0 - Reference "Error"
Error Category | Error Code/Еrrtype | Error Text | Dynamic Error Prefix |
(1) - Security | 1 | Security error. Access is blocked due to a violation of the security policy of Bruteforce. | Code [1.1]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 1 Access is blocked after the violation of bruteforce rules. Code [1]. |
(2) - Specification | 2 | Request processing error. It is expected XML line. | Code [2.2]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 2 Input data error. It is expected: XML line. Code [2]. |
(2) - Specification | 3 | Request processing error. Not parsable XML. Possible reasons: Not correct document hierarchies, special characters, not unquoted. | Code [2.3]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 3 Correctness error of the XML line, maybe the integrity of the line is broken with an incorrect symbol. Code [3]. 100, "LOGICAL", "Failed to parse input data" |
(2) - Specification | 4 | Request processing error. The incoming XML doesn't pass the primary stage of validation. Possible reasons: the absence of some characters, the presence of unnecessary special characters. | Code [2.4]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 4 An error occurred while trying to verify the integrity of the XML structure, perhaps the structure is broken due to the absence of some characters or their presence |
(2) - Specification | 5 | Request processing error. The encoding of the request is not agreed. The expected encoding is utf-8. | Code [2.5]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
(2) - Specification | 6 | Request processing error. The tag doc has to be as a root element. | Code [2.6]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 6 Tag doc has to be as a root elemnt. Code [6]. |
(3) - Tuning | 7 | Access error. Your organization has no access to the requested report template. | Code [3.7]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data:[API/URL IPXXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, Organization: [agrid] - XX, User: [userid] - XX, Pattern: [templid] - XX]. | 7 Your organization does not have access to this template. Code [7]. For explanatory questions, please contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua |
(3) - Tuning | 8 | Access error. It is closed to this user an access to the requested report template. | Code [3.8]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data:[API/URL IPXXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, Organization: [agrid] - XX, User: [userid] - XX, Pattern: [templid] - XX]. | 8 You do not have access to this template. Code [8]. For explanatory questions, please contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua 404, "WARNING", "[checkTypeAccess] The sesKey or templId variable is empty or null" |
(2) - Specification | 9 | Request processing error. The tag doc doesn't contain the child elements. | Code [2.9]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 9 The doc tag does not contain any child elements. Code [9]. |
(2) - Specification | 10 | Request processing error. The tag auth has to be as a child element in the tag doc. | Code [2.10]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
(2) - Specification | 11 | Request processing error. The attributes of auth tag are absent. | Code [2.11]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 11 There are no auth tag attributes. Code [11]. |
(2) - Specification | 12 | Request processing error. Not correct or empty attribute of auth. | Code [2.12]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 12 Not correct or empty attribute of the tag auth. Code [12]. |
(1) - Security | 13 | Security error. Wrong login or password. | Code [1.13]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 13 Wrong login or password. Code is [13]. |
(4) - System | 14 | Security error. Not known code of the organization. | Code [4.14]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 14 Login is not assigned to any organization. Code [14]. |
(2) - Specification | 15 | It is waired a XML line. | Code [2.15]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 15 It is absent or not filled a sessid attribute. Code [15]. |
(1) - Security | 16 | Security error. The lifetime of the session key expired. You need to reauthorize. | Code [1.16]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 16 Invalid or outdated session key. Code [16] . 16, "LOGICAL", "The session time expired. Code [16]. For all questions please contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua" 16, "LOGICAL", "The specified session ID is not found" |
(4) - System | 17 | System error. The problem with operation of one of the modules system of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History (CRYPT). | Code [4.17]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 17 Encrypting problem of the cryptoserver. Code [17]. |
(4) - System | 18 | Request processing error. Unknown value of compid. | Code [4.18]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 18 It was found an incorrect comon ID. A component with such an ID does not exist. Code [18]. |
(2) - Specification | 19 | Request processing error. It is unfilled or absent a templid attribute of the template tag. | Code [2.19]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 19 It is unfilled or absent a templid attribute of template tag. Code [19]. |
(2) - Specification | 20 | Request processing error. It is absent or unfilled an inn attribute of the template tag. | Code [2.20]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
