Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Http Method


Request URL

Request JSON (headers: "SessId: Session key (obtained from the authorization API)", "Content-Type: application/json")

title body:


"reqtype": "Information processing mode (code from ref.50)",

"reqidout": "Organization request ID",

"reqreason": "Request objective (code from ref.24): Data transfer – 0",

"delreason": "The reason for deleting data, in mode d(code from ref.62)",

"data": {

"fo_cki": {

"inn": "TIN of the credit history subject",

"person_id":  "Unique identifier of a person",

 "is_gone": "Mark about the death of a person, where 0- alive, 1 - deceased (the field is mandatory for transfer) (code from the ref.56)",

"lname": "Last name",

"fname": "First name",

"mname": "Middle name",

"bdate": "Date of birth",

"reqlng": "Part presentation language (code from ref.23)",

"idents": [


"vdate": "Date of the information from this part",

"lng": "Part presentation language (code from ref.23)",

"inn": "TIN of the credit history subject",

"lname": "Last name",

"fname": "First name",

"mname": "Middle name",

"bdate": "Date of birth",

"csex": "Sex (code from ref.1)",

"family": "Marital status (code from ref.2)",

"ceduc": "Education (code from ref.3 (ISO 3166))",

"cgrag": "Citizenship (code from ref.4)",

"spd": "Presence of the business entity’s registration (code from ref.5)",

"sstate": "Social status (code from ref.6)",

"cchild": "Number of children"



"docs": [


"vdate": "Date of the information from this part",

"lng": "Part presentation language (code from ref.23)",

"dtype": "Document type (code from ref.7)",

"dser": "Document series",

"dnom": "Document number",

"eddr_number": "Unique record number in the Unified State Demographic Register",

"dterm": "Expiration date",

"dwho": "Document issuer",

"dwdt": "Document issue date"



"addrs": [


"vdate": "Date of the information from this part",

"lng": "Part presentation language (code from ref.23)",

"adtype": "Address type (code from ref.9)",

"adcountry": "Country (Digital code from ISO 3166)",

"adindex": "Postal code",

"adstate": "Region",

"adarea": "District",

"adcity": "Locality",

"adcitytype": "Locality type (code from ref.22)",

"adstreet": "Street",

"adhome": "House",

"adcorp": "Block",

"adflat": "Flat",

"addrdirt": "Address in one row (will not be used in subsequent API versions, the field is deemed invalid starting from 13.11.2019)"



"works": [


"vdate": "Date of the information from this part",

"lng": "Part presentation language (code from ref.23)",

"cdolgn": "Official position (code from ref.8)",

"wokpo": "EDRPOU of the employer",

"wname": "Name of the employer in the base language",

"wstag": "Length of service, years completed",

"wdohod": "Client’s monthly income"



"fotos": [


"vdate": "Date of the information from this part",

"foto": "base64 (Photo)"



"deals": [


"dlref": "Transaction ID",

"dlds": "Transaction commencement date",

"dlcelcred": "Transaction type (code from ref.17)",

"dlvidobes": "Type of collateral (code from ref.15)",

"dlporpog": "Redemption plan (code from ref.18)",

"dlcurr": "Transaction currency (code from ref.12)",

"dlamt": "Transaction amount (initial)",

"dlrolesub": "Subject’s role (code from ref.14)",

"dlamtobes": "Collateral value in base currency",

"deallife": [


"dlmonth": "Data period (month)",

"dlyear": "Data period (year)",

"dlflstat": "Transaction status in the current period (code from ref.16)",

"dldpf": "Transaction closing date under the contract",

"dldff": "Actual transaction end date",

"dlkontragent": "OKPO of a new lender/old lender (mandatory if the transaction status is sold / bought)",

"dlsale_date": "Date of sale (required for sale from 15.03.2021)",

"dlsale_name": "Full name of the legal entity (mandatory when selling / buying a contract to a legal entity from 15.03.2021)",

"dlsale_addr": "Location of a legal entity (mandatory when selling / buying a contract to a legal entity from 15.03.2021)",

"dlsale_email": "E-mail address (mandatory when selling / buying a contract to a legal entity from 15.03.2021)",

