Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Request JSON

title body:


"doc": {

"ubki": {

"req_envelope": {

"req_xml": {

"request": {

"i": {

"ident": {

"okpo": "EDRPOU (for legal entities)"


"reqlng": "Search criteria language (code from ref.23)"


"version": "1.0",

"reqtype": "Template code (code from ref.49): 'Public Dossier' Report – 26",

"reqreason": "Request objective (code from ref.24)"


"descr": "Request object"


"descr": "Request envelope"


"sessid": "Session key (obtained from the authorization API)"




Response JSON



"ubkidata": {

"tech": {

"trace": {

"step": {

"name": "Step name",

"stm": "Step start stamp date",

"ftm": "Step finish stamp date"



"error": {

"errtype": "Error code (code from ref.0)",

"errtext": "Error text (value from ref.0)"


"reqinfo": {

"reqid": "Outgoing request ID generated by UBKI"


"billing": {

"balance": {

"value": "Total assets",

"date": "Date",

"time": "Time"




"comp": [


"companydossier": {

"record": {

"names": {

"name": "Name of a legal entity",

"shortname": "Abbreviated name",

"display": "Display name",

"nameen": "Name of a legal entity in English",

"shortnameen": "Abbreviated name in English"


"state": {

"olfcode": "Code of a legal entity’s form of incorporation",

"olfname": "Name of a legal entity’s form of incorporation",

"state": "Code of a legal entity’s relevant status",

"statetext": "Name of a legal entity’s status"


"executivepower": {

"name": "Name of the executive authority owning more than 25% share",

"code": "EDRPOU of an executive authority"


"registration": {

"date": "Registration date",

"recordnumber": "No. of record of registration in EDR (Unified State Register)",

"recorddate": "Date of recording in EDR (Unified State Register)",

"isseparation": "Established by allotment",

"isdivision": "Established by separation",

"ismerge": "Established by merging",

"istransformation": "Established by reorganization",

"objectname": "Storage location of a registration file",

"prevregistrationendterm": "Duration of registration of an individual entrepreneur in the Ministry of Revenue, in case of place of residence change"


"founders": {

"address": {

"zip": "Shareholder’s postal code",

"country": "Shareholder’s country",

"address": "Shareholder’s address",

"atu":"Administrative-territorial unit",

"atuCode":"Code of the administrative-territorial unit"


"lastname": "Last name of an individual shareholder",

"firstmiddlename": "First and middle names of an individual shareholder",

"name": "Participant’s name",

"code": "TIN/EDRPOU code of a founder",

"role": "Code of the participant’s role (code from ref.65)",

"roletext": "Name of the participant’s role (value from ref.65)",

"capital": "Capital contribution amount",

"country":"Name of the country of citizenship"


"authorisedcapital": {

"value": "Authorized capital amount",

"date": "Authorized capital formation end date"


"management": {

"management": "Management body name",

"managingpaper": "Constituent document",

"ismodalstatute": "Details about foundation and activities of a legal entity on the basis of model articles"


"heads": {

"lastname": "Last name of the administration member",

"firstmiddlename": "First and middle names of the administration member",

"role": "Code of the administration member’s role (code from ref.65)",

"roletext": "Name of the administration member’s role (value from ref.65)",

"appointmentdate": "Date of entry into office",

"restriction": "Basis for entry into office"


"activitykinds": {

"name": "Name of activity type",

"code": "Code of activity type under the Classifier of economic activities",

"isprimary": "Indication of the principal activity type"


"branches": {

"address": {

"zip": "Subdivision’s postal code",

"country": "Subdivision’s country",

"address": "Subdivision’s address",

"atu":"Administrative-territorial unit",

"atuCode":"Code of the administrative-territorial unit"


"contacts": {

"type": "Contact type",

"value": "Contact value"


"heads": {

"lastname": "Last name of the head of the branch",

"firstmiddlename": "First and middle name of the head of the branch",

"role": "Role of the head of the branch (code from ref.65)",

"roletext": "Role of the head of the branch (value from ref.65)",

"appointmentdate": "Appointment date of the head of the branch",

"restriction": "Restrictions"


"activitykinds": {

"name": "Name of the activity kind",

"code": "Activity kind code",

"isprimary": "Mark of the main activity kind"


