
Request XML
( ** the parameters are transferred optionally if there is a credit history for this client from your organization)

title body:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<ubki sessid="Session key (obtained from the authorization API)">

<req_envelope descr="Request envelope">

<req_xml descr="Request object">

<!-- Request parameters -->

<request version="1.0" reqtype="Template code (code from ref.49): 'Identification' report – 12" reqreason="Request objective (code from ref.24)">

<!-- Parameters describing search criteria-->

<i reqlng="Search criteria language (code from ref.23)">

<!-- Subject identification parameters-->

<ident okpo="Tax/Taxpayer Identification Number (INN-RNUKPN, for individuals)/EDRPOU (for legal entities)"

lname="**Last name"

fname="**First name"

mname="**Middle name"

bdate="**Date of birth">



<cont ctype="Contact type (code from ref.10)"

cval="Contact value" />



<doc dtype="**Document type (code from ref.7)"

dser="**Document series"

dnom="Document number" />








Response XML


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<!-- System information part -->



<step name="Step name" stm="Step start stamp date" ftm="Step finish stamp date">

<!-- The trace part contains timing metrics of components generation steps -->



<error errtype="Error code (code from ref.0)" errtext="Error text (value from ref.0)">


<reqinfo reqid="Outgoing request ID generated by UBKI">


<!-- Information about the current status of the prepaid account part-->


<balance value="Total assets" date="Date" time="Time" />



<!-- Identification part -->

<comp id="1" descr="Components nameNames of components">

<cki inn="INN TIN of the credit history subject of credit history" /EDRPOU of the legal entity"

lname="SurnameLast name/Name of the legal entity"

fname="NameFirst name"

mname="Father’s Middle name"

reqlng="Search language (during searchwhile searching)/Identification language (during transmissiontransfer) (Code code from ref.23)"

reqlngref="Search language (during searchwhile searching)/Identification language (during transmissiontransfer) (Meaning value from ref.23)"

bdate="Date of Birthbirth">

<ident donor="A source Source of information (code from ref. 54)"

vdate="Date of the information of from this blockpart"

lng="Block representation Part presentation language (Code code from ref.23)"

lngref="Block representation Part presentation language (Meaning of value from ref.23)"

inn="INN SKI" TIN of the credit history subject"

lname="SurnameLast name"

fname="NameFirst name"

mname="Father’s Middle name"

bdate="Date of Birthbirth"

csex="Sex (Code code from ref.1)"

csexref="Sex (Meaning value from ref.1)"

family="Marital status (Code code from ref.2)"

familyref="Marital status (Meaning value from ref.2)"

ceduc="Education (Code code from ref.3)"

ceducref="Education (Meaning value from ref.3)"

cgrag="Citizenship (Code code from ref.4)"

cgragref="Citizenship (Meaning value from ref.4)"

spd="Availability Presence of SPD the business entity’s registration (Code code from ref.5)"

spdref="Availability Presence of SPD the business entity’s registration (meaning value from ref.5)"

sstate="Social status (Code code from ref.6)"

sstateref="Social status (Meaning value from ref.6)"

cchild="Number of children">

<!--This block part can and has to consist of must contain 1..* elementsitems-->


<!-- Block History of the Information History about place of work Employer part -->

<work wdonor="A source Source of information (code from ref. 54)"

vdate="Date of the information from this block informationpart"

lng="Block representation Part presentation language (Code code from ref.23)"

lngref="Block representation Part presentation language (Meaning value from ref.23)"

cdolgn="Occupational status Official position (Code code from ref.8)"

cdolgnref="Occupational status Official position (Meaning value from ref.8)"

wokpo="EGRPOU EDRPOU of the place of workemployer"

wname="Name of the place of work employer in the basic base language"

wstag="Work experienceLength of service, full years completed"

wdohod="Monthly customer Client’s monthly income">

<!--This block part can consist of contain 0..* elements-->


<!-- Block History of the Information History of the documents about Documents part -->

<doc ddonor="A source Source of information (code from ref. 54)"

vdate="Date of the information of from this blockpart"

lng="Block representation Part presentation language (Code code from ref.23)"

lngref="Block representation Part presentation language (Meaning value from ref.23)"

dtype="Document type (Code code from ref.7)"

dtyperef="Document type (Meaning value from ref.7)"

dser="Document series"

dnom="Document Numbernumber"

dterm="Validity termExpiration date"

dwho="Document is issued byissuer"

dwdt="Date of issue of the documentDocument issue date">

<!--This block has to consist of part must contain 1..* elements units and is filled with at least by one document-->


