<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- System information part -->
<step name="Step name" stm="Step start stamp date" ftm="Step finish stamp date">
<!-- The trace part contains timing metrics of components generation steps -->
<error errtype="Error code (code from ref.0)" errtext="Error text (value from ref.0)">
<reqinfo reqid="Outgoing request ID generated by UBKI">
<!-- Information about the current status of the prepaid account part-->
<balance value="Total assets" date="Date" time="Time" />
<!-- Vehicle information -->
<comp id="56" descr="Vehicle information">
<registeredCars okpo="TIN/EDRPOU (Tax/Taxpayer Identification"
carfound="0/1/-1 -Numerical designations of availability of motor transport on the subject"
carfoundref="Text indication of the presence of vehicles in the subject">
<car operCode="Transaction code"
operName="Decryption of the operation"
depName="Registration authority"
brand="Vehicle brand name"
model="Vehicle model name"
makeYear="Year production"
capacity="Engine capacity"
dreg="Date of last registration for"
color="Vehicle color"
kind="Vehicle type"
body="Vehicle body type"
purpose="Vehicle purpose"
fuel="Vehicle fuel type"
ownWeight="Vehicle own weight"
totalWeight="Total weight of the vehicle"
gosRegNumber="State registration number of the car"
VINNumber="Unique serial number(Vehicle identification number)" />