"name": "Subdivision name",

"code": "Subdivision EDRPOU",

"type": "Code of the subdivision’s type",

"typetext": "Name of the subdivision’s type",

"createdate": "Date of establishment of the branch"


"address": {

"zip": "Postal code",

"country": "Country of registration",

"address": "Address of registration",

"atu":"Administrative-territorial unit",

"atuCode":"Code of the administrative-territorial unit"


"registrations": {

"name": "Registration office name",

"code": "Registration office code",

"type": "Registration office type",

"description": "Description",

"startdate": "Date of record of registration in the office",

"startnum": "No. of record of registration in the office",

"enddate": "Date of record of de-registration in the office",

"endnum": "De-registration record No."


"primaryactivitykind": {

"name": "Name of principal activity type",

"code": "Code of principal activity type under the Classifier of economic activities",

"regnumber": "No. of record of principal activity type registration",

"class": "Principal activity class"


"bankruptcy": {

"date": "Date of recording bankruptcy proceedings registration",

"state": "Status of a subject",

"statetext": "Textual display of status",

"docdate": "Proceedings opening date",

"courtname": "Name of court",

"docnumber": "Proceedings number",

"datejudge": "Effective date"


"termination": {

"state": "Code of record of business termination’s status",

"statetext": "Description of record of business termination’s status",

"date": "Record date",

"recordnumber": "Reason for business termination",

"cause": "Actualization date"


"terminationcancel": {

"date": "Date of canceling the record of business termination",

"recordnumber": "Record number",

"docnumber": "Bankruptcy document number",

"docdate": "Document date",

"datejudge": "Effective date",

"courname": "Name of court"


"openenforcements": {

"openenforcement": {

"date": "Enforcement proceedings opening date"



"contacts": {

"type": "Contact type (Email, tel, fax, web-page)",

"value": "Contact value"


"beneficiaries": {

"address": {

"zip": "ZIP Code",

"country": "Country of the beneficiary",

"address": "Address of the beneficiary",

"atu":"Administrative-territorial unit",

"atuCode":"Code of the administrative-territorial unit"


"name": "Name of the beneficiary",

"code": "EDRPOU code of the beneficiary - legal entity",

"country": "Country of citizenship of the beneficiary",

"lastname": "Last name of beneficiary - an individual",

"firstmiddlename": " First and middle name of beneficiary - an individual",

"beneficiariestype": "Type of beneficiary (code from ref.66)",

"role": "Role of beneficiary (code from ref.65)",

"roletext": "Role of beneficiary (value from ref.65)",

"interest": "Percentage of beneficiary participation",

"reason": "The reason for the absence of the beneficiary",

"indirectinterest": "Percentage of share of authorized capital or percentage of voting rights (indirect influence)",

"otherimpact": "Other nature and degree of impact",

"beneficiaryfalse": "A sign that information about the ultimate beneficial owner may be inaccurate"


"foundingDocument": {

"type": "Type of the founding document («1» - own constituent document; «2» - model charter)",

"name": "Name of the founding document",

"code": "Model statute code"


"propertystruct": {

"structsigned": "Note that the ownership structure is signed",

"datestruct": "Date of ownership structure",

"numstruct": "Ownership structure number",

"lastnamesign": "Last name of the person who signed the ownership structure",

"firstmiddlenamesign": "First and middle names of the person who signed the ownership structure",

"typesign": "Type of person who signed the ownership structure (code) (1 - Head, 2 - Representative, 3 - Founder (participant), 4 - Other authorized person)",

"typesignref": "Type of person who signed the ownership structure, text description",

"structfalse": "A sign that the ownership structure may be untrustworthy",

"structopaque": "A sign that the ownership structure is recognized by the National Bank of Ukraine as opaque"



"found": "Presence of the information for EDRPOU",

"okpo": "EDRPOU code of a legal entity",

"curstate": "Current status of a subject in EDR (code from ref.64)",

"curstatetxt": "Additional comment on current status of a subject (value from ref.64)",

"currecorddate": "Current registration date"


"id": "26",

"descr": "Names of components"



"pubreestr": {

"edrpou": "EDRPOU code",

"orgmark": "Organization’s type",

"pubregister": "Information about a public register",

"pubtype": "Organization’s type",

"pubname": "Subject’s name",

"pubaddress": "Subject’s address",

"pubhead": "Subject’s executive",

"vdate": "Actualization date"


