Info |
The report contains the following components: |
Request |
title | body: |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ubki sessid="JSON (headers: "SessId: Session key (obtained from the authorization API)" |
<req_envelope descr="Request envelope">
<req_xml descr="Request object">
<!-- Request parameters -->
<request version="1.0"
reqtype=, "Content-Type: application/json")
delreason="The reason for deleting data, in mode d(code from ref.62)"
<comp id="1" descr="Names of components">
<!-- Identification part -->
<!-- This part must contain one item -->
<cki inn=
lname="Last name/Name of the legal entity"
fname="First name"
mname="Middle name"
reqlng="Search language (while searching)/Identification language (during
bdate="Date of birth">
<!-- This part can and must contain 1..* items -->
<ident vdate="Date of the information from this part"
lng= bdate=
inn="TIN of the credit history subject"
lname="Last name"
fname="First name"
mname="Middle name"
<!-- History of the Information about Employment part -->
<!-- Employment part can contain 0..* -->
<work vdate="Date of the information from this part"
wokpo="EDRPOU of the employer"
wname="Name of the employer in the base language"
wstag="Length of service, years completed"
wdohod="Client’s monthly income">
<!-- History of the Information about Documents part -->
<!--This part must contain 1..* units and at least one document-->
<doc vdate="Date of the information from this part"
dser="Document series"
dnom="Document number"
dterm="Expiration date"
dwho="Document issuer"
dwdt="Document issue date">
<!-- History of the Information about Addresses part -->
<!--This part must contain 1..* units and at least one address-->
<addr vdate="Date of the information from this part"
lng="Part presentation language (code from ref.23)"
adtype="Address type (code from ref.9)"
adcountry="Country (two-character code from ISO 3166 reference book)"
adindex="Postal code"
adcitytype="Locality type (code from ref.22)"
<!-- Photo History part -->
<!--This part can contain 0..* items-->
<foto vdate=
inn="TIN of the credit history subject"
<comp id="2" descr="Names of components">
<!-- Information about Credit Transactions part -->
<!--This part must contain 1..* items-->
<crdeal dlref="Transaction ID"
lng="Part presentation language
fname="First name"
mname="Middle name"
bdate="Date of birth"
dlcelcred="Transaction type (code from ref.17)"
dlvidobes="Type of collateral (code from ref.15)"
dlporpog="Redemption plan (code from ref.18)"
dlcurr="Transaction currency (code from ref.12)"
dlamt="Transaction amount (initial)"
dlrolesub="Subject’s role (code from ref.14)"
dlamtobes="Collateral value in base currency">
<!-- Credit History Variable Values part -->
<deallife dlref="Transaction ID"
dlmonth="Data period (month)"
dlyear="Data period (year)"
dlds="Transaction commencement date"
dldpf="Transaction closing date under the contract"
dldff="Actual transaction end date"
dlflstat="Transaction status in the current period (code from ref.16)"
dlkontragent="OKPO of a new lender/old lender (mandatory if the transaction status is sold / bought)"
dlsale_date="Date of sale (required for sale from 15.03.2021)"
dlsale_name="Full name of the legal entity (mandatory when selling / buying a contract to a legal entity from 15.03.2021)"
dlsale_addr="Location of a legal entity (mandatory when selling / buying a contract to a legal entity from 15.03.2021)"
dlsale_email="E-mail address (mandatory when selling / buying a contract to a legal entity from 15.03.2021)"
dlsale_phone="Phone number (mandatory when selling / buying a contract to a legal entity from 15.03.2021)"
dlamtlim="Current transaction limit (for renewable transactions, credit cards)"
dlamtpaym="Planned compulsory payment amount in the current period"
dlamtcur="Current debt amount" dlamtexp="Current debt overdue amount"
dldayexp="Current number of days overdue"
dlflpay="Indication of payment made in the current period (code from ref.13)"
dlflbrk="Indication of arrears present in the current period (code from ref.13)"
dlfluse="Indication of the credit tranche in the current period (code from ref.13)"
dldateclc="Calculation date">
<comp id="10" descr="Names of components">
<!-- History of the Information about Contacts part -->
<!--This part must contain 1..* units and at least one contact-->
<cont inn="TIN of the credit history subject/EDRPOU of the legal entity"
vdate="Date of the information from this part"
ctype="Contact type (code from ref.10)"
cval="Contact value">
Response XML
title | body: |
<!-- A report on data request-to-send result will be included in the response XML, tag-->
<!-- Development Time Statistics from the UBKI Side part-->
<step name="START" stm="1574049134.650" ftm="1574049134.651" />
<step name="FINISH" stm="1574049134.650" ftm="1574049135.224" />
<!-- should be completed if a system error occurs, and it is impossible to continue successful transfer of batches (for example, when the session key expires) -->
<error errtext="" errtype="numeric error code from the errtype reference book ref. 0" />
<!--Report on data request-to-send result-->
<sentdatainfo reqid="Outgoing request ID generated by UBKI"
Response JSON
errtype="Maximum error code of all component errors">
<item compid="Component ID"
code="sy – system error of the UBKI services, er – critical error, ig – declined with a remark, nt – accepted with a remark"
msg="Message text"
errtype="All errors and/or notifications from the directory" />
Request XML
Response XML
Example |
Request JSON |
Response JSON |
Request XML |
Response XML |
XSD Schema request | https://secure.ubki.ua/upload.xsd |
XSD Schema response | https://secure.ubki.ua/response.xsd |
Test URL | https://test.ubki.ua/upload/data |
Див. у цьому розділі також
Юридична особа
Параметри запиту передачі даних
API отримання реєстру передачі даних
Помилки і нотифікації при передачі даних
Журнал версій API
Отримання інформації із бюро
Тестове середовище
See also in this section
Legal entity
Parameters of the data transfer request
Data transfer register reception API
Errors and notifications when transferring data
API version history