<!-- Block History of the Information History of addresses about Addresses part -->

<addr addonor="A source Source of information (code from ref. 54)"

vdate="Date of the information of from this blockpart"

lng="Block representation Part presentation language (Code code from ref.23)"

lngref="Block representation Part presentation language (Meaning value from ref.23)"

adtype="Address type (Code code from ref.9)"

adtyperef="Address type (Meaning value from ref.9)"

adcountry="country" Country (two-character code from ISO 3166 reference book)"

adindex="ZIP Postal code"




adcitytype="Settlement Locality type (Code code from ref.22)"

adcitytyperef="Settlement Locality type (Meaning value from ref.22)"





addrdirt="Address in one line row (in case if the address is not decomposed in the old data) as agreed with the Ukrainian Bureau of the Credit Historywill not be used in subsequent API versions, the field is deemed invalid starting from 13.11.2019)">

<!--This block has to consist of part must contain 1..* elements units and has to be filled, at least , with one address-->



<!-- Block for converting documents for validity -->


<identdocmvd found="Found? (Code from ref.27)"

foundref="Found? (Value from ref.27)"

foundtitle="Search result description"

pser="Series of the required passport"

pnom="Number of required passport or ID-card number"

dtype="Document type (Code from ref.7)"

dtyperef="Document type (Meaning from ref.7)">

<foundsource name="Data source for verification (Code from ref. 63)"

found="0/1 - digital indication of the presence of an invalid passport (Code from ref.27)"

foundref="Text indication of the presence of an invalid passport (Value from ref.27)" />

<!--This part must contain 1..* units and at least one document -->




<!-- Client alert -->

<comp id="18" descr="Names of componentsComponents name">

<pret nonewdeal="Indication Sign of reluctance to apply for draw up new credit loan products, connection status of the FREEZE option activation: 0 - not activatedenabled, 1 – activated- enabled"

nonewdealref=" Value The value of the indication sign of reluctance unwillingness to apply for draw up new credit products, the connection status of the FREEZE option activation: is 0 -no (the option is not activatedconnected), 1 -yes (the option activatedis connected)"

inn="TIN INN (for individualsnatural persons)/EDRPOU OKPO (for legal entities)">

<pretension inn="TIN INN (for individualsnatural persons)/EDRPOU OKPO (for legal entities)"

crdeal="Transaction ID identifier (reference)"

source="Type of dispute (code Disputing type (Code from ref.48)"

sourceref="Type of dispute (value Disputing type (Value from ref.48)"

vdate="Application Date of the request creation date" />

<commentcki comment="Comment Commentary of the subject of the credit history"

vdate="Comment Date of a comment creation date" />

<plost pser="Series of passport declared Passport series claimed by the client as lost (stolentheft) by the credit history subject"

pnom="Passport number declared by the client as lost (stolentheft) by credit history subject"

crdate="Date of submitting the ДDate of creation of an application for the loss/theft of the credit history subject’s a client's passport in UBKIUBCH"

ldate="Date The date of loss / theft of the credit history subject’s passport specified client's passport indicated in the application to UBKIin UBCH" />

<changedeal crdeal="Transaction identifier (reference)"

changecode="Code for the reason of correction/deletion of data (Code from ref.62)"

changeref="Text of the reason for correcting/deleting data (Value from ref.62)"

vdate="Date of data correction/deletion" />



<!-- "Information from the National Security and Defense Council’s sanctions list" part-->

<comp id="40" descr="Information from the National Security and Defense Council’s sanction list">

<rnbo found="0 – not located, 1 – located"

foundref="not located/located"

subname="Subject’s name"

bdate="Subject’s date of birth"

info="Information from the subject"

sanctions="Sanctions imposed"

sanctionsterm="Duration of sanctions"

edictdate="Date of the President’s decree"

enddate="Restriction end date"

url="Link to the document – confirmation"

typesearch="Search type (0 - search by full name and date of birth, 1 - search by full name, -1 - nothing found) - for individuals"

typesearchtext="Text interpretation of the type of search (0 - Found by full name and date of birth, 1 - Found by full name, matches with other subjects with the same data are possible, -1 - The subject is not subject to NSDC sanctions)" />

<!--This part can and must contain block has to consist of 1 .. * itemselements-->


