API_Service Monitoring settings. Authorization

API_Service Monitoring settings. Authorization

Login and key reception

post /login

To receive a session key:

Request URL https://secure.ubki.ua/m2/login

The request must be submitted in the POST method body. The request text is a .json file, with attributes completed according to the requirements below.


"login": "string",
"password": "string"

The key is valid until 23:59:59 on the date it was received. A new key can be obtained starting from 22:00, and will be valid from the moment of reception during the next day. The key can be compromised and blocked for various reasons. The service will return the message “Security error. The session key has expired”. In this case, you should authorize again.

The session key must be received only once a day.

To work with the API, you need to create a separate login.

It is registered by the organization’s administrator in their area, the “Settings – User Settings – Register – Production Environment” tab. For this user, the role User/User is set as a required one. During registration, you must also select the check box to mark that the login is technical, and set the IP-address for it to make requests from.

After receiving the session key, you must authorize with UbkiSessionAuth (apiKey)

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