"banTenders": {

"AMKDecisionsCount": "Number of decisions in the case",

"okpo": "EDRPOU code",

"decisionNumber": "№ decision in case",

"decisionDate": "Date of decision in the case",

"AMCUnit": "The decision of the AMCU body",

"decisionNotes": "Notes"


"cancelCourtDecision": {

"courCaseNumber": "№ court case ",

"courtName": "Name of the court in which the decision of the Committee body is appealed",

"courtDecisionDate": "Court decision date",

"courtDecisionContent": "Content of the court decision"


"reviewDecisionAMC": {

"AMCDecisionNumber": "№ decision of the AMCU body based on the results of the review (verification) of the decision in the case of violation of the law",

"AMCDecisionDate": "Date of the decision of the AMCU body based on the results of the review (verification) of the decision in the case of violation of the law",

"AMCDecisionContent": "Content of the decision of the AMCU body based on the results of the review (verification) of the decision in the case of violation of the law"


"finSecurities": {

"okpo": "EDRPOU code",

"pubName": "Subject’s name",

"orgMark": "Organization’s type",

"state": "State",

"registryNumber": "Registration number",

"dateToRegistry": "Registration date",

"pubRegister": "Information about a public register",

"vDate": "Actualization date"


"nbuReestr": {

"nbuData": {

"orgMark": "Organization’s type",

"pubRegister": "Information about a public register",

"pubName": "Subject’s name",

"registryNumber": "Registration number",

"dateToRegistry": "Registration date",

"stateDepartment": "Controlling body",

"vDate": "Actualization date"


"okpo": "EDRPOU code"


"bigTaxPayer": {

"okpo": "EDRPOU code",

"pubName": "Subject’s name",

"foundText": "Textual interpretation of the search",

"pubRegister": "Information about a public register",

"registryYear": "Year of registration",

"vDate": "Actualization date"


"taxDebt": {

"okpo": "EDRPOU code",

"pubName": "Subject’s name",

"foundText": "Textual interpretation of the search",

"pubRegister": "Information about a public register",

"totalSum": "The total amount of debt",

"toLocalBudget": "The amount of debt to the local budget",

"toStateBudget": "The amount of debt to the state budget",

"debtDate": "Calculation date",

"vDate": "Actualization date"


"wageDebt": {

"okpo": "EDRPOU code",

"pubName": "Subject’s name",

"pubRegister": "Information about a public register",

"totalSum": "The total amount of debt",

"penaltiesCount": "Number of enforcement proceedingst",

"debtDate": "Calculation date",

"vDate": "Actualization date"


"inspections": {

"inspectionData": {

"startDate": "Inspection start date",

"endDate": "Inspection end date",

"inspectionType": "Type of inspection",

"stateDepartment": "Іnspection body"


"okpo": "EDRPOU code",

"pubName": "Subject’s name"


"id": "29",

"descr": "Names of components"



"court": {

"courtdoc": {

"docdate": "Document date",

"doctype": "Document type",

"docnum": "Document number",

"courtname": "Name of court",

"courtid": "Legal case ID in the Bureau’s database"


"casenum": "Case number",

"sideedrpou": "Participant’s EDRPOU",

"sidename": "Participant’s name",

"role": "Subject’s role (plaintiff/defendant), (indication; 1 – plaintiff, 2 – defendant)"


"id": "30",

"descr": "Names of components"



"registrationchanges": {

"edrpou": "EDRPOU",

"isur": "Indication of a legal entity (1 – legal entity, 2 – other entity)",

"address": "Subject’s address",

"director": "Head of the organization",

"tel": "Phone number",

"email": "Email",

"kved": "2010 Classifier of economic activities",

"kvedf": "2005 Classifier of economic activities",

"recordnumber": "State registration number",

"regdealplace": "Location of a registration file",

"recorddate": "Date of writing to the database"


"id": "32",

"descr": "Names of components"



"branchesinfo": {

"names": {

"name": "Registration office name",

"shortname": "Short name",

"display": "Display name"


"state": {

"olfcode": "Code of legal entity’s form of incorporation",

"olfname": "Name of legal entity’s form of incorporation",

"state": "Code of current legal entity status (-1,11,13)",

"statetext": "Name of legal entity status (-1 canceled, 11 subdivision active, 13 subdivision terminated)"


