Error Category | Error Code/Еrrtype | Error Text | Dynamic Error Prefix | |
(1) - Security | 1 | Security error. Access is blocked due to a violation of the security policy of Bruteforce. | Code [1.1]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 1 Access is blocked after the violation of bruteforce rules. Code [1]. |
(2) - Specification | 2 | Request processing error. It is expected XML line. | Code [2.2]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 2 Input data error. It is expected: XML line. Code [2]. |
(2) - Specification | 3 | Request processing error. Not parsable XML. Possible reasons: Not correct document hierarchies, special characters, not unquoted. | Code [2.3]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 3 Correctness error of the XML line, maybe the integrity of the line is broken with an incorrect symbol. Code [3]. 100, "LOGICAL", "Failed to parse input data" |
(2) - Specification | 4 | Request processing error. The incoming XML doesn't pass the primary stage of validation. Possible reasons: the absence of some characters, the presence of unnecessary special characters. | Code [2.4]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 4 An error occurred while trying to verify the integrity of the XML structure, perhaps the structure is broken due to the absence of some characters or their presence |
(2) - Specification | 5 | Request processing error. The encoding of the request is not agreed. The expected encoding is utf-8. | Code [2.5]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(2) - Specification | 6 | Request processing error. The tag doc has to be as a root element. | Code [2.6]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 6 Tag doc has to be as a root elemnt. Code [6]. |
(3) - Tuning | 7 | Access error. Your organization has no access to the requested report template. | Code [3.7]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data:[API/URL IPXXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, Organization: [agrid] - XX, User: [userid] - XX, Pattern: [templid] - XX]. | 7 Your organization does not have access to this template. Code [7]. For explanatory questions, please contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua |
(3) - Tuning | 8 | Access error. It is closed to this user an access to the requested report template. | Code [3.8]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data:[API/URL IPXXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, Organization: [agrid] - XX, User: [userid] - XX, Pattern: [templid] - XX]. | 8 You do not have access to this template. Code [8]. For explanatory questions, please contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua 404, "WARNING", "[checkTypeAccess] The sesKey or templId variable is empty or null" |
(2) - Specification | 9 | Request processing error. The tag doc doesn't contain the child elements. | Code [2.9]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 9 The doc tag does not contain any child elements. Code [9]. |
(2) - Specification | 10 | Request processing error. The tag auth has to be as a child element in the tag doc. | Code [2.10]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(2) - Specification | 11 | Request processing error. The attributes of auth tag are absent. | Code [2.11]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 11 There are no auth tag attributes. Code [11]. |
(2) - Specification | 12 | Request processing error. Not correct or empty attribute of auth. | Code [2.12]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 12 Not correct or empty attribute of the tag auth. Code [12]. |
(1) - Security | 13 | Security error. Wrong login or password. | Code [1.13]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 13 Wrong login or password. Code is [13]. |
(4) - System | 14 | Security error. Not known code of the organization. | Code [4.14]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 14 Login is not assigned to any organization. Code [14]. |
(2) - Specification | 15 | It is waired a XML line. | Code [2.15]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 15 It is absent or not filled a sessid attribute. Code [15]. |
(1) - Security | 16 | Security error. The lifetime of the session key expired. You need to reauthorize. | Code [1.16]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 16 Invalid or outdated session key. Code [16] . 16, "LOGICAL", "The session time expired. Code [16]. For all questions please contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua" 16, "LOGICAL", "The specified session ID is not found" |
(4) - System | 17 | System error. The problem with operation of one of the modules system of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History (CRYPT). | Code [4.17]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 17 Encrypting problem of the cryptoserver. Code [17]. |
(4) - System | 18 | Request processing error. Unknown value of compid. | Code [4.18]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 18 It was found an incorrect comon ID. A component with such an ID does not exist. Code [18]. |
(2) - Specification | 19 | Request processing error. It is unfilled or absent a templid attribute of the template tag. | Code [2.19]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 19 It is unfilled or absent a templid attribute of template tag. Code [19]. |