<!-- "Information from the Public Register of Politically Exposed Persons of Ukraine" part-->

<comp id="41" descr="Information from the Public Register of Politically Exposed Persons of Ukraine">

<pep found="0 – not located, 1 – located "

foundref="not located/located"

subname="Subject’s name"

bdate="Subject’s date of birth"

category="Category of the politically exposed person"

lastpost="Last position"

dateofrelease="Date of leaving of the last position"

isur="Indication of legal entity"

state="Status of legal entity"

url="Link to the document – confirmation" />

<!--This part can and must contain block has to consist of 1 .. * itemselements-->


<!-- Phone Number Verification part -->

<comp id="44" descr="Names of components">

<contverif phone="Phone number verified"

mathch="Phones verification result (code from ref.56)"

matchref="Phones verification result in text format (ref. 56)">

<donortype donor="Source of information (code from ref. 54)" />





Test URL


Test data

  • bdate="1991-03-30" mname="ПЕТРОВИЧ" fname="ВАДИМ" lname="НИКОЛАЕВ" okpo="3332643095" dtype="1" dser="ДО" dnom="270000" cval="+380981220000" ctype="3"

  • bdate="1974-08-20" mname="БОГДАНОВИЧ" fname="БОГДАН" lname="БОГДАНОВ" okpo="2726020593"  dtype="17" dser="" dnom="001013900" cval="+380935171868" ctype="3"

  • bdate="1981-05-20" mname="ПЕТРОВНА" fname="МАРИЯ" lname="ИВАНЦОВА" okpo="2972566397" dtype="1" dser="СЕ" dnom="311111" cval="+380506630641" ctype="3"

  • bdate="1988-07-10" mname="ІВАНОВИЧ" fname="БОГДАН" lname="ПОШТАР" okpo="3233312116" dtype="1" dser="КО" dnom="220394" cval="+380971321122" ctype="3"

  • bdate="1991-04-06" mname="ВОЛОДИМИРОВИЧ" fname="ВОЛОДИМИР" lname="ТКАЧУК" okpo="3333312110" dtype="1" dser="ДД" dnom="222222" cval="+380732144444" ctype="3"

  • bdate="1985-03-20" mname="НИКИФОРОВНА" fname="АННА" lname="ЯРЦЕВА" okpo="3112579786" dtype="1" dser="СЮ" dnom="170000" cval="+380981224895" ctype="3"

  • bdate="1957-10-19" mname="ІГОРЕВНА" fname="АННА" lname="РИБАЧКА" okpo="2111118724" dtype="1" dser="ВВ" dnom="142228" cval="+380662134234" ctype="3"

  • bdate="1989-10-05" mname="ВАСИЛІВНА" fname="ІРІНА" lname="ГАРНА" okpo="3278508288" dtype="1" dser="АМ" dnom="578072" cval="+380962134234" ctype="3"

<comp id="18" descr="Попередження від СКІClient alert"> опція Freeze

okpo="один из примеров нижеone of the examples below" lname="Ivanov" fname="Ivan" mname="Ivanovitch" bdate="1975-01-01" dser="AH" dnom="454241" cval="380671234567" ctype="3"

  • 2230428028

  • 2269501369

  • 2274214699

  • 2293515103

<comp id="18" descr="Попередження від СКІ"> тег <changedeal>Client alert">  tag <changedeal> 

  • bdate="1991-03-30" mname="ПЕТРОВИЧ" fname="ВАДИМ" lname="НИКОЛАЕВ" okpo="3332643095" dtype="1" dser="ДО" dnom="270000" cval="+380981220000" ctype="3"

<comp <comp id="40" descr="Інформація з списку санкцій РНБОInformation from the National Security and Defense Council’s sanctions list">

  • bdate="1989-10-05" mname="ВАСИЛІВНА" fname="ІРІНА" lname="ГАРНА" okpo="3278508288" dtype="1" dser="АМ" dnom="578072" cval="+380962134234" ctype="3"

<comp id="41" descr="Інформація з відкритого реєстру національних громадських діячів України">,Information from the Public Register of Politically Exposed Persons of Ukraine"> 

  • bdate="1981-05-20" mname="ПЕТРОВНА" fname="МАРИЯ" lname="ИВАНЦОВА" okpo="2972566397" dtype="1" dser="СЕ" dnom="311111" cval="+380506630641" ctype="3"
