<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- System information part -->
<step name="Step name" stm="Step start stamp date" ftm="Step finish stamp date">
<!-- The trace part contains timing metrics of components generation steps -->
<error errtype="Error code (code from ref.0)" errtext="Error text (value from ref.0)">
<reqinfo reqid="Outgoing request ID generated by UBKI">
<!-- Information about the current status of the prepaid account part-->
<balance value="Total assets" date="Date" time="Time" />
<!-- FeatureSet -->
<comp id="60" descr="Components name">
<featureSet okpo="INN-RNUKPN (for natural persons)/EGPROU of the legal entity"
date="Scoring date. Not filled in if the scoring is currently calculated">
<features name="Name of predictor "
value="Value of predictor " />
<!--This block has to consist of the 1..* elements-->