comp id = "6"
Request params
*mandatory fields
<moncredres> (1..*) Monitoring | ||
org* | Initiating organization (code from ref. 54) | [TEXT,3] variable length text format, up to 3 characters |
result | Monitoring result. Value from the "Report provision result" reference book (value from ref. 19) | [TEXT,250] variable length text format, up to 250 characters |
resultref | Monitoring result (Code from дов.19) | [N,10] 10 numeric characters |
monid | Unique Monitoring Identifier | [TEXT,40] variable length text format, up to 40 characters |
inn | TIN | [N,10] 10 numeric characters |
startdate | Monitoring start date | [YYYY-MM-DD], YYYY – year (1920–2099), MM – month (01–12), DD – day (01–31) |
enddate | Date of last monitoring | [YYYY-MM-DD], YYYY – year (1920–2099), MM – month (01–12), DD – day (01–31) |
</moncredres> |