(4) - System | 21 | System error. The problem with operation of one of the modules system of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History (EXCONTR). | Code [4.21]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 10. System error. Code [10]. Contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua 0, "SYSTEM", "Critical error" 105, "LOGICAL", "JSON data building error" 404, "WARNING", "Field of the session key or report type is empty. It isn't possible to check the access to the template" |
(2) - Specification | 22 | Request processing error. It is unfilled or absent a reqtype attribute. | Code [2.22]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 22 It is unfilled or absent a reqtype attribute. Code [22]. |
(2) - Specification | 23 | Request processing error. It is unfilled or absent a reqtype reqreason. | Code [2.23]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 23 It is unfilled or absent a reqreason attribute. Code [23]. |
(2) - Specification | 24 | Request processing error. The necessary search criteria are absent on request. | Code [2.24]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
(2) - Specification | 25 | Request processing error. The data format does not meet the specification. | Code [2.25]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 25 Error in the validity of the input data. Code [25]. |
(1) - Security | 26 | Security error. The contract with your organization is suspended. | Code [1.26]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 26 The contract with your organization has been suspended. Code [26]. |
(1) - Security | 27 | Security error. Your account is blocked. | Code [1.27]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 27 The user's account is closed. Code [27]. |
(2) - Specification | 28 | Request processing error. It is unfilled or absent a reqdate attribute of the request tag. | Code [2.28]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 67 The date and time of the request could not be determined. It is unfilled or absent a reqdate attribute of the request tag. |
(2) - Specification | 29 | Request processing error. It is unfilled or absent a reqidout attribute of the request tag. | Code [2.29]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 68 It isn't possible to determine the request's identifier from the part of the partner. It is unfilled or absent a reqidoit attribute of the request tag. |
(4) - System | 30 | System error. The problem with operation of one of the modules system of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History (OUT). | Code [4.30]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 107, "LOGICAL", "Output data is empty" 108, "LOGICAL", "Output data is null" 00, "System error" 104, "LOGICAL", "The result is empty" |
(2) - Specification | 31 | Request processing error. The incoming query string is empty. | Code [2.31]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 109, "LOGICAL", "Output data is empty" 110, "LOGICAL", "Output data is null" 99", "LOGICAL", "Input data not passed" |
(5) - Billing | 32 | Your account is blocked. Not enough money on the account. | Code [5.32]. For financial issues, contact the support of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96.Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 456, "LOGICAL", "456, "LOGICAL", "Not enough funds on the account" коштів на рахунку." |
(2) - Specification | 33 | Request processing error. It is impossible to parse the input JSON. | Code [2.33]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 134, "LOGICAL", "input parsing error of JSON" |
(2) - Specification | 34 | Request processing error. Invalid command in wtodo tag. | Code [2.34]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
(2) - Specification | 35 | Request processing error. Not all fields, which are necessary for searching by full name are filled. | Code [2.35]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 36. "LOGICAL" "Not all fields necessary for searching by full name are completed" |
(1) - Security | 36 | Security error. The login or password attributes are not filled. | Code [1.36]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 404, "WARNING", "[processAuth.checkUser ()] The variable of login, password is empty or null" |
(1) - Security | 37 | Security error. It isn't possible to to determine the IP address of your computer. | Code [1.37]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 404, "WARNING", " [processAuth.auth()] The variable user.getIP() is empty or null" |
(4) - System | 38 | System error. It is impossible to identify the user. | Code [4.38]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 404, "WARNING", "[processAuth.auth ()] The variable user.getUserid () is empty or null" 102, "LOGICAL", "User ID matching error" 132, "LOGICAL", "User with given ID wasn't found " |
(1) - Security | 39 | Security error. It is not possible to authorize a user by this password. | Code [1.39]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 404, "WARNING", "[processAuth.auth ()] The variable user.getPassword () is empty or null" |
(4) - System | 40 | System error. It is not possible to determine the used template. | Code [4.40]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 404, "WARNING", "[checkTypeExist] The variable reqType or globalConfig.getConfigNode (\" templ_ref_table \ ") is empty or null" 108, "LOGICAL", "The template was not found by the indicated ID" 110, "LOGICAL", "Invalid ID of the template " 111," LOGICAL "," The template was not found by the indicated ID " |