"registration": {

"date": "Date of registration",

"recordnumber": "No. of record of registration in the Unified State Register",

"objectname": "Storage location of registration file"


"heads": {

"lastname": "Last name of administration member",

"roletext": "Name of administration member’s role"


"activitykinds": {

"name": "Name of activity kind",

"code": "Code of activity kind in the Classifier of Economic Activities",

"isprimary": "Indication of principal activity kind (true – principal, false – non-principal)"


"address": {

"zip": "Postal code",

"country": "Country of registration",

"address": "Address of registrationї"


"contacts": {

"type": "Contact type (webpage, e-mail, tel., fax)",

"value": "Contact value"


"termination": {

"state": "Status code of record of business termination (2 – pending termination, 3 – terminated)",

"statetext": "Description of termination record status",

"date": "Record date",

"recordnumber": "De-registration number"


"registrations": {

"name": "Registration office nameї",

"code": "USREOU of registration officeї",

"type": "Registration office type",

"description": "Information about departmental registry",

"startdate": "Date of registration with the authority",

"startnum": "Registration number",

"enddate": "Date of de-registration",

"endnum": "De-registration number"


"okpo": "USREOU code of legal entity",

"bfound": "Availability of information in USREOU",

"bfoundref": "Text designation of fact of registration of a separate subdivision (value from ref.59)"


"id": "49",

"descr": "Names of components"



"bankruptcyinfo": {

"bankruptcy": {

"subname": "Subject’s name",

"subcode": "TIN/EDRPOU",

"eventtype": "Event type",

"eventclaimer": "Initiator of the event",

"eventcourtcase": "Case number",

"eventdate": "Date of event"


"found": "Availability of information about bankruptcy, numerical designation 0-1",

"foundref": " Availability of information about bankruptcy, textual meaning 0-not found / 1-found"


"id": "54",

"descr": "Bankruptcy information"



"licensesCount": {

"licenseRegisters": {

"licenseName": "License/permission name",

"licenseDepartment": "Issuing organ",

"newest": "Last license/permit date",

"count": "Number of licenses/permissions on this registry"


"licenses": {

"licenseNo": "Batch license/permission number",

"licenseState": "License/Permission Status",

"typeLicense": "License/Permission Type",

"kindLicense": "License/Permission Type",

"licensePeriod": "License/Period Expiration Date",

"address": "Address",

"activityAddress": "Activity address",

"issueDate": "Date of license/permit",

"startDate": "License/permission effective date",

"endDate": "License/permission expiration date"


"okpo": "USREOU of the client",

"found": "Numerical determination of the fact of licenses/permits",

"foundref": "Text definition of licenses/permissions Information not found/Information found",

"activeCountLicenses": "Number of valid legal entity licenses/permits",

"countLicensesName": "Number of types of licenses/permissions of the legal entity"


"id": "63",

"descr": "Search for information on the availability of licenses and permits of a legal entity"



"pdvPayer": {

"okpo": "TIN",

"found": "0/1 - numerical determination of the fact of VAT registration",

"foundref": "Textual definition of the fact of VAT registration",

"codePDV": "Individual tax number",

"dateRegistry": "Date of registration by the taxpayer",

"dateCancel": "Date of cancellation of registration",

"reasonCancel": "Legal grounds for cancellation",

"lawReason": "Reason for cancellation",

"pubRegister": "Registry name",

"vdate": "Date of update in the database"


"id": "66",

"descr": "Information from the register of VAT payers"






Response XML


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<!-- System information part -->



<step name="Step name" stm="Step start stamp date" ftm="Step finish stamp date">

<!-- The trace part contains timing metrics of components generation steps -->



<error errtype="Error code (code from ref.0)" errtext="Error text (value from ref.0)">


