{ "ubkidata": { "tech": { "trace": { "step": { "name": "Step name", "stm": "Step start stamp date", "ftm": "Step finish stamp date" } }, "error": { "errtype": "Error code (code from ref.0)", "errtext": "Error text (value from ref.0)" }, "reqinfo": { "reqid": "Outgoing request ID generated by UBKI" } }, "compbilling": { "telecombalance": { "phone "value": "Total assets", "date": "Mobile phone number in +380900000009 formatDate", "uotime": "Qty of unique organizations that have transferred credit histories with a phone number or a credit application with a phone numberTime" }, "conthbilldetails": { "vdatefreemon": "Date of the information from this part", "innm": "Labeled TIN (*******111)", "tcsource": "Source of the 'Telecom Report' part (code from ref.52Sign of free of charge according to the request type "Monitoring the client of the organization" (reqreason=1), code (0 - No, 1 - Yes)", "tcsourcereffreemonref": "Reference for source of the 'Telecom Report' part (code from ref.52)", "tctype": "Contact type in the 'Telecom Report' part (code from ref.53)", "tctyperef": "Reference for contact type in the 'Telecom Report' part (code from ref.53)", "tcdonor": "Provider (code from ref.54)" }, "scores": { "innm": "Labeled TIN (*******111)", "score": "Credit score Sign of free of charge according to the request type "Monitoring the client of the organization" (reqreason=1), value (0 - No, 1 - Yes)" } } }, "comp": { "telecom": { "phone": "Mobile phone number in +380900000009 format", "uo": "Qty of unique organizations that have transferred credit histories with a phone number or a credit application with a phone number" }, "conth": { "vdate": "Date of the information from this part", "innm": "Labeled TIN (*******111)", "tcsource": "Source of the 'Telecom Report' part (code from ref.52)", "tcsourceref": "Reference for source of the 'Telecom Report' part (code from ref.52)", "tctype": "Contact type in the 'Telecom Report' part (code from ref.53)", "tctyperef": "Reference for contact type in the 'Telecom Report' part (code from ref.53)", "tcdonor": "Provider (code from ref.54)" }, "scores": { "innm": "Labeled TIN (*******111)", "score": "Credit score (0-700, NA)", "agerange": "Age range (0_17, 18_24, 25_34, 35_44, 45_54, 55_64, 65_more)" }, "id": "35", "descr": "Names of components" } } } |