(4) - System | 41 | System error. It is not possible to identify an active organization. | Code [4.41]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 404, "WARNING", "[checkAgrIdExist] Variable agrId or globalConfig.getConfigNode (\" agreement_table \ ") is empty or null" |
(6) - Message | 42 | Your phone number is not identified. Click "I can not enter" or contact the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History by the phone number 0445851194 |
| 71 "Your phone is not identified. Click /" I can not login/ "or contact the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History by phone +380445851194" |
(6) - Message | 43 | Invalid date format. |
| 73 "Invalid date format" |
(1) - Security | 44 | Security error. There is no verification of the user's compliance to the session. | Code [1.44]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 102, "LOGICAL", "Failure to check the match of the user's ID" |
(1) - Security | 45 | Security error. There is no verification of the user's compliance to the delivered role. | Code [1.45]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 103, "LOGICAL", "Access error.For all questions, please contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History support@ubki.ua" 103, "LOGICAL", "Error in checking of the group's role match" |
(2) - Specification | 46 | Request processing error. The template code field is not filled. | Code [2.46]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 109, "LOGICAL", "It is passed an empty template's ID" |
(6) - Message | 47 | Removing of the base template is forbidden! |
| 404, "LOGICAL", "Removing of the basic template is prohibited!" |
(4) - System | 48 | System error. The problem with operation of one of the modules system of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History (SQL). | Code [4.48]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 130, "SYSTEM", "Internal service error" |
(6) - Message | 49 | The specified login already exists. |
| 133, "LOGICAL", "The identified login already exists" |
(1) - Security | 50 | Request processing error. The requests limit is exhausted. | Code [1.50]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 404, "WARNING", "Requests limit is exhausted" |
(1) - Security | 51 | Authorization error. | Code [2.51]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
(1) - Security | 52 | Invalid login or password | Code [1.52]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
(1) - Security | 53 | Your account is not assigned to any organization | Code [1.53]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
(1) - Security | 54 | Error parsing input. The XML structure may not be correctYour account is not assigned to any organization | Code [1.54]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
(1) - Security | 55 | Error parsing input. You may have passed a blank line. | Code [1.55]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
(1) - Security | 56 | Unable to recognize customer. Known attribute sessid tag ubki | Code [1.56]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
(1) - Security | 57 | Invalid or outdated session key. Log in again | Code [1.57]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
(2) - Specification | 58 | System error. Incorrectly encrypted TIN/EDRPOU | Code [2.58]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
(1) - Security | 60 | You do not have access to this template | Code [1.60]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
(1) - Security | 61 | Unable to determine template ID. The templid attribute of the template tag is not filled in or is missing | Code [1.61]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
(1) - Security | 62 | Unable to recognize customer. Missing or incomplete attribute sessid tag template | Code [1.62]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
(1) - Security | 63 | SCH search is not possible. Missing or incomplete attribute inn tag template | Code [1.63]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
(2) - Specification | 64 | Unknown error while reporting | Code [2.64]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
(1) - Security | 65 | Unable to determine query type. The reqtype attribute of the request tag is not populated or is missing | Code [1.65]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
(1) - Security | 66 | Unable to indicate the purpose/reason for the request. Incomplete or other day attribute reqreason request teg | Code [1.66]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
(1) - Security | 67 | Unable to determine date and time of request. The reqdate attribute of the request tag is empty or missing | Code [1.67]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
(1) - Security | 68 | Unable to determine partner request id. The reqidout attribute of the request tag is not filled in or is missing | Code [1.68]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
(1) - Security | 69 | Not enough data to search. The okpo, fname, lname, mname attributes of the ident tag are not filled in or are missing | Code [1.69]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
(1) - Security | 70 | The okpo attribute of the ident tag is missing or incomplete. | Code [1.70]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
(2) - Specification | 71 | Your phone is not identified. Contact UBKI by phone +380445851194 | Code [2.71]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. |
| 95 | The date of birth does not match the format: YYYY-MM-DD |