<reqinfo reqid="Outgoing request ID generated by UBKI">


<!-- Information about the current status of the prepaid account part-->


<balance value="Total assets" date="Date" time="Time" />



<!-- Search for a legal entity’s records from state registers -->

<comp id="26" descr="Names of components">

<companydossier found="Presence of the information for EDRPOU"

okpo="EDRPOU code of a legal entity"

curstate="Current status of a subject in EDR (code from ref.64)"

curstatetxt="Additional comment on current status of a subject (value from ref.64)"

currecorddate="Current registration date">


<names name="Name of a legal entity"

shortname="Abbreviated name"

display="Display name"

nameen="Name of a legal entity in English"

shortnameen="Abbreviated name in English" />

<state olfcode="Code of a legal entity’s form of incorporation"

olfname="Name of a legal entity’s form of incorporation"

state="Code of a legal entity’s relevant status"

statetext="Name of a legal entity’s status" />

<executivepower name="Name of the executive authority owning more than 25% share"

code="EDRPOU of an executive authority" />

<registration date="Registration date"

recordnumber="No. of record of registration in EDR (Unified State Register)"

recorddate="Date of recording in EDR (Unified State Register)"

isseparation="Established by allotment"

isdivision="Established by separation"

ismerge="Established by merging"

istransformation="Established by reorganization"

objectname="Storage location of a registration file"

prevregistrationendterm="Duration of registration of an individual entrepreneur in the Ministry of Revenue, in case of place of residence change" />

<founders lastname="Last name of an individual shareholder"

firstmiddlename="First and middle names of an individual shareholder"

name="Participant’s name"

code="TIN/EDRPOU code of a founder"

role="Code of the participant’s role (code from ref.65)"

roletext="Name of the participant’s role (value from ref.65)"

capital="Capital contribution amount"

country="Name of the country of citizenship">

<address zip="Shareholder’s postal code"

country="Shareholder’s country"

address="Shareholder’s address"

atu="Administrative-territorial unit"

atuCode="Code of the administrative-territorial unit" />


<authorisedcapital value="Authorized capital amount"

date="Authorized capital formation end date" />

<management management="Management body name"

managingpaper="Constituent document"

ismodalstatute="Details about foundation and activities of a legal entity on the basis of model articles" />

<heads lastname="Last name of the administration member"

firstmiddlename="First and middle names of the administration member"

role="Code of the administration member’s role (code from ref.65)"

roletext="Name of the administration member’s role (value from ref.65)"

appointmentdate="Date of entry into office"

restriction="Basis for entry into office" />

<activitykinds name="Name of activity type"

code="Code of activity type under the Classifier of economic activities"

isprimary="Indication of the principal activity type" />

<branches name="Subdivision name"

code="Subdivision EDRPOU"

type="Code of the subdivision’s type"

typetext="Name of the subdivision’s type"

createdate="Date of establishment of the branch">

<address zip="Subdivision’s postal code"

country="Subdivision’s country"

address="Subdivision’s address"

atu="Administrative-territorial unit"

atuCode="Code of the administrative-territorial unit" />

<contacts type="Contact type" value="Contact value" /> -- 1..*

<heads lastname="Last name of the head of the branch"

firstmiddlename="First and middle name of the head of the branch"

role="Role of the head of the branch (code from ref.65)"

roletext="Role of the head of the branch (value from ref.65)"

appointmentdate="Appointment date of the head of the branch"

restriction="Restrictions" />

<activitykinds name="Name of the activity kind"

code="Activity kind code"

isprimary="Mark of the main activity kind" /> -- 0...*


<address zip="Postal code"

country="Country of registration"

address="Address of registration"

atu="Administrative-territorial unit"

atuCode="Code of the administrative-territorial unit" />

<registrations name="Registration office name"

code="Registration office code"

type="Registration office type"


startdate="Date of record of registration in the office"

startnum="No. of record of registration in the office"

enddate="Date of record of de-registration in the office"

endnum="De-registration record No." />

<primaryactivitykind name="Name of principal activity type"

code="Code of principal activity type under the Classifier of economic activities"

regnumber="No. of record of principal activity type registration"

class="Principal activity class" />

<bankruptcy date="Date of recording bankruptcy proceedings registration"

state="Status of a subject"

statetext="Textual display of status"

docdate="Proceedings opening date"

courtname="Name of court"

docnumber="Proceedings number"

datejudge="Effective date" />

<termination state="Code of record of business termination’s status"

statetext="Description of record of business termination’s status"

date="Record date"

recordnumber="Reason for business termination"

cause="Actualization date" />

<terminationcancel date="Date of canceling the record of business termination"

recordnumber="Record number"

docnumber="Bankruptcy document number"

docdate="Document date"

datejudge="Effective date"

courname="Name of court" />


<openenforcement date="Enforcement proceedings opening date" />


<contacts type="Contact type (Email, tel, fax, web-page)"

