of the UBKI services, send the batch again, if the error repeats, suspend sending new batches, until you clarify the reasons with the Bureau", "ok": "number of components accepted without remarks", "nt": "number of components accepted with remarks", "ig": "number of components unaccepted/declined/ignored", "er": "number of components with critical errors, leading to rejection of the whole batch", "items": [ { "compid": "Component group number", "tag": "Tag", "errtype": "Error or comment level", "errcode": "Error or comment number", "attr": "Attribute", "msg": "Message text" } ] }, "trace": { "steps": [ { "name": "Stage name", "start": "Time to start processing this step", "finish": "Time to finish processing this step", "duration": "Duration of stage processing" } ] } } |
Request XML<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <doc> <ubki sessid="Session key (obtained from the authorization API)"> <req_envelope descr="Request envelope"> <req_xml descr="Request object"> <!-- Request parameters --> <request version="1.0" reqtype="Information processing mode (code from ref.50)" delreason="The reason for deleting data, in mode d(code from ref.62)" reqreason="Request objective (code from ref.24): Data transfer – 0"> <ubkidata> <comp id="1" descr="Names of components"> <!-- Identification part --> <!-- This part must contain one item --> <cki inn="TIN of the credit history subject/EDRPOU of the legal entity" cgrag= "Resident country (ref.4) (Numeric code from ISO 3166), by default 804 (Ukraine)" lname="Last name/Name of the legal entity" fname="First name" mname="Middle name" reqlng="Search language (while searching)/Identification language (during transfer) (code from ref.23)" bdate="Date of birth"> <!-- Identification History part --> <!-- This part can and must contain 1..* items --> <urident vdate="Date of the information from this part" lng="Part presentation language (code from ref.23)" okpo="EDRPOU of the legal entity" urname="Name of the legal entity" urfrms="Ownership type (code from ref.38)" ureconom="Industry (2010 Classifier of economic activities section) (code from ref.36) " urvide="Activity type (2010 Classifier of economic activities) (code from ref.37) " urdatreg="Date of registration in EDR (Unified State Register)" urdatregnal="Date of registration in tax agency"> </urident> <!-- Associated Persons for Legal Entities part (director, accountant, etc.)--> <!-- This part can and must contain 0.. items* --> <linked okpo2="TIN/EDRPOU code of the associated person" okpo2_name="Full name/Name of the associated person" linkrole="Association type (code from ref.39)" linkroleref="Association type (value from ref.39)" rdate="Association actualization date"> </linked> <!-- History of the Information about Documents part --> <!--This part must contain 0..* items--> <doc vdate="Date of the information from this part" lng="Part presentation language (code from ref.23)" dtype="Document type (code from ref.7)" dser="Document series" dnom="Document number" dterm="Expiration date" dwho="Document issuer" dwdt="Document issue date"> </doc> <!-- History of the Information about Addresses part --> <!--This part must contain 1..* units and at least one address--> <addr vdate="Date of the information from this part" lng="Part presentation language (code from ref.23)" adtype="Address type (code from ref.9)" adcountry="Country (Digital code from ISO 3166)" adindex="Postal code" adstate="Region" adarea="District" adcity="Locality" adcitytype="Locality type (code from ref.22)" adstreet="Street" adhome="House" adcorp="Block" adflat="Flat" addrdirt="Address in one row (will not be used in subsequent API versions, the field is deemed invalid starting from 13.11.2019)"> </addr> </cki> </comp> <comp id="2" descr="Names of components"> <!-- Information about Credit Transactions part --> <!