"dlsale_phone": "Phone number (mandatory when selling / buying a contract to a legal entity from 15.03.2021)",

"dlamtlim": "Current transaction limit (for renewable transactions, credit cards)",

"dlamtpaym": "Planned compulsory payment amount in the current period",

"dlamtcur": "Current debt amount",

"dlamtexp": "Current debt overdue amount",

"dldayexp": "Current number of days overdue",

"dlflpay": "Indication of payment made in the current period (code from ref.13)",

"dlflbrk": "Indication of arrears present in the current period (code from ref.13)",

"dlfluse": "Indication of the credit tranche in the current period (code from ref.13)",

"dldateclc": "Calculation date"





"contacts": [


"vdate": "Date of the information from this part",

"ctype": "Contact type (code from ref.10)",

"cval": "Contact value"







Request XML

title body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<ubki sessid="Session key (obtained from the authorization API)">

<req_envelope descr="Request envelope">

<req_xml descr="Request object">

<!-- Request parameters -->

<request version="1.0"

reqtype="Information processing mode (code from ref.50)"

delreason="The reason for deleting data, in mode d(code from ref.62)"

reqreason="Request objective (code from ref.24): Data transfer – 0">


<comp id="1" descr="Names of components">

<!-- Identification part -->

<!-- This part must contain one item -->

<cki inn="TIN of the credit history subject/EDRPOU of the legal entity"

person_id="Unique identifier of a person"

 is_gone="Mark about the death of a person, where 0- alive, 1 - deceased (the field is mandatory for transfer) (code from the ref.56)"

lname="Last name/Name of the legal entity"

fname="First name"

mname="Middle name"

reqlng="Search language (while searching)/Identification language (during transfer) (code from ref.23)"

bdate="Date of birth">

<!-- This part can and must contain 1..* items -->

<ident vdate="Date of the information from this part"

lng="Part presentation language (code from ref.23)"

inn="TIN of the credit history subject"

lname="Last name"

fname="First name"

mname="Middle name"

bdate="Date of birth"

csex="Sex (code from ref.1)"

family="Marital status (code from ref.2)"

ceduc="Education (code from ref.3)"

cgrag="Citizenship (code from ref.4 (ISO 3166))"

spd="Presence of the business entity’s registration (code from ref.5)"

sstate="Social status (code from ref.6)"

cchild="Number of children">


<!-- History of the Information about Employment part -->

<!-- Employment part can contain 0..* -->

<work vdate="Date of the information from this part"

lng="Part presentation language (code from ref.23)"

cdolgn="Official position (code from ref.8)"

wokpo="EDRPOU of the employer"

wname="Name of the employer in the base language"

wstag="Length of service, years completed"

wdohod="Client’s monthly income">


<!-- History of the Information about Documents part -->

<!--This part must contain 1..* units and at least one document-->

<doc vdate="Date of the information from this part"

lng="Part presentation language (code from ref.23)"

dtype="Document type (code from ref.7)"

dser="Document series"

dnom="Document number"

eddr_number="Unique record number in the Unified State Demographic Register"

dterm="Expiration date"

dwho="Document issuer"

dwdt="Document issue date">


<!-- History of the Information about Addresses part -->

<!--This part must contain 1..* units and at least one address-->

<addr vdate="Date of the information from this part"

lng="Part presentation language (code from ref.23)"

adtype="Address type (code from ref.9)"

adcountry="Country (Digital code from ISO 3166)"

adindex="Postal code"




adcitytype="Locality type (code from ref.22)"





addrdirt="Address in one row (will not be used in subsequent API versions, the field is deemed invalid starting from 13.11.2019)">


