{ "ubkidata": { "tech": { "trace": { "step": { "name": "Step name", "stm": "Step start stamp date", "ftm": "Step finish stamp date" } }, "error": { "errtype": "Error code (code from ref.0)", "errtext": "Error text (value from ref.0)" }, "reqinfo": { "reqid": "Outgoing request ID generated by UBKI" }, "billing": { "balance": { "value": "Total assets", "date": "Date", "time": "Time" }, "billdetails": { "freemon": "Sign of free of charge according to the request type "Monitoring the client of the organization" (reqreason=1), code (0 - No, 1 - Yes)", "freemonref": "Sign of free of charge according to the request type "Monitoring the client of the organization" (reqreason=1), value (0 - No, 1 - Yes)" } } }, "comp": [ { "cki": { "ident": { "donor": "Source of information (code from ref. 54)", "vdate": "Date of the information from this part", "lng": "Part presentation language (code from ref.23)", "lngref": "Part presentation language (value from ref.23)", "inn": "TIN of the credit history subject", "lname": "Last name", "fname": "First name", "mname": "Middle name", "bdate": "Date of birth", "csex": "Sex (code from ref.1)", "csexref": "Sex (value from ref.1)", "family": "Marital status (code from ref.2)", "familyref": "Marital status (value from ref.2)", "ceduc": "Education (code from ref.3)", "ceducref": "Education (value from ref.3)", "cgrag": "Citizenship (code from ref.4)", "cgragref": "Citizenship (value from ref.4)", "spd": "Presence of the business entity’s registration (code from ref.5)", "spdref": "Presence of the business entity’s registration (value from ref.5)", "sstate": "Social status (code from ref.6)", "sstateref": "Social status (value from ref.6)", "cchild": "Number of children" }, "work": { "wdonor": "Source of information (code from ref. 54)", "vdate": "Date of the information from this part", "lng": "Part presentation language (code from ref.23)", "lngref": "Part presentation language (value from ref.23)", "cdolgn": "Official position (code from ref.8)", "cdolgnref": "Official position (value from ref.8)", "wokpo": "EDRPOU of the employer", "wname": "Name of the employer in the base language", "wstag": "Length of service, years completed", "wdohod": "Client’s monthly income" }, "doc": { "ddonor": "Source of information (code from ref. 54)", "vdate": "Date of the information from this part", "lng": "Part presentation language (code from ref.23)", "lngref": "Part presentation language (value from ref.23)", "dtype": "Document type (code from ref.7)", "dtyperef": "Document type (value from ref.7)", "dser": "Document series", "dnom": "Document number", "dterm": "Expiration date", "dwho": "Document issuer", "dwdt": "Document issue date", "eddr_number": "Unique record number in the Unified State Demographic Register" }, "addr": { "addonor": "Source of information (code from ref. 54)", "vdate": "Date of the information from this part", "lng": "Part presentation language (code from ref.23)", "lngref": "Part presentation language (value from ref.23)", "adtype": "Address type (code from ref.9)", "adtyperef": "Address type (value from ref.9)", "adcountry": "Country (two-character code from ISO 3166 reference book)", "adindex": "Postal code", "adstate": "Region", "adarea": "District", "adcity": "Locality", "adcitytype": "Locality type (code from ref.22)", "adcitytyperef": "Locality type (value from ref.22)", "adstreet": "Street", "adhome": "House", "adcorp": "Block", "adflat": "Flat", "addrdirt": "Address in one row (will not be used in subsequent API versions, the field is deemed invalid starting from 13.11.2019)" }, "inn": "TIN of the credit history subject/EDRPOU of the legal entity", "lname": "Last name/Name of the legal entity", "fname": "First name", "mname": "Middle name", "reqlng": "Search language (while searching)/Identification language (during transfer) (code from ref.23)", "reqlngref": "Search language (while searching)/Identification language (during transfer) (value from ref.23)", "bdate": "Date of birth" }, "identdocmvds": { "identdocmvd": { "foundsource": { "name": "Data source for verification (Code from ref.63)", "found": "0/1 - digital indication of the presence of an invalid passport (Code from ref.27)", "foundref": "Text indication of the presence of an invalid passport (Value from ref.27)", "sourcedate": "The date of updating the information in the database or receiving a response from the API of the original source" }, "found": "Found? (Code from ref.27)", "foundref": "Found? (Value from ref.27)", "foundtitle": "Search result description", "pser": "Series of the required passport", "pnom": "Number of required passport or ID-card number", "dtype": "Document type (Code from ref.7)", "dtyperef": "Document type (Meaning from ref.7)" } }, "id": "1", "descr": "Names of components" }, { "pret": { "pretension": { "inn": "INN (for natural persons)/OKPO (for legal entities)", "crdeal": "Transaction identifier (reference)", "source": "Disputing type (Code from ref.48)", "sourceref": "Disputing type (Value from ref.48)", "claim" : "Subject of dispute (Code from ref. 69)", "claimref": "Subject of dispute (Value from ref. 69)", "vdate": "Date of