(2) - Specification | 20 | Request processing error. It is absent or unfilled an inn attribute of the template tag. | Code [2.20]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(4) - System | 21 | System error. The problem with operation of one of the modules system of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History (EXCONTR). | Code [4.21]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 10. System error. Code [10]. Contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua 0, "SYSTEM", "Critical error" 105, "LOGICAL", "JSON data building error" 404, "WARNING", "Field of the session key or report type is empty. It isn't possible to check the access to the template" |
(2) - Specification | 22 | Request processing error. It is unfilled or absent a reqtype attribute. | Code [2.22]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 22 It is unfilled or absent a reqtype attribute. Code [22]. |
(2) - Specification | 23 | Request processing error. It is unfilled or absent a reqtype reqreason. | Code [2.23]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 23 It is unfilled or absent a reqreason attribute. Code [23]. |
(2) - Specification | 24 | Request processing error. The necessary search criteria are absent on request. | Code [2.24]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(2) - Specification | 25 | Request processing error. The data format does not meet the specification. | Code [2.25]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 25 Error in the validity of the input data. Code [25]. |
(1) - Security | 26 | Security error. The contract with your organization is suspended. | Code [1.26]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 26 The contract with your organization has been suspended. Code [26]. |
(1) - Security | 27 | Security error. Your account is blocked. | Code [1.27]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 27 The user's account is closed. Code [27]. |
(2) - Specification | 28 | Request processing error. It is unfilled or absent a reqdate attribute of the request tag. | Code [2.28]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 67 The date and time of the request could not be determined. It is unfilled or absent a reqdate attribute of the request tag. |
(2) - Specification | 29 | Request processing error. It is unfilled or absent a reqidout attribute of the request tag. | Code [2.29]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 68 It isn't possible to determine the request's identifier from the part of the partner. It is unfilled or absent a reqidoit attribute of the request tag. |
(4) - System | 30 | System error. The problem with operation of one of the modules system of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History (OUT). | Code [4.30]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 107, "LOGICAL", "Output data is empty" 108, "LOGICAL", "Output data is null" 00, "System error" 104, "LOGICAL", "The result is empty" |
(2) - Specification | 31 | Request processing error. The incoming query string is empty. | Code [2.31]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 109, "LOGICAL", "Output data is empty" 110, "LOGICAL", "Output data is null" 99", "LOGICAL", "Input data not passed" |
(5) - Billing | 32 | Your account is blocked. Not enough money on the account. | Code [5.32]. For financial issues, contact the support of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96.Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 456, "LOGICAL", "456, "LOGICAL", "Not enough funds on the account" коштів на рахунку." |
(2) - Specification | 33 | Request processing error. It is impossible to parse the input JSON. | Code [2.33]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 134, "LOGICAL", "input parsing error of JSON" |
(2) - Specification | 34 | Request processing error. Invalid command in wtodo tag. | Code [2.34]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(2) - Specification | 35 | Request processing error. Not all fields, which are necessary for searching by full name are filled. | Code [2.35]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 36. "LOGICAL" "Not all fields necessary for searching by full name are completed" |
(1) - Security | 36 | Security error. The login or password attributes are not filled. | Code [1.36]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 404, "WARNING", "[processAuth.checkUser ()] The variable of login, password is empty or null" |
(1) - Security | 37 | Security error. It isn't possible to to determine the IP address of your computer. | Code [1.37]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 404, "WARNING", " [processAuth.auth()] The variable user.getIP() is empty or null" |
(4) - System | 38 | System error. It is impossible to identify the user. | Code [4.38]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 404, "WARNING", "[processAuth.auth ()] The variable user.getUserid () is empty or null" 102, "LOGICAL", "User ID matching error" 132, "LOGICAL", "User with given ID wasn't found " |
(1) - Security | 39 | Security error. It is not possible to authorize a user by this password. | Code [1.39]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 404, "WARNING", "[processAuth.auth ()] The variable user.getPassword () is empty or null" |
(4) - System | 40 | System error. It is not possible to determine the used template. | Code [4.40]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 404, "WARNING", "[checkTypeExist] The variable reqType or globalConfig.getConfigNode (\" templ_ref_table \ ") is empty or null" 108, "LOGICAL", "The template was not found by the indicated ID" 110, "LOGICAL", "Invalid ID of the template " 111," LOGICAL "," The template was not found by the indicated ID " |
(4) - System | 41 | System error. It is not possible to identify an active organization. | Code [4.41]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 404, "WARNING", "[checkAgrIdExist] Variable agrId or globalConfig.getConfigNode (\" agreement_table \ ") is empty or null" |
