Using Swagger UI

Using Swagger UI


The Swagger user interface provides a framework that reads OpenAPI specifications, and then creates a web page with interactive documentation.

Request authorization

Authorization is required before making any requests. Press the Authorize button and complete the required information in the Authorization window shown below.

For the production environment: https://secure.ubki.ua/m2/webjars/swagger-ui/index.html?url=/m2/api

For the test environment:https://test.ubki.ua/m2/webjars/swagger-ui/index.html?url=/m2/api




Access to the UBCH services is provided with a valid session key API_Service Monitoring settings. Authorization


Request generation


Expand the GET/data/{poolId}/journal endpoint – Pool operation log. Press the Try it out button



After pressing the Try it out button, you can edit the sample values in the Parameters or Request Body field.





When you click Execute, the Swagger user interface sends a request and specifies the sent curl. The response is shown in the Responses section.


The response format in the Response Content Type list will be in JSON format.

Response to a request


In response, we get the result of the request – Pool operation log. You can download the response by clicking Download.



Response sample and description


Response sample and description












Schema description of response fields (dto)
















At the end of the swagger page, there is a Schemas description of parameters. Also see this section