the request creation" }, "commentcki": { "comment": "Commentary of the subject of credit history", "vdate": "Date of a comment creation" }, "plost": { "pser": "Passport series claimed by the client as lost (theft)", "pnom": "Passport number declared by the client as lost (theft)", "crdate": "ДDate of creation of an application for the loss/theft of a client's passport in UBCH", "ldate": "The date of loss / theft of the client's passport indicated in the application in UBCH" }, "changedeal": { "crdeal": "Transaction identifier (reference)", "changecode": "Code for the reason of correction/deletion of data (Code from ref.62)", "changeref": "Text of the reason for correcting/deleting data (Value from ref.62)", "vdate": "Date of data correction/deletion" }, "freezedate": "FREEZE option connection date", "nonewdealcomment": "Comment", "nonewdeal": "Sign of reluctance to draw up new loan products, connection status of the FREEZE option: 0 - not enabled, 1 - enabled", "nonewdealref": "The value of the sign of unwillingness to draw up new credit products, the connection status of the FREEZE option is 0-no (the option is not connected), 1-yes (the option is connected)", "inn": "INN (for natural persons)/OKPO (for legal entities)" }, "fcert": { "inn": "TIN", "cert": "Availability of a certificate from the UBCH (code from ref. 56) - 0 - no (no registered certificate), 1 - yes (registered certificate) ", "certref": "Availability of a certificate from the UBCH (value from ref. 56)", "certid": "Certificate number", "certurl": "Link to the certificate" }, "maybegone": { "inn": "TIN", "vdate": "Application creation date", "dldonor": "Information provider (code from ref. 54)" }, "id": "18", "descr": "Components name" }, { "sanctions": { "sanctionsData": { "countryCode": "Country code", "country": "The name of the country", "sanction": "Presence of sanctions imposed by the country (Code from ref. 68)", "date": "Date of entry into the list", "url": "Link to the document – confirmation" }, "found": "Availability of information (Code from ref. 27)", "foundRef": "Text interpretation of available information (Code from ref. 27)", "subName": "Subject’s name", "bDate": "Subject’s date of birth", "position": "Position", "reason": "Grounds for imposing sanctions", "endDate": "Expiration date of restrictions", "sanctionsTerm": "The term of imposing the sanction", "sanctionsNo": "Type of imposed restrictions, numbers", "sanctions ": "The type of constraints imposed is Expanded", "address": "Location", "typeSearch": "Search type (Code from ref. 67)", "typeSearchText": "Text interpretation of the type of search (Code from ref. 67)" }, "id": "40", "descr": "Information from sanctions lists" }, { "pep": { "found": "0 – not located, 1 – located ", "foundref": "not located/located", "subname": "Subject’s name", "bdate": "Subject’s date of birth", "category": "Category of the politically exposed person", "lastpost": "Last position", "dateofrelease": "Date of leaving of the last position", "isur": "Indication of legal entity", "state": "Status of legal entity", "url": "Link to the document – confirmation" }, "id": "41", "descr": "Information from the Public Register of Politically Exposed Persons of Ukraine" }, { "contverif": { "donortype": { "donor": "Source of information (code from ref.54)" }, "phone": "Phone number verified", "mathch": "Phones verification result (code from ref.56)", "matchref": "Phones verification result in text format (ref.56)" }, "id": "44", "descr": "Names of components" }, { "person": { "bdate": "Date of birth", "lngref": "Search/transfer language (ref. 23)", "lng": "Part presentation language, value (ref. 23)", "mname": "Middle name", "fname": "First name", "lname": "Last name", "inn ": "TIN of the credit history subject", }, "id": "72", "descr": "Search by full name + inn if more than 1 person is found (The presence of the component is determined by searching for more than 1 person in the case of searching by full name + inn)" }, { "ludomans":{ "found": "Numerical indication of whether a person is found in the register - 0/1", "foundref": "Textual definition of whether a person is found in the register: Not found (0)/Found (1)", "information": { "searchType": "Search type - 0/1/2/3", "searchTypeRef": "Text definition of search type: No matches found (0)/Found by TIN (1)/Found by name and date of birth (2)/Found by last name, first name and date of birth (3)", "lastName": "Last name", "firstName": "Name", "middleName": "Middle name", "dateOfBirth": "Date of birth", "inn": "TIN", "documentSeries": "Document series", "documentNumber": "Document number", "documentIssuedDate": "Document issue date", "documentIssuedBy": "Issuer", "documentOtherData": "Other information about the document", "passport": "Passport", "gender": "Sex", "address": "Address", "communication": "Contacts", "stateCode": "Country code", "rDateFrom": "Period start date", "rDateTill": "Period end date", "reason": "Reason" } }, "id": "76", "descr": "Information from the Register of persons who have restricted access to gambling establishments and/or participation in gambling (using credit funds)" } } } |