(6) - Message | 42 | Your phone number is not identified. Click "I can not enter" or contact the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History by the phone number 0445851194 | 71 "Your phone is not identified. Click /" I can not login/ "or contact the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History by phone +380445851194" | |
(6) - Message | 43 | Invalid date format. | 73 "Invalid date format" | |
(1) - Security | 44 | Security error. There is no verification of the user's compliance to the session. | Code [1.44]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 102, "LOGICAL", "Failure to check the match of the user's ID" |
(1) - Security | 45 | Security error. There is no verification of the user's compliance to the delivered role. | Code [1.45]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 103, "LOGICAL", "Access error.For all questions, please contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History support@ubki.ua" 103, "LOGICAL", "Error in checking of the group's role match" |
(2) - Specification | 46 | Request processing error. The template code field is not filled. | Code [2.46]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 109, "LOGICAL", "It is passed an empty template's ID" |
(6) - Message | 47 | Removing of the base template is forbidden! | 404, "LOGICAL", "Removing of the basic template is prohibited!" | |
(4) - System | 48 | System error. The problem with operation of one of the modules system of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History (SQL). | Code [4.48]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 130, "SYSTEM", "Internal service error" |
(6) - Message | 49 | The specified login already exists. | 133, "LOGICAL", "The identified login already exists" | |
(1) - Security | 50 | Request processing error. The requests limit is exhausted. | Code [1.50]. For clarification of the problem, contact the support service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History - support@ubki.ua by tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL, IP XX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | 404, "WARNING", "Requests limit is exhausted" |
(1) - Security | 51 | Authorization error. | Code [2.51]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(1) - Security | 52 | Invalid login or password | Code [1.52]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(1) - Security | 53 | Your account is not assigned to any organization | Code [1.53]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(1) - Security | 54 | Error parsing input. The XML structure may not be correctYour account is not assigned to any organization | Code [1.54]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(1) - Security | 55 | Error parsing input. You may have passed a blank line. | Code [1.55]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(1) - Security | 56 | Unable to recognize customer. Known attribute sessid tag ubki | Code [1.56]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(1) - Security | 57 | Invalid or outdated session key. Log in again | Code [1.57]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(2) - Specification | 58 | System error. Incorrectly encrypted TIN/EDRPOU | Code [2.58]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(1) - Security | 60 | You do not have access to this template | Code [1.60]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(1) - Security | 61 | Unable to determine template ID. The templid attribute of the template tag is not filled in or is missing | Code [1.61]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(1) - Security | 62 | Unable to recognize customer. Missing or incomplete attribute sessid tag template | Code [1.62]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(1) - Security | 63 | SCH search is not possible. Missing or incomplete attribute inn tag template | Code [1.63]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(2) - Specification | 64 | Unknown error while reporting | Code [2.64]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(1) - Security | 65 | Unable to determine query type. The reqtype attribute of the request tag is not populated or is missing | Code [1.65]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(1) - Security | 66 | Unable to indicate the purpose/reason for the request. Incomplete or other day attribute reqreason request teg | Code [1.66]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(1) - Security | 67 | Unable to determine date and time of request. The reqdate attribute of the request tag is empty or missing | Code [1.67]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(1) - Security | 68 | Unable to determine partner request id. The reqidout attribute of the request tag is not filled in or is missing | Code [1.68]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(1) - Security | 69 | Not enough data to search. The okpo, fname, lname, mname attributes of the ident tag are not filled in or are missing | Code [1.69]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(1) - Security | 70 | The okpo attribute of the ident tag is missing or incomplete. | Code [1.70]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(2) - Specification | 71 | Your phone is not identified. Contact UBKI by phone +380445851194 | Code [2.71]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
95 | The date of birth does not match the format: YYYY-MM-DD | |||
287 | Account blocked. Insufficient funds in the account. | Code [2.287]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | ||
288 | The report is available only in the WEB interface | |||
(1) - Security | 291 | AFS_UBKI module failed | ||
