{ "ubkidata": { "tech": { "trace": { "step": { "name": "Step name", "stm": "Step start stamp date", "ftm": "Step finish stamp date" } }, "error": { "errtype": "Error code (code from ref.0)", "errtext": "Error text (value from ref.0)" }, "reqinfo": { "reqid": "Outgoing request ID generated by UBKI" }, "billing": { "balance": { "value": "Total assets", "date": "Date", "time": "Time" }, "billdetails": { "freemon": "Sign of free of charge according to the request type "Monitoring the client of the organization" (reqreason=1), code (0 - No, 1 - Yes)", "freemonref": "Sign of free of charge according to the request type "Monitoring the client of the organization" (reqreason=1), value (0 - No, 1 - Yes)" } } }, "comp": { "crdealshort": { "inn": "TIN of the credit history subject", "dlds": "Transaction commencement date", "dldpf": "Transaction closing date under the contract", "dlamt": "Transaction amount (initial)", "dlcurr": "Transaction currency (code from ref.12)", "typedeal": "Transaction type, one of two: CC - credit card, PL - not credit card", "statedeal": "Transaction status in the current period, one of two: OPEN, CLOSE", "dldateclc": "Calculation date", "dlamtexpuah": "Current debt overdue amount, UAH", "dldayexp": "Current number of days overdue", "dlflstat": "Transaction status in the current period (code from ref.16)", "ex60y3uah": "Maximum overdue amount 60+ days in the last 36 months, UAH", "ex90y3uah": "Maximum overdue amount 90+ days in the last 36 months, UAH", "paymuah": "Planned compulsory payment amount in the current period (as scheduled). Сalculated as an annuity if 0", "dlamtcuruah": "Current debt amount, UAH", "reqyear": "Number of requests per year" }, "id": "71", "descr": "The name of the component" }, { "person": { "bdate": "Date of birth", "lngref": "Search/transfer language (ref. 23)", "lng": "Part presentation language, value (ref. 23)", "mname": "Middle name", "fname": "First name", "lname": "Last name", "inn ": "TIN of the credit history subject", }, "id": "72", "descr": "Search by full name + inn if more than 1 person is found (The presence of the component is determined by searching for more than 1 person in the case of searching by full name + inn)" } ] } } |