Main concepts
The monitoring subject - is an individual or legal entity for which data changes are monitored.
Pool - is a set of IDs (TIN/USREOU) of monitoring subjects and triggers, against which the data is inspected for changes, as well as the specifications of the set: frequency, operation period, pool inspection statuses, etc.
A trigger - is a rule set, against which the data of subjects in data sources is inspected. Triggers generate data change events in data sources. Events generate cases that are data filtered, according to trigger rules. Triggers in the pool are combined through a logical “OR” operator.
An event - is data changes by subject in the data source.
A rule - determines selection of events for generating trigger cases. Rules in the trigger are combined through a logical “AND” operator
Fields, the changing of which is monitored (watchingFields), define a set of fields the changes of which are taken into account. Field names from the data source field set.
A trigger case is a change in the data source, which is monitored by the trigger, and selected according to trigger rules. At least one trigger from the pool must activate. Trigger activation is execution of all the trigger rules.