{ "ubkidata": { "tech": { "trace": { "step": { "name": "Step name", "stm": "Step start stamp date", "ftm": "Step finish stamp date" } }, "error": { "errtype": "Error code (code from ref.0)", "errtext": "Error text (value from ref.0)" }, "reqinfo": { "reqid": "Outgoing request ID generated by UBKI" }, "billing": { "balance": { "value": "Total assets", "date": "Date", "time": "Time" }, "billdetails": { "freemon": "Sign of free of charge according to the request type "Monitoring the client of the organization" (reqreason=1), code (0 - No, 1 - Yes)", "freemonref": "Sign of free of charge according to the request type "Monitoring the client of the organization" (reqreason=1), value (0 - No, 1 - Yes)" } } }, "comp": [ { "afsubki": { "resprequest": { "rule": { "lhs": "Variable attributes list, depending on the activated rule. Outgoing attributes of the rule are described here: Structure of AFS UBCH application fields", "rhs": "Variable attributes list, depending on the activated rule. Outgoing attributes of the rule are described here: Structure of AFS UBCH application fields", "name": "Activated rule code", "recom": "Rule guidelines", "description": "Rule description" }, "uid": "Application ID generated by UBKI", "score": "Score of the LHS application for all the activated rules" }, "inn": "Client’s TIN (for individuals)" }, "id": "15", "descr": "Names of components" }, { "afsubki": { "resprequest": { "consolidated": [ { "name": "CR1 rule set, part 1", "inn": "Client’s identification number (for individuals)", "recountappday": "Number of applications for the TIN per day, for all the partners together with the partner who made the request", "countappdayownno": "Number of applications for this TIN per day, for all the partners, except the partner who made the request", "countappweek": "Number of applications for the TIN per week, for all the partners together with the requesting partner", "countappweekownno": "Number of applications for this TIN per week for all the partners, except the partner who made the request", "countclientdecl": "Number of clients of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose requests have been declined, and over the last 90 days", "countclientdeclownno": " Number of clients of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose requests have been declined, and over the last 90 days", "proportionclientdecl": "Ratio of clients of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, to all the clients of all the partners whose applications have been approved, with the same phone numbers, and over the last 90 days", "proportionclientdeclownno": " Ratio of clients of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, to all the clients of all the partners whose applications have been approved, with the same phone numbers, and over the last 90 days" }, { "name": "CR2 rule set, part 2", "livphone": "Phone number at the place of residence", "countclient": "Number of clients who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field in the applications of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, and over the last 180 days.", "countclientownno": "Number of clients who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field in the applications of all the partners, except the requesting partner, and over the last 180 days", "countapp": "Number of applications of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, and over the last 90 days", "countappownno": "Number of applications of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, and over the last 90 days", "proportionapp": "Ratio of applications of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, to all the agreed applications with the same phone numbers, and over the last 90 days", "proportionappownno": "Ratio of applications of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, to all the approved applications with the same phone numbers, and over the last 90 days", "countclientdecl": "Number of clients of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose requests have been declined, and over the last 90 days", "countclientdeclownno": " Number of clients of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose requests have been declined, and over the last 90 days", "proportionclientdecl": "Ratio of clients of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, to all the clients of all the partners whose applications have been approved, with the same phone numbers, and over the last 90 days", "proportionclientdeclownno": "Ratio of clients of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, to all the clients of all the partners whose applications have been approved, with the same phone numbers, and over the last 90 days" }, { "name": "CR3 rule set, part 3", "mphone": "Mobile phone", "countclient": "Number of clients who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field in the applications of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, and over the last 180 days", "countclientownno": "Number of clients who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field in the applications of all the partners, except the requesting partner, and over the last 180 days", "countapp": "Number of applications of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, and over the last 90 days", "countappownno": "Number of applications of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, and over the last 90 days", "proportionapp": "Ratio of applications of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, to all the agreed applications with the same phone numbers, and over the last 90 days", "proportionappownno": "Ratio of applications of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified this phone in the 'Mobile phone' or 'Home phone' field, and whose applications have been declined, to all the approved applications with the same phone numbers, and over the last 90 days" }, { "name": "CR4 rule set, part 4", "countapp": "Number of applications of all the partners, together with the requesting partner, who have specified these phone numbers in 'Business home' fields, but work for different employers, and over the last 180 days", "countappownno": "Number of applications of all the partners, except the requesting partner, who have specified these phone numbers in 'Business home' fields, but work for different employers, and over the last 180 days", "wphone": "Business phone 1", "wphone2": "Business Phone 2", "wphone3": "Business phone 3" }, { "name": "CR5 rule set, part 5", "inn": "Client’s identification number (for individuals)", "countappdenied": "Number of applications with the 'Declined for the TIN' status for all the partners, together with the requesting partner", "countappdeniedownno": "Number of applications with the 'Declined for the TIN' status for all the partners, except the requesting partner" } ], "uid": "Application ID generated by UBKI" }, "inn": "Client’s identification number (for individuals)" }, "id": "15", "descr": "Names of components" }, { "afsubki": { "respupdate": { "uid": "Application ID generated by UBKI" }, "inn": "Subject’s TIN" }, "id": "15" }, { "pret": { "pretension": { "inn": "INN (for natural persons)/OKPO (for legal entities)", "crdeal": "Transaction identifier (reference)", "source": "Disputing type (Code from ref.48)", "sourceref": "Disputing type (Value from ref.48)", "claim" : "Subject of dispute (Code from ref. 69)", "claimref": "Subject of dispute (Value from ref. 69)", "vdate": "Date of the request creation" }, "commentcki": { "comment": "Commentary of the subject of credit history", "vdate": "Date of a comment creation" }, "plost": { "pser": "Passport series claimed by the client as lost (theft)", "pnom": "Passport number declared by the client as lost (theft)", "crdate": "ДDate of creation of an application for the loss/theft of a client's passport in UBCH", "ldate": "The date of loss / theft of the client's passport indicated in the application in UBCH" }, "changedeal": { "crdeal": "Transaction identifier (reference)", "changecode": "Code for the reason of correction/deletion of data (Code from ref.62)", "changeref": "Text of the reason for correcting/deleting data (Value from ref.62)", "vdate": "Date of data correction/deletion" }, "freezedate": "FREEZE option connection date", "nonewdealcomment": "Comment", "nonewdeal": "Sign of reluctance to draw up new loan products, connection status of the FREEZE option: 0 - not enabled, 1 - enabled", "nonewdealref": "The value of the sign of unwillingness to draw up new credit products, the connection status of the FREEZE option is 0-no (the option is not connected), 1-yes (the option is connected)", "inn": "INN (for natural persons)/OKPO (for legal entities)" }, "fcert": { "inn": "TIN", "cert": "Availability of a certificate from the UBCH (code from ref. 56) - 0 - no (no registered certificate), 1 - yes (registered certificate) ", "certref": "Availability of a certificate from the UBCH (value from ref. 56)", "certid": "Certificate number", "certurl": "Link to the certificate" }, "maybegone": { "inn": "TIN", "vdate": "Application creation date", "dldonor": "Information provider (code from ref. 54)" }, "id": "18", "descr": "Components name" }, { "person": { "bdate": "Date of birth", "lngref": "Search/transfer language (ref. 23)", "lng": "Part presentation language, value (ref. 23)", "mname": "Middle name", "fname": "First name", "lname": "Last name", "inn ": "TIN of the credit history subject", }, "id": "72", "descr": "Search by full name + inn if more than 1 person is found (The presence of the component is determined by searching for more than 1 person in the case of searching by full name + inn)" } ] } } |