Info |
The report contains the following components: |
Http Method | POST |
Request URL | https://secure.ubki.ua/b2_api_xml/ubki/xml |
Request JSON |
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{ "doc": { "ubki": { "req_envelope": { "req_xml": { "request": { "i": { "ident": { "okpo": "Tax/Taxpayer Identification Number (INN-RNUKPN, for individuals)", "lname": "**Last name", "fname": "**First name", "mname": "**Middle name", "bdate": "**Date of birth" }, "reqlng": "Search criteria language (code from ref.23)" }, "version": "1.0", "reqtype": "Template code (code from ref.49): 'Search for an entrepreneur’s records from state registers' report – 22", "reqreason": "Request objective (code from ref.24)" }, "descr": "Request object" }, "descr": "Request envelope" }, "sessid": "Session key (obtained from the authorization API)" } } } |
Response XML
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ubkidata> <!-- System information part --> <tech> <trace> <step name="Step name" stm="Step start stamp date" ftm="Step finish stamp date"> <!-- The trace part contains timing metrics of components generation steps --> </step> </trace> <error errtype="Error code (code from ref.0)" errtext="Error text (value from ref.0)"> </error> <reqinfo reqid="Outgoing request ID generated by UBKI"> </reqinfo> <!-- Information about the current status of the prepaid account part--> <billing> <balance value="Total assets" date="Date" time="Time" /> </billing> </tech> <!-- Search for an entrepreneur’s records from state registers --> <comp id="24" descr="Names of components"> <entrepreneurdossier found="Status in the Unified State Register (code from ref.27)" inn="Business entity TIN" curstate="Current status of a subject in EDR (code from ref.64)" curstatetxt="Additional comment on current status of a subject (value from ref.64)" currecorddate="Current registration date"> <record iscurrent="0/1 (1 – relevant record of business activities, 0 – previous record of business activities)"> <bankruptcy date="Date of recording bankruptcy proceedings registration" state="Status of a subject" statetext="Textual display of status" docdate="Proceedings opening date" courtname="Name of court" docnumber="Proceedings number" datejudge="Effective date" /> <openenforcements> <openenforcement date="Enforcement proceedings opening date" /> </openenforcements> <terminationcancel date="Date of canceling the record of business termination" recordnumber="Record number" docnumber="Bankruptcy document number" docdate="Document date" datejudge="Effective date" courname="Name of court" /> <names name="Full name of an individual" shortname="Abbreviated name" display="Display name" country="Назва країни громадянства"/> <registration date="Date of registration in EDR (Unified State Register)" recordnumber="Date of recording of registration in EDR (Unified State Register)" recorddate="Date of recording in EDR (Unified State Register)" isseparation="State registration of a legal entity by allotment" isdivision="State registration of a legal entity by separation" ismerge="State registration of a legal entity by way of merger" istransformation="State registration of a legal entity by reorganization" objectname="Storage location of a registration file" pervregistrationendterm="Duration of registration of an individual entrepreneur in the Ministry of Revenue, in case of change of place of residence" /> <registrations name="Registration office name" code="EDRPOU of a registration office" type="Registration office type" description="Information about the departmental registry" startdate="Date of registration" startnum="Registration number" enddate="Date of de-registration" endnum="De-registration number" /> <primaryactivitykind name="Name of principal activity type" code="Code of principal activity type under the Classifier of economic activities" regnumber="Date of recording of principal activity type registration" class="Principal activity risk class" /> <activitykinds name="Name of activity type" code="Code of activity type under the Classifier of economic activities" isprimary="Indication of the principal activity type (1 – principal, 0 – non-principal)" /> <contacts type="Contact type (webpage, email, tel, fax)" value="Contact value" /> <address zip="Place of residence postal code" country="Country of residence" address="Full residential address" /> <termination state="Status code of the record of business termination (2 – pending termination, 3 – terminated)" statetext="Description of termination record status" date="Record date" recordnumber="De-registration number" cause="Grounds for its entering" /> </record> </entrepreneurdossier> </comp> <!-- Lawyers Information part --> <comp id="27" descr="Names of components"> <lawyerinfo vdate="Version date (date of the update of information for this TIN)"> <registration numsv="Number of a license to practice law" datesv="License issue date" issuedsv="Issuing authority" numdec="Number of the decision to issue a license" datedec="Date of decision" stopinfo="Information about terminating a license to practice law"> <anotherinfo value="Other information" /> <contacts mphone="Mobile phone" wphone="Landline phone number" email="E-mail" contactinfo="Contact details" /> </registration> </lawyerinfo> </comp> <!-- Bankruptcy information--> <comp id="54" descr="Bankruptcy information"> <bankruptcyinfo found="Availability of information about bankruptcy, numerical designation 0-1" foundref=" Availability of information about bankruptcy, textual meaning 0-not found / 1-found"> <bankruptcy subname="Subject’s name" subcode="TIN/EDRPOU" eventtype="Event type" eventclaimer="Initiator of the event" eventcourtcase="Case number" eventdate="Date of event" /> </bankruptcyinfo> </comp> <!-- Information from the register of VAT payers --> <comp id="66" descr="Information from the register of VAT payers"> <pdvPayer okpo="TIN" found="0/1 - numerical determination of the fact of VAT registration" foundref="Textual definition of the fact of VAT registration" codePDV="Individual tax number" dateRegistry="Date of registration by the taxpayer" dateCancel="Date of cancellation of registration" reasonCancel="Legal grounds for cancellation" lawReason="Reason for cancellation" pubRegister="Registry name" vdate="Date of update in the database" /> </comp> </ubkidata> |
Request JSON
Response JSON
Request XML
( ** parameters are passed optionally)
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <doc> <ubki sessid="Session key (obtained from the authorization API)"> <req_envelope descr="Request envelope"> <req_xml descr="Request object"> <!-- Request parameters --> <request version="1.0" reqtype="Template code (code from ref.49): 'Search for an entrepreneur’s records from state registers' report – 22" reqreason="Request objective (code from ref.24)"> <!-- Parameters describing search criteria--> <i reqlng="Search criteria language (code from ref.23)"> <!-- Subject identification parameters--> <ident okpo="Tax/Taxpayer Identification Number (INN-RNUKPN, for individuals)" lname="**Last name" fname="**First name" mname="**Middle name" bdate="**Date of birth"> </ident> </i> </request> </req_xml> </req_envelope> </ubki> </doc> |
Request XML |
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <doc> <ubki sessid="Session key (obtained from the authorization API)"> <req_envelope descr="Request envelope"> <req_xml descr="Request object"> <!-- Request parameters --> <request version="1.0" reqtype="Template code (code from ref.49): 'Search for an entrepreneur’s records from state registers' report – 22" reqreason="Request objective (code from ref.24)"> <!-- Parameters describing search criteria--> <i reqlng="Search criteria language (code from ref.23)"> <!-- Subject identification parameters--> <ident okpo="Tax/Taxpayer Identification Number (INN-RNUKPN, for individuals)" lname="**Last name" fname="**First name" mname="**Middle name" bdate="**Date of birth"> </ident> </i> </request> </req_xml> </req_envelope> </ubki> </doc> |
Response XML
Example |
Request JSON |
Response JSON |
Response JSON |
Response XML |
Test URL | https://test.ubki.ua/b2_api_xml/ubki/xml |
Test data |
<comp id="27" descr="Lawyers informationInformation from the register of lawyers and notaries"> okpo="2661152187" okpo="1993081882" <comp id="66"descr="Information from the register of VAT payers"> okpo="3389956584" |