value="Contact value" />

<beneficiaries name="Name of the beneficiary"

code="EDRPOU code of the beneficiary - legal entity"

country="Country of citizenship of the beneficiary"

lastname="Last name of beneficiary - an individual"

firstmiddlename=" First and middle name of beneficiary - an individual"

beneficiariestype="Type of beneficiary (code from ref.66)"

role="Role of beneficiary (code from ref.65)"

roletext="Role of beneficiary (value from ref.65)"

interest="Percentage of beneficiary participation"

reason="The reason for the absence of the beneficiary"

indirectinterest ="Percentage of share of authorized capital or percentage of voting rights (indirect influence)"

otherimpact = "Other nature and degree of impact"

beneficiaryfalse= "A sign that information about the ultimate beneficial owner may be inaccurate">

<address zip="ZIP Code"

country="Country of the beneficiary"

address="Address of the beneficiary"

atu="Administrative-territorial unit"

atuCode="Code of the administrative-territorial unit" />


<foundingDocument type="Type of the founding document («1» - own constituent document; «2» - model charter)"

name="Name of the founding document"

code="Model statute code" />

<propertystruct structsigned="Note that the ownership structure is signed"

datestruct="Date of ownership structure"

numstruct="Ownership structure number"

lastnamesign="Last name of the person who signed the ownership structure"

firstmiddlenamesign="First and middle names of the person who signed the ownership structure"

typesign="Type of person who signed the ownership structure (code) ("1" - Head, "2" - Representative, "3" - Founder (participant), "4" - Other authorized person)"

typesignref="Type of person who signed the ownership structure, text description"

structfalse="A sign that the ownership structure may be untrustworthy"

structopaque="A sign that the ownership structure is recognized by the National Bank of Ukraine as opaque"





<!-- Information from Public Registers part -->

<comp id="29" descr="Names of components">

<pubreestr edrpou="EDRPOU code"

orgmark="Organization’s type"

pubregister="Information about a public register"

pubtype="Organization’s type"

pubname="Subject’s name"

pubaddress="Subject’s address"

pubhead="Subject’s executive"

vdate="Actualization date" />

<banTenders AMKDecisionsCount="Number of decisions in the case"

okpo="EDRPOU code"

decisionNumber="№ decision in case"

decisionDate="Date of decision in the case"

AMCUnit="The decision of the AMCU body"

decisionNotes="Notes" />

<cancelCourtDecision courCaseNumber="№ court case "

courtName="Name of the court in which the decision of the Committee body is appealed"

courtDecisionDate="Court decision date"

courtDecisionContent="Content of the court decision" />

<reviewDecisionAMC AMCDecisionNumber="№ decision of the AMCU body based on the results of the review (verification) of the decision in the case of violation of the law" AMCDecisionDate="Date of the decision of the AMCU body based on the results of the review (verification) of the decision in the case of violation of the law"

AMCDecisionContent="Content of the decision of the AMCU body based on the results of the review (verification) of the decision in the case of violation of the law" />

<finSecurities okpo="EDRPOU code"

pubName="Subject’s name"

orgMark="Organization’s type"


registryNumber="Registration number"

dateToRegistry="Registration date"

pubRegister="Information about a public register"

vDate="Actualization date" />

<nbuReestr okpo="EDRPOU code">

<nbuData orgMark="Organization’s type"

pubRegister="Information about a public register"

pubName="Subject’s name"

registryNumber="Registration number"

dateToRegistry="Registration date"

stateDepartment="Controlling body"

vDate="Actualization date" />


<bigTaxPayer okpo="EDRPOU code"

pubName="Subject’s name"

foundText="Textual interpretation of the search"

pubRegister="Information about a public register"

registryYear="Year of registration"

vDate="Actualization date" />

<taxDebt okpo="EDRPOU code"

pubName="Subject’s name"

foundText="Textual interpretation of the search"

pubRegister="Information about a public register"

totalSum="The total amount of debt"

toLocalBudget="The amount of debt to the local budget"

toStateBudget="The amount of debt to the state budget"

debtDate="Calculation date" vDate="Actualization date" />

<wageDebt okpo="EDRPOU code"

pubName="Subject’s name"

pubRegister="Information about a public register"

totalSum="The total amount of debt"

penaltiesCount="Number of enforcement proceedingst"

debtDate="Calculation date" vDate="Actualization date" />

<inspections okpo="EDRPOU code"

pubName="Subject’s name">

<inspectionData startDate="Inspection start date"

endDate="Inspection end date"

inspectionType="Type of inspection"

stateDepartment="Іnspection body" />



<!-- Information about Legal Cases part-->

<comp id="30" descr="Names of components">

<court casenum="Case number"

sideedrpou="Participant’s EDRPOU"

sidename="Participant’s name"

role="Subject’s role (plaintiff/defendant), (indication; 1 – plaintiff, 2 – defendant)">

