comp id = "12" |
*mandatory fields
<fotoident> Identification by phone number and photo | ||
match* | Phone and photo verification result (1-yes, 0-no) | [N,1], numeric format, possible answer options "0" and "1" |
matchref* | Phone numbers verification results in text format (ref. 56) | [TEXT,250] variable length text format, up to 250 characters |
verifclient* | Indication of the photo match (code from ref. 47) | [N,1], numeric format |
fotovc* | Base64(Photo) of the reference photo | [TEXT,~] variable length text format |
fotoextvc* | Extension to the reference photo | [TEXT,10] variable length text format, up to 10 characters |
commentvc* | Comment on results of comparison with the reference photo | [TEXT,100] variable length text format, up to 100 characters |
confidencevc* | Similarity measure of persons on photos of clients | [N,15,n], numeric format with a floating decimal point, n digits after the decimal point |
datefotovc* | Reference photo date | [YYYY-MM-DD], YYYY – year (1920–2099), MM – month (01–12), DD – day (01–31) |
</fotoident> |