--This part must contain 1..* items--> <crdeal dlref="Transaction ID" lng="Part presentation language (code from ref.23)" inn="TIN of the credit history subject/EDRPOU of the legal entity" lname="Last name/Name of the legal entity" fname="First name" mname="Middle name" bdate="Date of birth" dlcelcred="Transaction type (code from ref.17)" dlvidobes="Type of collateral (code from ref.15)" dlporpog="Redemption plan (code from ref.18)" dlcurr="Transaction currency (code from ref.12)" dlamt="Transaction amount (initial)" dlrolesub="Subject’s role (code from ref.14)" dlamtobes="Collateral value in base currency"> <!-- Credit History Variable Values part --> <deallife dlref="Transaction ID" dlmonth="Data period (month)" dlyear="Data period (year)" dlds="Transaction commencement date" dldpf="Transaction closing date under the contract" dldff="Actual transaction end date" dlflstat="Transaction status in the current period (code from ref.16)" dlkontragent="OKPO of a new lender/old lender (mandatory if the transaction status is sold / bought)" dlsale_date="Date of sale (required for sale from 15.03.2021)" dlsale_name="Full name of the legal entity (mandatory when selling / buying a contract to a legal entity from 15.03.2021)" dlsale_addr="Location of a legal entity (mandatory when selling / buying a contract to a legal entity from 15.03.2021)" dlsale_email="E-mail address (mandatory when selling / buying a contract to a legal entity from 15.03.2021)" dlsale_phone="Phone number (mandatory when selling / buying a contract to a legal entity from 15.03.2021)" dlamtlim="Current transaction limit (for renewable transactions, credit cards)" dlamtpaym="Planned compulsory payment amount in the current period" dlamtcur="Current debt amount" dlamtexp="Current debt overdue amount" dldayexp="Current number of days overdue" dlflpay="Indication of payment made in the current period (code from ref.13)" dlflbrk="Indication of arrears present in the current period (code from ref.13)" dlfluse="Indication of the credit tranche in the current period (code from ref.13)" dldateclc="Calculation date"> </deallife> </crdeal> </comp> <comp id="10" descr="Names of components"> <!-- History of the Information about Contacts part --> <!--This part must contain 1..* units and at least one contact--> <cont inn="TIN of the credit history subject/EDRPOU of the legal entity" vdate="Date of the information from this part" ctype="Contact type (code from ref.10)" cval="Contact value"> </cont> </comp> </ubkidata> </request> </req_xml> </req_envelope> </ubki> </doc> |
Response XML<TECH> <!-- A report on data request-to-send result will be included in the response XML, tag--> <!-- Development Time Statistics from the UBKI Side part--> <trace> <step name="START" stm="1574049134.650" ftm="1574049134.651" /> <step name="FINISH" stm="1574049134.650" ftm="1574049135.224" /> </trace> <!-- should be completed if a system error occurs, and it is impossible to continue successful transfer of batches (for example, when the session key expires) --> <error errtext="" errtype="numeric error code (ref. 0)" /> <!--Report on data request-to-send result--> <sentdatainfo reqid="Outgoing request ID generated by UBKI" state="Batch status (sy – system error in UBKI services, ok – success, er – error, nt – success with a remark)" sy="system error of the UBKI services, send the batch again, if the error repeats, suspend sending new batches, until you clarify the reasons with the Bureau" ok="number of components accepted without remarks" nt="number of components accepted with remarks" ig="number of components unaccepted/declined/ignored" er="number of components with critical errors, leading to rejection of the whole batch" errtype="Maximum error code of all component errors"> <item compid="Component ID" tag="Tag" attr="Attribute" code="sy – system error of the UBKI services, er – critical error, ig – declined with a remark, nt – accepted with a remark" msg="Message text" errtype="All errors and/or notifications from the directory" /> </sentdatainfo> </TECH> |
