

The report contains the following components:

Requirements to the photo

titleMore details

1. File size (recommended) - 2Mb

2. File extension - jpeg/jpg

3. XML request - photo base64

4. The higher quality of a face image means the better recognition accuracy: frontal, transparent and face size - 200x200 pixels (100 pixels between the eyes) or more.

5. The face area in the photo has to compose a maximum possible share of the entire image;

6. The photo must be clear, not fuzzy;

7. The color and brightness of the background have to provide a reliable definition of a head contour.

8. Location and lighting:

- The head location - without turning, straight, and the sight has to be directed strictly at the camera. The head bends or turnings in any direction or face focus changing will lead to deformation of the comparison results;

- There has to be no shadows from the head against the background, there has to be no shadows on the face or any objects;

- It isn’t recommended the close eyes on images of face; hair that covers the eyes and face;

- It isn’t recommended any light reflections and shadows at the images of faces;

- It isn’t recommended a photo with background: street, car, fences, trees, etc.

9. Glasses and headwears:

- It isn’t recommended on the images the availability of clothing elements, that cover (partially or completely) a face, i.e. hats, shawls, etc.; the thick frames of glasses, which deform the facial features;

- It is not recommended the reflections of flashes or highlightings reflected in the glasses of lenses or glasses.

10. Expression and frame:

- It is not recommended the availability of other person behind the face image;

- The look at the camera should be with a neutral facial expression and with closed mouth.

Request XML
( **parameters are passed optionally)

title body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<ubki sessid="Session key (we receive it from the API authorization)">

<req_envelope descr="Request envelope">

<req_xml descr="Request object">

<!-- Request Parameters -->

<request version="1.0" reqtype="Template code (Code from guide 49): Report 'Photo Verification' - 17" reqreason="Purpose of the request (Code from guide 24)">

<!-- Parameters, describing the search criteria-->

<i reqlng="Search criteria language (Code from guide 23)">

<!-- Parameters of the subject identification -->

<ident okpo="INN-RNUKPN (for the natural persons)/EGRPOU (for the legal entities)" lname="**Surname" fname="**Name" mname="**Father’s name" bdate="**Date of Birth" orgname="**Company Name">


<!-- Parameters for photo verification -->

<fotoverif freqtype="Request Type" inn="INN- RNUKPN" facelogic="Type of algorithm for a person search" foto="base64(Photo)" fotoext="Extension to the photo of the incoming request (jpeg)" phone="Phone for comparison" />








Response XML


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<!-- System information block -->



<step name="Step name" stm="Date - stamp of the starting step" ftm="Date - stamp of the ending step">

<!-- The trace block contains metrics for timing of the steps for components formation -->



<error errtype="Error code (Code from guide 0)" errtext="Error text (Value from guide 0)">


<reqinfo reqid="Outstanding ID request, generated by the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit History">


<!-- The block of information on the current state of the prepaid account-->


<balance value="Balance amount" date="Date" time="Time" />



<!-- Block “Photo verification” -->

<comp id="16" descr="Components name">

<fotoverif freqtype="Request type (1 – in the in-house photo-database, 2 – in photo-databases of other banks, 3 – comparison of two persons on the photo (for example, face in the passport and face of the person holding it), 4 – reserved, 5 – in the photo-database of compromised persons, 6 – comparison with the photo from the document)" bdfd="A checking sign by compromised persons’ photo database (Code from guide 47)" fotofd="base64(Photo) photo of a compromised person" fotoextfd="Expansion to the photo of a compromised person" commentfd="Commentary on the results of comparison" verifclient="The sign of the photo match (Code from guide 47)" fotovc="base64(Photo) sample photo" fotoextvc="Extension to the photo of the sample photo" commentvc="Comment on the results of comparison with the sample photo" confidencefd="A measure of similarity of persons when compared with a photo of a compromised person" confidencevc="A measure of the similarity of individuals in the customers’ photos" datefotovc="Date of a sample photo" phonematch="Result of phones checking" phonematchref="Result of phones checking in text form" />

<!-- Block "Search in the Register of application photos" -->

<gray inn="TIN, according to which the query register worked" foto="base64 (Photo) photographing faces from the registry of requests" fotoext="Extension to the photo of a person from the registry of requests" datefoto="Date photos from the registry of requests" confidence="A measure of the similarity of individuals when compared with a photo from the registry of requests" algsearch="Search type (1 - for a given TIN, 2 - for a given photo)" algsearchdescr="Type of search in text form" />

<!-- Block "Search in the database of missing people" -->

<resultsearch state="Status of the natural person" category="Classification of the status of the physical person in text form" lnameua="Last Name in Ukrainian" fnameua="Name in Ukrainian" mnameua="Patronymic in Ukrainian" lnameru="Last Name in Russian" fnameru="Name in Russian" mnameru="Patronymic in Russian" bdate="Date of birth" lostdate="date of disappearance" lostplace="Place of Extinction" restraint="preventive measure" contact="Contacts to inform" confidence="A measure of the similarity of individuals when compared with a photo from the base of the missing person" foto="base64 (Photo) photographing faces from the base of missing persons" fotoext="Extension to a photo of a person from the base of missing persons" />


<!-- Warnings from a credit history subject Client alert -->

<comp id="18" descr="Names of components">

<pret nonewdeal="Indication of reluctance to apply for new credit products, status of the FREEZE option activation: 0 – not activated, 1 – activated" nonewdealref=" Value of the indication of reluctance to apply for new credit products, status of the FREEZE option activation: 0 – no (option not activated), 1 – yes (option activated)" inn="TIN (for individuals)/EDRPOU (for legal entities)">

<pretension inn="TIN (for individuals)/EDRPOU (for legal entities)" crdeal="Transaction ID (reference)" source="Type of dispute (code from ref.48)" sourceref="Type of dispute (value from ref.48)" vdate="Application creation date" />

<commentcki comment="Comment of the subject of the credit history" vdate="Comment creation date" />

<plost pser="Series of passport declared lost (stolen) by the credit history subject" pnom="Passport number declared lost (stolen) by credit history subject" crdate="Date of submitting the application for loss/theft of the credit history subject’s passport in UBCH " ldate="Date of loss/theft of the credit history subject’s passport specified in the application to UBCH" />

<changedeal crdeal="Transaction identifier (reference)" changecode="Code for the reason of correction/deletion of data (Code from ref.62)" changeref="Text of the reason for correcting/deleting data (Value from ref.62)" vdate="Date of data correction/deletion " />



