Service "Monitoring subjects" 2.0

Service "Monitoring subjects" 2.0

Service for monitoring changes in the credit history and information from open sources, by subject and in accordance with specified rules.

The service is available in the beta testing mode

Expanding functionality, correcting shortcomings and improving quality continues

Production environment https://secure.ubki.ua/m2/webjars/swagger-ui/index.html?url=/m2/api

URL https://secure.ubki.ua/m2/webjars/swagger-ui/index.html?url=/m2/api

How this works

You define the pool of counterparties/borrowers and the set of triggers for monitoring. 

Every day, every week or every month, we inform you about events.

You act according to the developed response measures.

See also in this section

Using Swagger UI

API_Service Monitoring settings. Authorization

Monitoring_Data Receiving monitoring results

Pool_Management Settings: TIN/USREOU pools monitored by triggers

Trigger_Management Settings: triggers or rule sets

Receiving the change report (under development)

Reference books of the monitoring service




Receiving information

Providing information

Service "Monitoring subjects"

Testing environment


Change log