(3) - Tuning | 292 | Access error. This user does not have access to reports. | ||
(2) - Specification | 293 | According to the data, there is no information in the bureau. Details by phone 0445851194 | ||
(2) - Specification | 294 | Error processing request. Invalid reqreason attribute value. | ||
(2) - Specification | 295 | Error processing request. The monitoring request (reqreason = 1) can be executed only if the client has his own open agreements. | ||
(1) - Security | 297 | Error in FOTO_VERIF module operation. Not valid photo or other parameters of the blocking unit. | Code [1.297]. Error in FOTO_VERIF module operation. (Error in service FOTO_VERIF) | |
(3) - Tuning | 298 | Error while working with BankID service | ||
(1) - Security | 299 | Check the completeness of the data for verification, there is no confirmation of the CH via BankID with the consent to access your CH | ||
(3) - Tuning | 300 | There is no client_id in the BankID service | ||
(1) - Security | 301 | The session must be activated using the OTP password sent to the mobile phone. Additional information Tel. 0445851194. | ||
(3) - Tuning | 302 | Access error. The user does not have a registered phone to send OTP password | ||
(3) - Tuning | 303 | Access error. The user has not verified the phone to send the OTP password | ||
(3) - Tuning | 304 | Access error. This session is not subject to activation via OTP password. | ||
(3) - Tuning | 305 | Access error. Incorrect OTP password. | ||
(3) - Tuning | 308 | Cannot access query with specified reqreason | ||
(2) - Specification | 309 | The mvd tag in the query is required for this query | ||
(1) - Security | 310 | According to the Bureau's database, there is no compliance with the request, there is no confirmation of the SCH via BankID with the consent to access its CH. | ||
(3) - Tuning | 312 | Missing / incomplete name. One or more fields of the form for constructing the query are not filled in: last name, first name, patronymic. | This attribute exists in the request, but has no assigned value. | |
(3) - Tuning | 313 | One or more request attributes are missing. It is a complete lack in the request structure of one or more attributes of this request regardless of whether the field is filled in the form to build the request | One or more request attributes are missing. | |
(3) - Tuning | 314 | There is no connection with the full name or it is incorrect filling of the parameters of the full name. There were mistakes, when filling the parameters of the full name. | There is no connection with the full name or it is incorrect filling of the parameters of the full name. | |
(3) - Tuning | 315 | The connection between the filling parameters INN / Date of birth / Phone / Document) is not identified. There is a difference between one or more of the listed parameters in the request or in the database of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History. | The connection between the filling parameters INN / Date of birth / Phone / Document) is not identified. | |
(1) - Security | 317 | Security error. The OTP password was entered incorrectly more than 3 times. You need to re-authorize. | ||
(1) - Security | 319 | Cannot perform an advanced SCH search. There are no ASC parameters in the request. | Additional parameters not fully transferred | |
(1) - Security | 320 | On the basis of the Bureau, there is no compliance with the request. | [cval,fname,lname,bdate,dser,dnom,mname] | |
(1) - Security | 328 | Request size exceeded. | ||
(1) - Security | 335 | Security error. Your account is closed. | ||
(1) - Security | 339 | Invalid photo format. | ||
(1) - Security | 342 | Security error. Your account has been temporarily blocked. | ||
(1) - Security | 345 | Verification by bank ID - not successful, list of non-matching fields by ASC | [cval,fname,lname,bdate,dser,dnom,mname] | |
(1) - Security | 346 | Access error. Your organization has no credit history. | ||
(1) - Security | 351 | Invalid value in dtype attribute of mvd tag | ||
(4) - System | 353 | System error. The problem of one of the modules of the system UBCH (W2). | ||
(1) - Security | 356 | Attention! The subject of the credit history does not want to open new loan agreements: the FREEZE option is enabled, the StatusControl service. | ||
(1) - Security | 358 | No faces were found in the incoming photo | ||
(1) - Security | 359 | More than one person was found in the submitted photo | ||
(1) - Security | 362 | No verification has been performed for phone, bdate, reqi | ||
(1) - Security | 370 | Incorrectly encrypted PAN | ||
(1) - Security | 371 | The requested score is not found for the given PAN. | ||
(1) - Security | 372 | PAN encrypted incorrectly. | ||
(2) - Specification | 380 | Invalid phone format. | ||
(1) - Security | 382 | FI_ID is not configured for your organization | ||
(2) - Specification | 385 | The passed value for the reqsource attribute is missing from the reference book | Code [2.385]. To clarify the problem, contact the UBKI support service support@ubki.ua or tel. (044) 585-11-96. Your data: [API/URL IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]. | |
(1) - Security | 415 | Scoring cannot be calculated for individual entrepreneurs | ||
(4) - System | 416 | Display error. Search result contains too many records. | ||
(1) - Security | 417 | FICO score calculation error | ||
(1) - Security | 421 | The report is generated according to RNUKPN(INN)/EGPROU | ||
(1) - Security | 422 | Password cannot be empty | ||
(1) - Security | 423 | Password does not meet requirements | ||
(1) - Security | 425 | No data found in the declarations database for the specified document number. Please verify the correctness of the entered data and try again. |