<courtdoc docdate="Document date"

doctype="Document type"

docnum="Document number"

courtname="Name of court"

courtid="Legal case ID in the Bureau’s database" />



<!-- Information about the Revision History part-->

<comp id="32" descr="Names of components">

<registrationchanges edrpou="EDRPOU"

isur="Indication of a legal entity (1 – legal entity, 2 – other entity)"

address="Subject’s address"

director="Head of the organization"

tel="Phone number"


kved="2010 Classifier of economic activities"

kvedf="2005 Classifier of economic activities"

recordnumber="State registration number"

regdealplace="Location of a registration file"

recorddate="Date of writing to the database" />


<!-- Search of information from state registers on a separate subdivision of a legal entity -->

<comp id="49" descr="Names of components">

<branchesinfo okpo="USREOU code of legal entity"

bfound="Availability of information in USREOU"

bfoundref="Text designation of fact of registration of a separate subdivision (value from ref.59)">

<names name="Registration office name"

shortname="Short name"

display="Display name" />

<state olfcode="Code of legal entity’s form of incorporation"

olfname="Name of legal entity’s form of incorporation"

state="Code of current legal entity status (-1,11,13)"

statetext="Name of legal entity status (-1 canceled, 11 subdivision active, 13 subdivision terminated)" />

<registration date="Date of registration"

recordnumber="No. of record of registration in the Unified State Register"

objectname="Storage location of registration file" />

<heads lastname="Last name of administration member"

roletext="Name of administration member’s role" />

<activitykinds name="Name of activity kind"

code="Code of activity kind in the Classifier of Economic Activities"

isprimary="Indication of principal activity kind (true – principal, false – non-principal)" />

<address zip="Postal code"

country="Country of registration"

address="Address of registrationї" />

<contacts type="Contact type (webpage, e-mail, tel., fax)"

value="Contact value" />

<termination state="Status code of record of business termination (2 – pending termination, 3 – terminated)"

statetext="Description of termination record status"

date="Record date"

recordnumber="De-registration number" />

<registrations name="Registration office nameї"

code="USREOU of registration officeї"

type="Registration office type"

description="Information about departmental registry"

startdate="Date of registration with the authority"

startnum="Registration number"

enddate="Date of de-registration"

endnum="De-registration number" />



<!-- Bankruptcy information-->

<comp id="54" descr="Bankruptcy information">

<bankruptcyinfo found="Availability of information about bankruptcy, numerical designation 0-1"

foundref=" Availability of information about bankruptcy, textual meaning 0-not found / 1-found">

<bankruptcy subname="Subject’s name"


eventtype="Event type"

eventclaimer="Initiator of the event"

eventcourtcase="Case number"

eventdate="Date of event" />



<!--Block for searching for information on the availability of licenses and permits of a legal entity -->

<comp id="63" descr="Search for information on the availability of licenses and permits of a legal entity">

<licensesCount okpo="USREOU of the client"

found="Numerical determination of the fact of licenses/permits"

foundref="Text definition of licenses/permissions Information not found/Information found"

activeCountLicenses = "Number of valid legal entity licenses/permits"

countLicensesName = "Number of types of licenses/permissions of the legal entity" >