Example |
Request JSON | {
"reqtype": "i",
"reqidout": "0F44F1О0D1111111",
"reqreason": "0",
"data": {
"ur_cki": {
"reqlng": "1",
"inn": "12345678",
"cgrag": "804",
"uridents": [
"vdate": "2019-02-01",
"lng": "1",
"okpo": "12345678",
"urfrms": "240",
"ureconom": "G",
"urvide": "01.21",
"urdatreg": "2005-10-06",
"urdatregnal": "2004-03-16"
"linked": [
"okpo2": "3301100513",
"okpo2_name": "Іванов Іван Іванович",
"linkrole": "2",
"rdate": "2017-09-07"
"docs": [
"vdate": "2020-02-01",
"lng": "1",
"dtype": "15",
"dwdt": "2004-03-16",
"dser": "",
"dnom": ""
"addrs": [
"vdate": "2017-08-15",
"lng": "1",
"adtype": "4",
"adcountry": "UKR",
"adindex": "49040",
"adstate": "Дніпропетровська",
"adcity": "Дніпро",
"adstreet": "Сєрова",
"adhome": "4",
"adflat": "53"
"deals": [
"dlref": "CH0030/DFF-3",
"dlds": "2020-10-15",
"dlcelcred": "1",
"dlvidobes": "2",
"dlamtobes": "0",
"dlporpog": "7",
"dlcurr": "980",
"dlamt": "750000",
"dlrolesub": "1",
"deallife": [
"dlmonth": "10",
"dlyear": "2020",
"dlflstat": "1",
"dldpf": "2021-10-07",
"dldff": "",
"dlamtlim": "750000",
"dlamtpaym": "15896.61",
"dlamtcur": "750000",
"dlamtexp": "0",
"dldayexp": "0",
"dlflpay": "1",
"dlflbrk": "0",
"dlfluse": "1",
"dldateclc": "2020-10-21"
"contacts": [
"cval": "80612345678",
"ctype": "2",
"vdate": "2020-10-22"
} |
Request XML | <!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
<ubki sessid="1D94AC10000F44F1О0D11111111111BB">
<request version="1.0" reqtype="i" reqreason="0">
<comp id="1">
<cki inn="12345678" cgrag="804" lname="ТОВАРИСТВО З ОБМЕЖЕНОЮ ВІДПОВІДАЛЬНІСТЮ 'ВРОЖАЙКО'" fname="" bdate="" reqlng="1">
<urident vdate="2019-02-01" lng="1" okpo="12345678" urname="ТОВАРИСТВО З ОБМЕЖЕНОЮ ВІДПОВІДАЛЬНІСТЮ 'ВРОЖАЙКО'" urfrms="240" ureconom="G" urvide="01.21" urdatreg="2005-10-06" urdatregnal="2004-03-16" />
<linked okpo2_name="Іванов Іван Іванович" linkrole="2" rdate="2017-09-07" />
<doc vdate="2020-02-01" lng="1" dtype="15" dwho="ДПI У ШЕВЧЕНКIВСЬКОМУ Р-НI М.ДНIПРА" dwdt="2004-03-16" dser="" dnom="" />
<doc vdate="2019-02-01" lng="1" dtype="11" dwho="РЕЄСТРАЦІЙНА СЛУЖБА ДНІПРОПЕТРОВСЬКОГО МУЮ ДНІПРОПЕТРОВСЬКОЇ ОБЛАСТІ" dwdt="2005-10-06" dser="" dnom="" />
<addr vdate="2017-08-15" lng="1" adtype="4" adcountry="UKR" adindex="49040" adcity="Дніпро" adstreet="Сєрова" adhome="4" adflat="53" addrdirt="49040, Дніпропетровська обл., м. Дніпро, вул. Сєрова, буд. 4, кв. 53" />
<comp id="2">
<crdeal dlref="CH0030/DFF-3" lng="1" inn="12345678" lname="ТОВАРИСТВО З ОБМЕЖЕНОЮ ВІДПОВІДАЛЬНІСТЮ 'ВРОЖАЙКО'" fname="" bdate="" dlcelcred="1" dlvidobes="2" dlamtobes="0" dlporpog="7" dlcurr="980" dlamt="750000" dlrolesub="1">
<deallife dlref="CH0030/DFF-3" dlmonth="10" dlyear="2020" dlds="2020-10-15" dldpf="2021-10-07" dldff="" dlflstat="1" dlamtlim="750000" dlamtpaym="15896.61" dlamtcur="750000" dlamtexp="0" dldayexp="0" dlflpay="1" dlflbrk="0" dlfluse="1" dldateclc="2020-10-21">
<comp id="10">
<cont inn="12345678" cval="80612345678" ctype="2.0" vdate="2020-10-22" />
</doc> |
Response JSON | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<step name="START" stm="1659361205.224" ftm="1659361205.224" start="2022-08-01 16:40:05" finish="2022-08-01 16:40:05" duration="0000000" />
<step name="FINISH" stm="1659361205.224" ftm="1659361205.653" start="2022-08-01 16:40:05" finish="2022-08-01 16:40:05" duration="0000429" />
<reqinfo reqid="IN#O381G01204940" />
<error errtype="" />
<sentdatainfo reqid="IN#O381G01204940" state="ok" errtype="0" inn="1234567890" reqidout="" ok="6" nt="0" ig="0" er="0" sy="0" />
</doc> |
Response XML |
XSD Schema request | |
XSD Schema response | |
Test URL |
See also in this section