Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Request JSON
( ** the parameters are transferred optionally if there is a credit history for this client from your organization)

title body:


"doc": {

"ubki": {

"req_envelope": {

"req_xml": {

"request": {

"i": {

"ident": {

"okpo": "Tax/Taxpayer Identification Number (INN-RNUKPN, for individuals)",

"lname": "**Last name",

"fname": "**First name",

"mname": "**Middle name",

"bdate": "**Date of birth"


"contacts": {

"cont": {

"ctype": "**Contact type (code from ref.10)",

"cval": "**Contact value"



"docs": {

"doc": {

"dtype": "**Document type (code from ref.7)",

"dser": "**Document series",

"dnom": "**Document number"



"reqlng": "Search criteria language (code from ref.23)"


"version": "1.0",

"reqtype": "Template code (code from ref.49): ‘FICO score’ – 46",

"reqreason": "Request objective (code from ref.24)"


"descr": "Request object"


"descr": "Request envelope"


"sessid": "Session key (obtained from the authorization API)"





Test URL

Test data

  • Score 434 - bdate="1991-03-30" mname="ПЕТРОВИЧ" fname="ВАДИМ" lname="НИКОЛАЕВ" okpo="3332643095" dtype="1" dser="ДО" dnom="270000" cval="+380981220000" ctype="3"

  • Score 776 - bdate="1974-08-20" mname="БОГДАНОВИЧ" fname="БОГДАН" lname="БОГДАНОВ" okpo="2726020593" dtype="17" dser="" dnom="001013900" cval="+380935171868" ctype="3"

  • Score 598 - bdate="1981-05-20" mname="ПЕТРОВНА" fname="МАРИЯ" lname="ИВАНЦОВА" okpo="2972566397" dtype="1" dser="СЕ" dnom="311111" cval="+380506630641" ctype="3"

  • Score 492 - bdate="1988-07-10" mname="ІВАНОВИЧ" fname="БОГДАН" lname="ПОШТАР" okpo="3233312116" dtype="1" dser="КО" dnom="220394" cval="+380971321122" ctype="3"

  • Score 650 - bdate="1991-04-06" mname="ВОЛОДИМИРОВИЧ" fname="ВОЛОДИМИР" lname="ТКАЧУК" okpo="3333312110" dtype="1" dser="ДД" dnom="222222" cval="+380732144444" ctype="3"

  • Score 501 - bdate="1985-03-20" mname="НИКИФОРОВНА" fname="АННА" lname="ЯРЦЕВА" okpo="3112579786" dtype="1" dser="СЮ" dnom="170000" cval="+380981224895" ctype="3"

  • Score 0 - bdate="1957-10-19" mname="ІГОРЕВНА" fname="АННА" lname="РИБАЧКА" okpo="2111118724" dtype="1" dser="ВВ" dnom="142228" cval="+380662134234" ctype="3"

  • Score 550 - bdate="1989-10-05" mname="ВАСИЛІВНА" fname="ІРІНА" lname="ГАРНА" okpo="3278508288" dtype="1" dser="АМ" dnom="578072" cval="+380962134234" ctype="3"