<licenseRegisters licenseName="License/permission name"

licenseDepartment="Issuing organ"

newest="Last license/permit date"

count="Number of licenses/permissions on this registry" />

<licenses licenseNo="Batch license/permission number"

licenseState="License/Permission Status"

typeLicense="License/Permission Type"

kindLicense="License/Permission Type"

licensePeriod="License/Period Expiration Date"


activityAddress="Activity address"

issueDate="Date of license/permit"

startDate="License/permission effective date"

endDate="License/permission expiration date" />



<!-- Information from the register of VAT payers -->

<comp id="66" descr="Information from the register of VAT payers">

<pdvPayer okpo="TIN"

found="0/1 - numerical determination of the fact of VAT registration"

foundref="Textual definition of the fact of VAT registration"

codePDV="Individual tax number"

dateRegistry="Date of registration by the taxpayer"

dateCancel="Date of cancellation of registration"

reasonCancel="Legal grounds for cancellation"

lawReason="Reason for cancellation"

pubRegister="Registry name"

vdate="Date of update in the database" />




Response JSON

Code Block
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									"country": "Україна",
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								"lastname": "ШЕВЧЕНКО",
								"firstmiddlename": "ЮРІЙ ГНАТОВИЧ",
								"name": "ШЕВЧЕНКО ЮРІЙ ГНАТОВИЧ",
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							"date": "2006-01-20"
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						"recorddate": "2005-02-03",
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						"recordage": "6292"
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				"descr": "Історія змін"
				"id": "49",
				"descr": "Пошук відомостей з державних реєстрів про відокремлений підрозділ юридичної особи"
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					"found": "0",
					"foundref": "Не знайдена інформація про банкрутство"
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				"descr": "Інформація щодо банкрутства"
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									"typeLicense": "",
									"kindLicense": "місце експлуатації: м. Дніпро, вул. Володимира Антоновича, буд. 6",
									"licensePeriod": "5 Років",
									"address": "49055, м. Дніпро, проспект Олександра Поля, буд. 104 А",
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									"issueDate": "2020-02-19",
									"startDate": "",
									"endDate": ""
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									"typeLicense": "",
									"kindLicense": "місце експлуатації: Київська обл., м. Бровари, вул. О. Онікієнко, 127",
									"licensePeriod": "5 Років",
									"address": "49055, м. Дніпро, проспект Олександра Поля, буд. 104 А",
									"activityAddress": "",
									"issueDate": "2020-02-19",
									"startDate": "",
									"endDate": ""
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									"licenseState": "Діючий",
									"typeLicense": "",
									"kindLicense": "",
									"licensePeriod": "5 Років",
									"address": "49055, м. Дніпро, пр. Олександра Поля, будинок 104 А",
									"activityAddress": "",
									"issueDate": "2018-07-11",
									"startDate": "",
									"endDate": ""
							"licenseName": "Реєстр дозволів на виконання робіт підвищеної небезпеки та на експлуатацію (застосування) машин, механізмів, устаткування підвищеної небезпеки",
							"licenseDepartment": "Територіальне управління по Дніпропетровської області",
							"newest": "",
							"count": "3"
							"licenses": {
								"licenseNo": "006133100000265",
								"licenseState": "",
								"typeLicense": "",
								"kindLicense": "Імпорт",
								"licensePeriod": "",
								"address": "",
								"activityAddress": "",
								"issueDate": "",
								"startDate": "2021-05-24",
								"endDate": "2021-12-31"
							"licenseName": "Ліцензії у сфері зовнішньоекономічної діяльності",
							"licenseDepartment": "Міністерство економіки України",
							"newest": "2021-05-24",
							"count": "1"
					"okpo": "12345632",
					"found": "1",
					"foundref": "Знайдена інформація",
					"activeCountLicenses": "4",
					"countLicensesName": "2"
				"id": "63",
				"descr": "Пошук відомостей про наявність ліцензій та дозволів  юридичної особи"
				"pdvPayer": {
					"okpo": "12345632",
					"found": "1",
					"foundref": "Информация найдена",
					"codePDV": "302468322255",
					"dateRegistry": "2008-04-16",
					"dateCancel": "2010-12-30",
					"reasonCancel": "Анульовано за рiшенням контролюючого органу",
					"lawReason": "Пп г п. 184.1 ст.184 Кодексу - особа протягом 12 послiдовних податкових мiсяцiв подає таку декларацiю (податковий розрахунок), яка (який) свiдчить про вiдсутнiсть постачання/придбання товарiв, здiйснених з метою формування податкового зобов'язання чи податкового кредиту",
					"pubRegister": "Реєстр платників ПДВ",
					"vdate": "2022-03-22"
				"id": "66",
				"descr": "Інформація з реєстру платників ПДВ"


Response XML

Code Block
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