<!-- Photo History part -->

<!--This part can contain 0..* items-->

<foto vdate="Date of the information from this part"

inn="TIN of the credit history subject"

foto="base64 (Photo)">




<comp id="2" descr="Names of components">

<!-- Information about Credit Transactions part -->

<!--This part must contain 1..* items-->

<crdeal dlref="Transaction ID"

lng="Part presentation language (code from ref.23)"

inn="TIN of the credit history subject/EDRPOU of the legal entity"

lname="Last name/Name of the legal entity"

fname="First name"

mname="Middle name"

bdate="Date of birth"

dlcelcred="Transaction type (code from ref.17)"

dlvidobes="Type of collateral (code from ref.15)"

dlporpog="Redemption plan (code from ref.18)"

dlcurr="Transaction currency (code from ref.12)"

dlamt="Transaction amount (initial)"

dlrolesub="Subject’s role (code from ref.14)"

dlamtobes="Collateral value in base currency">

<!-- Credit History Variable Values part -->

<deallife dlref="Transaction ID"

dlmonth="Data period (month)"

dlyear="Data period (year)"

dlds="Transaction commencement date"

dldpf="Transaction closing date under the contract"

dldff="Actual transaction end date"

dlflstat="Transaction status in the current period (code from ref.16)"

dlkontragent="OKPO of a new lender/old lender (mandatory if the transaction status is sold / bought)"

dlsale_date="Date of sale (required for sale from 15.03.2021)"

dlsale_name="Full name of the legal entity (mandatory when selling / buying a contract to a legal entity from 15.03.2021)"

dlsale_addr="Location of a legal entity (mandatory when selling / buying a contract to a legal entity from 15.03.2021)"

dlsale_email="E-mail address (mandatory when selling / buying a contract to a legal entity from 15.03.2021)"

dlsale_phone="Phone number (mandatory when selling / buying a contract to a legal entity from 15.03.2021)"

dlamtlim="Current transaction limit (for renewable transactions, credit cards)"

dlamtpaym="Planned compulsory payment amount in the current period"

dlamtcur="Current debt amount" dlamtexp="Current debt overdue amount"

dldayexp="Current number of days overdue"

dlflpay="Indication of payment made in the current period (code from ref.13)"

dlflbrk="Indication of arrears present in the current period (code from ref.13)"

dlfluse="Indication of the credit tranche in the current period (code from ref.13)"

dldateclc="Calculation date">




<comp id="10" descr="Names of components">

<!-- History of the Information about Contacts part -->

<!--This part must contain 1..* units and at least one contact-->

<cont inn="TIN of the credit history subject/EDRPOU of the legal entity"

vdate="Date of the information from this part"

ctype="Contact type (code from ref.10)"

cval="Contact value">











Code Block
<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
  <ubki sessid="BB0CC999E5024D01B125EC1060000B09">
        <request version="1.0" reqtype="i" reqreason="0">
            <comp id="1">
              <cki reqlng="1" inn="1234567890" person_id="1-АА-111111" is_gone="0" lname="Іванов" fname="Іван" mname="Іванович" bdate="1981-04-16">
                <doc lng="1" vdate="2017-04-07" dtype="1" dser="АА" dnom="111111" eddr_number="12345678-12345" dwho="Луцкім МВ УДМС України у Волинській області" dwdt="2014-10-01">
                <ident lng="1" vdate="2019-02-19" inn="1234567890" lname="Іванов" fname="Іван" mname="Іванович" bdate="1981-04-16" csex="1" cgrag="804">
                <addr vdate="2017-04-07" lng="1" adtype="2" adcountry="UA" adindex="43000" adstate="Волинська" adarea="Луцьк (служ.)" adcity="Луцьк м." adcitytype="4" adstreet="Науки просп." adhome="1" adcorp="" adflat="83" />
            <comp id="2">
              <crdeal dlref="1254789/1" lng="1" inn="1234567890" lname="Іванов" fname="Іван" mname="Іванович" bdate="1981-04-16" dlcelcred="10" dlvidobes="90" dlporpog="8" dlcurr="980" dlamt="1000.00" dlrolesub="1" dlamtobes="1000.00">
                <deallife dlref="1254789/1" dlmonth="12" dlyear="2018" dlds="2018-12-03" dldpf="2018-12-18" dldff="" dlflstat="1" dlkontragent="" dlamtlim="1000.00" dlamtpaym="793.20" dlamtcur="1793.20" dlamtexp="1793.20" dldayexp="13" dlflpay="0" dlflbrk="1" dlfluse="0" dldateclc="2019-02-19">
            <comp id="10">
              <cont inn="1234567890" vdate="2019-02-13" ctype="3" cval="380710000000">
