<cki> (1) Identification of the legal entity for XML/"ur_cki" for JSON | |||||||
Attribute | Name | Format | Number of a regular expression, individual (ref.51) | Number of a regular expression, legal entity (ref.51) | |||
inn* | TIN of the legal entity | [N,10] 10 numeric characters | 37, 40 | 37, 40 | |||
urname* | Name of the legal entity | [TEXT,250] variable length text format, up to 250 characters | 3 | ||||
reqlng* | Search/transfer language (ref. 23) | [N,10] 10 numeric characters | 2, 41 | 2, 41 | |||
<urident> (1..*) Legal entity identification history block | |||||||
okpo | EDRPOU of the legal entity | [N,8] 8 numeric characters | 10,40 | ||||
vdate* | Date of the information from this part | [YYYY-MM-DD], YYYY – year (1920–2099), MM – month (01–12), DD – day (01–31) | 1 | ||||
lng* | Part presentation language (ref. 23) | [N,10], numeric format | 2,41 | lngref | Part presentation language, value (ref. 23) | ||
[TEXT,250] variable length text format, up to 250 characters | urname* | Name of the legal entity | [TEXT,250] variable length text format, up to 250 characters | 3 | |||
urfrms | Ownership type (code from ref. 38) | [N,10], numeric format | 16 | urfrmsref | Ownership type (value fromref. 38)[TEXT,250] variable length text format, up to 250 characters | ||
ureconom | Industrial sector (2010 Classifier of economic activities section) (code from ref. 36) | [TEXT,100] variable length text format, up to 100 characters | 14 | ureconomref | Industrial sector (2010 Classifier of economic activities section) (value from ref. 36) | ||
[TEXT,250] variable length text format, up to 250 characters | urvide | Activity type (2010 Classifier of economic activities) (code fromref. 37) | [TEXT,100] variable length text format, up to 100 characters | 15 | urvideref | Activity type (2010 Classifier of economic activities) (value fromref. 37)[TEXT,250] variable length text format, up to 250 characters | |
urdatreg | Date of registration in EDR (Unified State Register) | [YYYY-MM-DD], YYYY – year (1920–2099), MM – month (01–12), DD – day (01–31 | 1 | ||||
urdatregnal | Date of registration in tax agency | [YYYY-MM-DD], YYYY – year (1920–2099), MM – month (01–12), DD – day (01–31 | 1 | ||||
<linked> (1..*) Block of related persons for legal entities (Director, accountant ...) | |||||||
okpo2 | TIN/EDRPOU code of the associated person | [N,10] 10 numeric characters | 17 | 17 | |||
okpo2_name* | Full name/Name of the associated person | [TEXT,250] variable length text format, up to 250 characters | 3 | 3 | |||
linkrole* | Association type (code from ref. 39) | [N,10], numeric format | 18 | 18 | linkroleref | Association type (value fromref. 39) | [TEXT,250] variable length text format, up to 250 characters |
rdate* | Association actualization date | [YYYY-MM-DD], YYYY – year (1920–2099), MM – month (01–12), DD – day (01–31) | 1 | 1 | |||
<doc> (1..*) Document information history block | |||||||
vdate* | Date of the information from this part | [YYYY-MM-DD], YYYY – year (1920–2099), MM – month (01–12), DD – day (01–31) | 1 | 1 | |||
lng* | Part presentation language (ref. 23) | [N,10], numeric format | 2,41 | 2,41 | lngref | Part presentation language, value (ref. 23) | [TEXT,250] variable length text format, up to 250 characters |
dtype* | Document type (code from ref. 7) | [N,10], numeric format | 44 | 44dtyperef | Value from the "Document type" reference book (value from ref. 7) | ||
[TEXT,250] variable length text format, up to 250 characters | dser | Document series | [TEXT,10] variable length text format, up to 10 characters | 20 | 20 | ||
dnom* | Document number | [TEXT,9] variable length text format, up to 9 characters | 42 | 2 | |||
dterm | Expiration date (mandatory for ID cards) | [YYYY-MM-DD], YYYY – year (1920–2099), MM – month (01–12), DD – day (01–31) | |||||
dwho | Issuer | [TEXT,200] variable length text format, up to 200 characters | 21 | 21 | |||
dwdt* | Document issue date | [YYYY-MM-DD], YYYY – year (1920–2099), MM – month (01–12), DD – day (01–31) | 1 | 1 | |||
<addr> (1..*) Address information history block | |||||||
vdate* | Date of the information from this part | [YYYY-MM-DD], YYYY – year (1920–2099), MM – month (01–12), DD – day (01–31) | 1 | 1 | |||
lng* | Part presentation language (ref. 23) | [N,10], numeric format | 2,41 | 2,41 | lngref | Part presentation language, value (ref. 23) | [TEXT,250] variable length text format, up to 250 characters |
adtype* | Address type (code from ref. 9) | [N,10], numeric format | 30 | 30adtyperef | Value from the "Address type" reference book (value from ref. 9) | ||
[TEXT,250] variable length text format, up to 250 characters | adcountry* | Country (Digital code from ISO 3166) | [TEXT,40] variable length text format, up to 40 characters | 22 | 22 | ||
adindex | Postal code | [TEXT,20] variable length text format, up to 20 characters | 24 | 24 | |||
adstate | Region | [TEXT,40] variable length text format, up to 40 characters | 28 | 28 | |||
adarea | District | [TEXT,40] variable length text format, up to 40 characters | 29 | 29 | |||
adcity* | Locality | [TEXT,40] variable length text format, up to 40 characters | 23 | 23 | |||
adcitytype | Locality type (code from ref. 22) | [N,10], numeric format | 9 | 9 | adcitytyperef | Value from the "Locality type" reference book (value from ref. 22) | [TEXT,250] variable length text format, up to 250 characters |
adstreet* | Street | [TEXT,100] variable length text format, up to 100 characters | 27 | 27 | |||
adhome* | House | [TEXT,40] variable length text format, up to 40 characters | 22 | 22 | |||
adcorp | Block | [TEXT,40] variable length text format, up to 40 characters | 26 | 26 | |||
adflat | Flat | [TEXT,40] variable length text format, up to 40 characters | 26 | 26 | |||
addrdirt | Address in one row (will not be used in subsequent API versions, the field is deemed invalid starting from 13.11.2019) | [TEXT,1000] variable length text format, up to 1000 characters | 25 | 25 | |||
<foto> (0..*) | |||||||
vdate | Date of the information from this part | [YYYY-MM-DD], YYYY – year (1920–2099), MM – month (01–12), DD – day (01–31) | |||||
inn | TIN of the credit history subject | [N,10] 10 numeric characters | |||||
foto | base64(Photo) | [TEXT,~] variable length text format | converted into a picture |