<relatedPersons> (1) Information about persons related to the search subject | ||
bdate | Date of birth | [YYYY-MM-DD], YYYY – year (1920–2099), MM – month (01–12), DD – day (01–31) |
fname | First name | [TEXT,~] variable length text format |
lname | Last name | [TEXT,~] variable length text format |
mname | Middle name | [TEXT,~] variable length text format |
subjectCode | TIN/EDRPOU of the subject | [TEXT,10] variable length text format, up to 10 characters |
<related> (0..*) Information about the person related to the search subject | ||
code | EDRPOU code of a person, if it is a legal entity | [TEXT,10] variable length text format, up to 10 characters |
name | The name of the legal entity or the full name of the natural person related to the subject | [TEXT,~] variable length text format |
<relations> (0..*) Information about the relationship between the search subject and the found person | ||
accuracy | The accuracy of the relationship found, from 0 to 1. | [N,15,1], numeric format with a floating point, 1 digits after the point |
role | Description of the relationship between the search subject and the found person | [TEXT,~] variable length text format |
roleCode | Code describing the relationship between the search subject and the person found (Code from ref.73) | [N,3], numeric format |
source | The source in which the relation was found (Code from ref.72) | [TEXT,~] variable length text format |